I have just read an article in the news this morning about the decline of interest in politics.
In that article the following was stated.
"The Hansard Society has reported a poll in which only 42% of people say they are interested in politics"
It did not give any age ranges and personally i wonder how diverse the age ranges for this are. I know lots of older people that also have no interest in politics.
Im sure a lot of people will disagree with me here but i think perhaps politics should be taught in schools at secondary level.
One of the things i find fairly staggering is the amount of people who have no understanding of the different political philosophies. So many people have no understanding of what the differences are between Communism, Socialism or National Socialism.
So many people seem to lack the basic understanding of what our current Democracy really is and what it should really be.
These basics should be taught in school. If the younger population of our country had a better basic grasp of different political philosophies they may be more interested in politics. Of course i think we need to be careful as we do not want a system where young people can be indoctrinated into certain political ideologies but we also can't afford to just sit back and do nothing.
The benefits of teaching these basics in school would be that in time we would have more people interested in politics. It would also mean that our politicians would have to be better because more of the electorate would be aware of and interested in politics.
In the UK at the moment we have had successive governments that think it is acceptable to tell lies to the electorate. The Iraq war over weapons of mass destruction and the election campaign promise by Cameron stating no top down reorganisation of the NHS are good examples of this.
The way that politicians can tell lies to the electorate and get away without any form of punishment is truly disgusting. This does huge damage to our democracy as it causes people to become apathetic towards politics.
The House of Lords is also another example of why our politics is not very democratic. The Lords are not voted into office by the people.
There are a great many reasons why some people decide to take no interest in politics. Lack of interest in politics is not just the preserve of the young.
EDIT:- To respond to your response to me.
I agree with your response to me pretty much.
"But how do you change this ??? The only answer is a peoples revolution - a general strike."
I wish i had all the answers but unfortunately i do not.
I agree that MP's appear to take no notice of protest, letters, people dying etc. They only appear to be interested in what gains they can secure for themselves. Our system appears to be suffering from a lot of corruption and there appears to be not accountability.
Sadly i do not think a general strike will change anything either. When looking at strikes such as the miners strike it would appear to me that the government would fight them tooth and nail. A general strike would be hard to organise and i have doubts that the 58% of people who are not interested in politics would have any real interest in taking part in a general strike. On top of that 58% there would also be a section of society that want to see the system carry on as it is as they are gaining from it.
I would love to think that a general strike could work but sadly i have little faith that it would.
I really only see two alternatives and i do not think that either is likely to happen within my life time.
1. Education.
Educate the young about politics like i suggested in my answer.
2. A full blown revolution like we are witnessing in places such as Egypt.
Personally i prefer the education route as it means that less damage is done to our society. It means that lives will not be lost in any of the fighting that may occur from a full blown revolution like we are witnessing in places like Egypt.
I would love to see society change into a society that truly knows the meaning of empathy, fairness, equality, civilised, enlightened and the like.
I would love to see a brighter future than the one that we currently see for our society but given our past history is seems like it is nothing more than a distant dream. Im sure it will come one day but i think it is a long way off. We have come a long way since the days of cavemen and for sure we have a long way still to go.