Something is happening in America.
The population is becoming aware of the game DURING THE GAME.
@SO........."If you think there is no differenc between the two, you obviously aren't paying attention."
Obama signed two extensions of the Patriot Act, signed NDAA into law (allows for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charges), assassinated an American citizen (Bush didn't even do this), kept Guantanamo open (after promising to close it in his first year), kept Monsanto people high up in the FDA (Christine Escobar), still raids legal medical marijuana facilities (after saying he would stop this practice), tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan (morphed it from an anti-terror campaign to a nation building campaign), kept Bush's guy running the federal reserve (Seriously...Bush's guy?), helped arm Mexican drug cartels (Operation Fast and Furious), extended the Bush tax cuts, opposed any effort to re-institute Glass-Steagall (which separates commercial from investment banking), mandated all citizens make a purchase from a for-profit company (rehashed REPUB. idea from the early 90s)....
And then of course there's the kill lists, the PhRMA deal, the drone strikes, the refusal to enforce immigration laws (I mean it's not like Obama is the top law enforcement officer......oh wait), the unwillingness to replace a corrupt and/or inept Attorney General etc. etc
Romney would have done about 90% IDENTICAL.