Just the opposite is true . Just because the last few popes have been kinder and gentler in recent centuries does not mean that the conversion of the people of Israel is not or should not be undertaken again .
All those people who do not follow the church of God should be converted and Jews are among those people .
They are destine for hell in the eyes of the old church and it is only recent teachings that have adopted a leave them alone attitude .
A holy war can begin again at any moment with the forced conversion or death of those who do not accept the teachings of Jesus .
Anyone who is against the church is to be condemned .
The natives of south America where for the most part forced to convert or die .
This means that hundreds of thousands of native born South Americans where forced at the blade of Spanish swords to convert .
Hugo is Among those people who's ancestors where converted and today speaks out against the Jews who do in fact have a tradition of charging interest and creating vast fortunes from interest during the last 20 centuries in opposition to Jesus teaching .Money changing and interest collection is the work of evil men .
Hugo is just reminding the people what they stand for and believe in .
Being against the Jews and the practices of Jews is after all what any Good Christians should do .
Now the only reason this is true is that Hugo believes his bible .
IS he wrong for defending his faith . I think not . he is doing the best he can as one of the people destroyed by religion .
Religion is the scourge of mankind .Every religion on earth is man made and if anyone is to blame it is those who continue the practice and teaching of religion to the youth of this world . It is silly to think that praying does any good .
People with colds still die and prayers are still said to save the sick .
Medication and proper treatment saves lives ,Jesus does not .
A healthy mental attitude can speed recovery yet prayer does nothing .
I have seen articles that explain and proffers the Idea that prayer cures people .
This is as dangerous as people with breast cancer opting for prayer rather then surgery which can and does often prolong the life of those who suffer .
What do you tell the diabetic who's legs need to be amputated or he will surely die . Pray and God will cure you .
The only thing prayer ever does is over those with religious believes some encouragement and support from the community .
o they say how many times payer fails . The grave yards around churches tell the story . Read the markers and do an age comparison study time of birth and death and see if Jesus is saving lives ,prolonging the faithfuls lives . The death rates are characteristically similar to all death rates .Even those of Pagans and witch doctors ,voodoo , and Hindu . Strange that no matter opnes faith or lack of it we all die in the same manner .
You think people by now would come to accept that religion is pure bunk and the police should arrest those who sell religion and collect donations rather then support them in the community .
Hugo is a victim of is own indoctrination and he has every right to speak against the Jews according to his own religion and its history .
By the way communism is atheist and does not allow religion so I do not know about all the commie calling by the U.S. is about .
He may be trying to work with and help the poor under communism in places like Cuba .
He certailey can not be communist and christian at the same time .
Believe what you hear and see or what you know to be true .