Can someone find me a political cartoon?
2009-09-16 18:47:00 UTC
I need a political cartoon about basic rights. I'm doing a project on the Ninth Amendment, and my partner and I could only find one cartoon pertaining to our topic. Can you please please please help me, and find one political cartoon about the ninth amendment or just basic rights of the people? Thanks guys <33

Oh, and btw; the project is due tomorrow, haha. I need one now, :)
Seven answers:
sci enthusiast
2009-09-16 19:03:40 UTC
Join, Or Die! It's considered to be the first ever political cartoon and it was created by Ben Franklin prior to the American Revolution. It was originally designed to promote an image of colonial unity during the French and Indian War, but was later adopted as a symbol of freedom of oppression from England during the American Revolution. The 9th amendment was created to account for all the other basic rights not listed in the Bill of Rights. It essentially protects Americans from government infringement on rights that aren't listed. The symbolism of "Join, Or Die" plays into the 9th amendment, in that, the patriots used "Join, Or Die" to represent freedom from British infringement on basic rights. Hope it works!

See Sources for more and image.
2016-11-04 06:42:28 UTC
9th Amendment Political Cartoon
2016-03-17 10:04:28 UTC
IMO: No. Political cartoons usually use witty humor to portray a political event. Usually to mock a person, make fun of an event. Similar to what this is doing but its how its represented and presented. This comic is just a basic mock. No humor or wit involved. Low level at best This is just poking fun at Bush.
2016-04-03 10:25:51 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

absolutely, it demonstrates how George Bush is lying to the nation and fooling in iraq, and because we can't prove it, i mean it is known, but because we are giving a political opinion on a matter that is not likely to be supported by fats through this artwork, music, painting, comic or etc..... it gives that object or artwork or whatever a political stand.
2015-08-19 12:36:59 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Can someone find me a political cartoon?

I need a political cartoon about basic rights. I'm doing a project on the Ninth Amendment, and my partner and I could only find one cartoon pertaining to our topic. Can you please please please help me, and find one political cartoon about the ninth amendment or just basic rights of the people?...
2009-09-16 18:55:13 UTC
You can't find any with all the liberals in the business.
2009-09-16 18:51:55 UTC

the (in)justice system has gone to far, they are nazis in disguise

edit: these two are good ones

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