Today a million Iraqis marched to end the US occupation. What part of Iraqi freedom can't Bush understand?
Longhaired Freaky Person
2007-04-09 11:31:10 UTC
And, of course, some general said Iraqis are now free to protest their military occupation. He ignores that a million Iraqis also marched against war BEFORE Bush invaded.
23 answers:
leonard bruce
2007-04-09 11:45:49 UTC
I read the reports that the whole of the third infantry is being deployed out among the residents of Baghdad today over the protest and America has declared martial law with a curfew. I don't call that freedom, and the Iraqis don't either.
just the facts
2007-04-09 11:42:19 UTC
Well, Longhair, it looks as if you should also be called "tall tales". All the reports I saw on this protest said "tens of thousands" As GW would say, "Your figures are a little fuzzy". Also, check this out::::::::::Ask most Americans if they were aware that Iraqis, by almost a 2-to-1 margin, believe that life today is better than it was under Saddam Hussein, and you’d most likely elicit incredulousness, blank stares or outright laughter. Not because it isn’t true, though. It is. The mainstream media just forgot to mention it. In the past month, two surveys that involved face-to-face interviews with thousands of ordinary Iraqis have been released. While each contained significantly different results, both provided substantial evidence that Iraqis are not nearly as gloomy as Americans have been told to believe... Considering the daily drumbeat of dim news from the cradle of civilization, any reasonable person would expect that ordinary Iraqis rued the day we liberated them. Mainstream media execs defend the tenor of the coverage, reminding us that the news business must report what is new... Reporting news events without context, however, can easily create dangerously false perceptions. The context we do have, though, has been fashioned by the mainstream media to fit journalists’ views of the reality in Iraq. This massaging of the news has had consequences. Following year after year of almost exclusively grim news out of Iraq—even when positive stories such as the 2005 poll were readily available to cover—Americans have now soured on a war they once strongly supported.” —Joel Mowbray Does this tend to put a damper on your apparent enthusiastic welcome of this protest?
Stone K
2007-04-09 12:34:26 UTC
article says hundreds of thousands, and the papers i read says tens of thousands. neither of those number are a million. the article also says "Expected" so the number has not reached that number and there is a chance it will not reach that number.

re-do your math.

and did you also notice the ones marching are led by the guy who is killing innocent people and American troops. gee I wonder where their political opinions lie...

So you are saying we should do what the guy who wants to kill and has been killing every one who disagrees with him wants...

yeah good idea there.

As for the second article, wow psyops was involved... what a freaking revelation. So was it a psyops guy with the hammer trying to knock down the statue before the army even arrived? or were they psyops guys with ropes trying to pull the statue down before any soldiers were in the area? because if you recall that's what was happening before the troops even arrived.

and really a great article, it does not even provide any proof or sources except speculation from some one who is opposed to the war anyhow.

Congrats you made another pointless and biased question.

you should congratulate your self.
2007-04-09 12:42:36 UTC
His low IQ is not letting him believe that Iraqis don't want them there......they want their land free of US occupation !! He is still believing he has acted like a superman for them and made them get rid of saddam(thats wht he is telling the world)........ But Alas those Iraqis are living even miserable life now !! and they hate this evil " Hero" and want him to say Good By to their land !
2007-04-09 11:40:17 UTC
Does seem to contradict everything Bush has ever said about Iraq and Saddam .

I thought he was protecting the oil pipeline when he gassed those villagers who where tampering with the oil supply .

Provided women for his soldiers to have sex with in prisons .

Hey besides martha stewert how many old women go to prison .
2007-04-09 11:38:54 UTC
Amazing isn't it... Muqtada al-Sader tells them to march against the US when he is one of those responsible for all the Iraqi deaths.. Media has quite a bit of influence ..... I remember the real Iraqis celebrating in the streets after Saddam fell and then the insurgents came...
2007-04-09 11:45:19 UTC
President Bush doesn't read the paper, watch the news or like when his subordinates give him bad news. I would guess that he is more oblivious to world events than people think. He lives in some sort of feel-good, 'My plan is working' bubble.
2007-04-09 11:55:09 UTC
ummm the article says that the BBC said they expected up to 1m doesnt say how many but says hundreds of thousands.. no way to know how many but poitn is

its al Sadr that rallied these people. Its the radical group protesting.

Remember thats still only a small fraction of the population..
2007-04-09 11:41:33 UTC
Good Ole Public Schooling, now 5-7 thousand equals Millions...
2007-04-09 11:35:36 UTC
If we leave then we lose the POWER. Our government doesn't want another country in the middle east turned into an Islamic state, they want to create a secular, U.S. friendly government.
2007-04-09 11:36:07 UTC
A million? I don't think so. The only reason they marched was because Al-Sadr told them to do so. Don't look at a headline and take it for face value, go deeper.
2007-04-09 11:52:35 UTC
The 20 million that stayed home in FEAR
2007-04-09 12:47:02 UTC
The initial name for the "operation" was to be called O.I.L. THAT he undersands and NOTHING else. Down with Dictator Dumbya!!!
jeb black
2007-04-09 11:40:05 UTC
Iraqis wants us out, americans want us out, our military wants out, the world wants us out. Bush stays the course. Priceless.
2007-04-09 11:37:53 UTC
Mookie unfortunately doesn't work for the government of Iraq that has asked us to stay. Or didn't you notice that? Did they mention that in you talking points?
2007-04-09 11:36:13 UTC
Yet, no one seems to want to confront the question of what would happen after our troops come home...
2007-04-09 11:35:19 UTC
Yea they march against the war with gun to their backs.

The mear fact they had protest today shows they have more freedom than they did before.

I know something liberals don't want people to have.
2007-04-09 11:36:41 UTC
10,000 is not a million, and a ball-point pen is not a #2 pencil.

Exaggerated facts to get your liberal agenda across.
mark k
2007-04-09 11:36:02 UTC
Bush invaded? I wondered where he has been lately!
2007-04-09 12:53:44 UTC
he doesn't care- he is the decider
2007-04-09 11:35:28 UTC
why dony u go and live there if iraq is so free,u would soon come running home to mummy.
2007-04-09 11:34:54 UTC
where are you getting a million from?
Barack O Bankrupt
2007-04-09 11:37:40 UTC
Let me remind you of some names that voted for "Bush's War."

* Gary Ackerman (D-NY 5th)

2. * Rob Andrews (D-NJ 1st)

3. * Jim Barcia (D-MI 5th)

4. * Ken Bentsen (D-TX 25th)

5.* Shelley Berkley (D-NV 1st)

6. * Howard Berman (D-CA 26th)

7. * Marion Berry (D-AR 1st)

8. * Sanford Bishop (D-GA 2nd)

9. * Rod Blagojevich (D-IL 5th)

10. * Bob Borski (D-PA 3rd)

11. * Leonard Boswell (D-IA 3rd)

12. * Richard Boucher (D-VA 9th)

13. * Allen Boyd (D-FL 2nd)

14. * Brad Carson (D-OK 2nd)

15. * Bob Clement (D-TN 5th)

16. * Robert Cramer (D-AL 5th)

17. * Philip Crane (D-IL 8th)

18. * Joseph Crowley (D-NY 7th)

19. * Jim Davis (D-FL 11th)

20. * Peter Deutsch (D-FL 20th)

21. * Norman ***** (D-WA 6th)

22. * Cal Dooley (D-CA 20th)

23. * Chet Edwards (D-TX 11th)

24. * Eliot L. Engel (D-NY 17th)

25. * Bob Etheridge (D-NC 2nd)

26.* Harold Ford (D-TN 9th)

27. * Martin Frost (D-TX 26th)

28. * Dick Gephardt (D-MO 3rd)

29.* Bart Gordon (D-TN 6st)

30. * Gene Green (D-TX 29th)

31. * Jane Harman (D-CA 36th)

32. * Melissa Hart (D-PA 4th)

33. * Baron Hill (D-IN 9th)

34. * Joe Hoeffel (D-PA 4th)

35. * Tim Holden (D-PA 6th)

36. * Steny Hoyer (D-MD 5th)

37. * Steve Israel (D-NY 2nd)

38. * William Jefferson (D-LA 2nd)

39. * Chris John (D-LA 7th)

40. * Paul Kanjorski (D-PA 11th)

41. * Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI 1st)

42.* Ron Kind (D-WI 3rd)

43. * Nick Lampson (D-TX 11th)

44. * Tom Lantos (D-CA 12th)

45. * Nita Lowey (D-NY 18th)

46. * Ken Lucas (D-KY 4th)

47. * Steve Lynch (D-MA 9th)

48. * Carolyn Maloney (D-NY 14th)

49. * Ed Markey (D-MA 7th)

50. * Frank Mascara (D-PA 20th)

51. * Jim Matheson (D-UT 2nd)

52. * Mike McIntyre (D-NC 7th)

53. * Michael McNulty (D-NY 21th)

54. * Martin T. Meehan (D-MA 5th)

55.* Dennis Moore (D-KS 3rd)

56.* John Murtha (D-PA 12th)

57. * Bill Pascrell(D-NJ 8th)

58.* Collin C. Peterson (D-MN 7th)

59. * Earl Pomeroy (D-ND At large)

60. * Tim Roemer (D-IN 3rd)

61. * Mike Ross (D-AR 4th)

62. * Steve Rothman (D-NJ 9th)

63. * Max Sandlin (D-TX 1st)

64. * Adam Schiff (D-CA 27th)

65.* Brad Sherman (D-CA 24th)

66. * Ronnie Shows (D-MS 4th

67. * Ike Skelton (D-MO 4th)

68. * Adam Smith (D-WA 9th)

69. * John Spratt (D-SC 5th)

70. * Charles Stenholm (D-TX 17th)

71. * John S. Tanner (D-TN 8th)

72. * Ellen Tauscher (D-CA 10th)

73. * Gene Taylor (D-MS 5th)

74. * Karen Thurman (D-FL 5th)

75. * Greg Walden (D-OR 2nd)

76. * Henry Waxman (D-CA 29th)

77. * Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY 9th)

78. * Robert Wexler (D-FL 19th)

79. * Albert Wynn (D-MD 4th)


* Max Baucus (D-MT)

1. * Evan Bayh (D-IN)

2.* Joe Biden (D-DE)

3.* John Breaux (D-LA)

4. * Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

5. * Jean Carnahan (D-MO)

6. * Tom Carper (D-DE)

7. * Max Cleland (D-GA)

8. * Hillary Clinton (D-NY)

9. * Tom Daschle (D-SD)

10.* Christopher Dodd (D-CT)

11.* Byron Dorgan (D-ND)

12. * John Edwards (D-NC)

13. * Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

14.* Tom Harkin (D-IA)

15. * Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

16.* Tim Johnson(D-SD)

17. * John Kerry (D-MA)

18. * Herb Kohl (D-WI)

19. * Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

20. * Joe Lieberman (D-CT)

21. * Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)

22.* Zell Miller (D-GA)

23. * Bill Nelson (D-FL)

24. * Ben Nelson (D-NE)

25.* Harry Reid (D-NV)

26. * Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

27. ** Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

28.* Robert Torricelli (D-NJ)

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