2020-11-17 23:32:28 UTC
While Biden may not be a horrible man and may be less radical than the other Communists in his party- he is a puppet to them. The bug eyed devil AOC, the Terrorist Omar and the rest of the “Squad” and his virulently racist man hating VP- they control Puppet Biden. What they days go, and they have actively been calling for revenge on Conservatives.
Donald Trump never had to convince me to vote for him; Donald Trump only CONFIRMED what i already had come to know about liberals - that they hate christianity, hate Israel, love to murder babies, think all men are rapists, and think all whites and all police are racist and that blacks should be above the law. And i guarantee you MANY other Trump voters felt that way too
Trump didnt change anyone- people already had their minds made up, and these divisions democrats accuse trump of creating have existed long before Trump
So why the HELL do democrats think expect or demand that Conservatives abandon their beliefs and cooperate with them?