2011-01-04 06:48:18 UTC
People’s retirement savings are a convenient source of revenue for governments that don’t want to reduce spending or make privatizations. The most striking example is Hungary, where last month the government made the citizens an offer they could not refuse. They could either remit their individual retirement savings to the state, or lose the right to the basic state pension (but still have an obligation to pay contributions for it). In this extortionate way, the government wants to gain control over $14bn of individual retirement savings.
The New Jersey state government wants to benefit financially from unused gift cards and officials argue it would be for the public good.
State Treasurer Andrew Eristoff confirmed to the Assembly Budget Committee Wednesday that the Christie administration will propose legislation that would enable the state to gain control of the money that goes unspent from partially — or unused gift cards, something officials said is already done in 28 other states.
So when will the federal government start doing this to the US Citizens?