It's round the outside. Peace is inside and comes out. In some quite unusual ways sometimes.
The master is hidden the peace. Those other "masters" are round the outside too. They can't get in here anyway without learning about peace and then they aren't that kind of master anyway, because peace is for everyone. It's not even remotely possible to compete for peace.
And we don't really need to blame people. A sense of separation has been around a long time, so people kind of get disconnected, so the peace is still there, and even if we do things in a way where we may seem to blame people, as soon as it's clear peace is expanding out then the "masters" can be more connected and have more proper aware peace as well. At root it's only that sense of separation, that gets people thinking they are somehow on the right or wrong side of some drawn line on the outside, and not really getting the peace.
We can always be aware of how we are working and go "within" and get back to the peace there. So one thing that's important. But not with feeling blaming, feeling scope for positive change. Then not sad and just the right amount of stress for it to be fully healthy and sustainable and without losing the peace so the stress is enjoyment. And it's firm (extremely firm if necessary to keep peace expanding) boundaries plus way open to reconnect for benefit all round including "masters".
And I've played a chess game where all the pieces were on the other side, and turned the board around without mincing any words, and still didn't leave without something that was giving peace back. And I've got my way back, and haven't finished because there are others that need their way as well.
It's different for each, because there's a level to find, and people are in different places at a time. So it's you level, what brings you to experience awareness (of self first) and peace and appropriate action when not blaming or angry but can still even go off like a volcano if that's the way. And it'll get there, because it's always ourselves first. Whole navigation system in all that we are. So then we know what to do. And profit and stuff, that's behind, not caught up yet. Know they feel separate and disconnected if that dominates, so it's compensatory and not fulfilled and in the full depth of being.
There are people who think they are above others and in charge, but don't recognise even very ordinary basic senses that are very easy to recognise and think they shouldn't be there. And there are loads of senses that can be all used two ways all at once and at the same time be in complete peace and contentment.
Changing minds about each other would help, same essence of humanity nearer the centre and the diversity round the outside fits if people let it. But from that essence it's one anyway with branches. So it would be like cutting off your own limbs.