Why do Republicans want to spend US Treasury money like Drunken Sailors?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do Republicans want to spend US Treasury money like Drunken Sailors?
48 answers:
Jim S
2008-09-22 11:42:58 UTC
Most democrats support Bush on this. In Fact, Polosi was quoted as saying that this is one thing she has ever supported Bush on.

So, both republicans and democrats are spending your savings away. YOur government is corrupt and incompotent and its time we woke up to this fact. We need this recession, back in 2001-2003 when we bailed out the mortgate mess, we needed a recession then, but all we did was create a credit bubble instead which is blowing up now. So, now were facing a bigger storm, but we still need to take it, Do you really believe its possible we can borrow and spend forever. THe Forces of economic law are coming to washington and the usa, the end is coming.
2008-09-22 11:46:15 UTC
Actually, when you mention drunken sailors, Teddy Kennedy comes to mind.
Bill G
2008-09-22 11:42:46 UTC
If you dems aren't responsible for the financial crisis, why aren't you calling for congressional investigations into what happenned? Hmmmmm........

Quick! Put your hands in your ears and go, "Lalalalala"
♥ Mel
2008-09-22 11:42:44 UTC
You are so very educated. Not one word of you question is true.

51% of Congress are democrats. They have the checkbook and load ,Not Bush. Geesh!!

McCain is not a Drunken Sailor.i hope you can prove this is defamation of character.
mr p
2008-09-22 11:47:46 UTC
i am getting my money out of the bank's, these guy's have gone off the deep end
Michael M
2008-09-22 11:42:07 UTC
Its the Dems that are in control of congress.
2008-09-22 11:41:07 UTC
why do you make random generalizations to describe people?
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2008-09-22 11:40:49 UTC
Dem's are for entitlements that never stop...this spending has an end...
2008-09-22 11:48:07 UTC
Bush can't spend a dime without the Democrat congress behind him.

I assume you're going to vote Republican in November to get those free spending Dems out of there?
2008-09-22 12:02:05 UTC
At this moment both Dems and Republicans are speaking out against the bail outs in Congress. This may take longer than expected.
Loyd/Mary P
2008-09-22 13:31:03 UTC
If you had ever been in a combat situation and did actually participate in combat where your best friends head suddenly disappeared and you had blood all over you , you would not make such judgements nor would you even joke or make fun of anyone who had . If you had to live for 6 years in a cell so small that it is not even big enough for one , much less the 6 - 12 people they put in them and feed them rice with bugs , maggots and such in it , and had to wonder every day if you would live to see the next day , who wouldn't drink and try to forget everything that they coudn't then nor can they now . You do not evenknow what branch of the service the man was in . He was an air force pilot that got shot down while supporting US troops in Viet Nam and he was captured and held for six years . Not a pretty picture , but now he has gotten back on track , does not drink anymore , did not use drugs like Mr. Obama says he did for many years as a young person . At least we know McCain is 100% American and not a Muslim , I mean Obama does not even know if he is white , black , Muslim , American or what . To him he is whatever group he is lying to at the moment .

His book says that in tough times HE Will back the Muslim Nations , and he wants to turn the US over to the UN . At least do some research on them both before you start slandering one or both of them . Try , I know this is very hard for democrats )
2016-05-26 07:36:03 UTC
Obama is great at demonizing republicans and accusing them of standing in the way. Problem is, if the left wing were bright enough to have a 'ah-ha' moment, they'd realize that the less legislation coming out of this left wing Congress, the better. Hey, I know people are hurting, but the majority of them haven't been persuing employment, many have given up. I mean if you haven't found a way to sustain yourself after 99 weeks, you don't need any more free-be's. The more you offer, the more people will take it. The milk of the teet has run dry, the country is going bankrupt. We can't afford Obama robbing the treasury to spend on non-stimulating Stimulus bills.
2008-09-22 13:02:17 UTC
Clinton deregulated wall street

An agreement between the Clinton administration and congressional Republicans, reached during all-night negotiations which concluded in the early hours of October 22, sets the stage for passage of the most sweeping banking deregulation bill in American history, lifting virtually all restraints on the operation of the giant monopolies which dominate the financial system.

The proposed Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 would do away with restrictions on the integration of banking, insurance and stock trading imposed by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, one of the central pillars of Roosevelt's New Deal. Under the old law, banks, brokerages and insurance companies were effectively barred from entering each others' industries, and investment banking and commercial banking were separated.

The certain result of repeal of Glass-Steagall will be a wave of mergers surpassing even the colossal combinations of the past several years. The Wall Street Journal wrote, "With the stroke of the president's pen, investment firms like Merrill Lynch & Co. and banks like Bank of America Corp., are expected to be on the prowl for acquisitions." The financial press predicted that the most likely mergers would come from big banks acquiring insurance companies, with John Hancock, Prudential and The Hartford all expected to be targeted.

Kenneth Guenther, executive vice president of Independent Community Bankers of America, an association of small rural banks which opposed the bill, warned, "This is going to begin a wave of major mergers and acquisitions in the financial-services industry. We're moving to an oligopolistic situation."
2008-09-22 12:54:47 UTC
The Republicans are trying to carry the drunken' democrats back to their hostel. Which party is spending the money?

The Executive Branch which recommends budgets...or

The Congressional Branch which allocates the money.

You know the answer: Congressional Democrats control the Congressional Branch of Government and NOT ONE PENNY can be spent without their leadership, rum, glasses and ice.

So drink up! We are now on a heck of a BINGE!

Toast to the Change we did not need or want! An Obama highball please.
2008-09-22 13:11:43 UTC
Huh? The democrats control both the house and the senate. The President cannot spend a single penny. Can only veto the bills that come to his desk. Your question is so good, so telling. Bush asked for this 700Billion bailout. Lets see if the Democrats will spend and approve this bailout, or add to it. It is in their hands to accept or reject. Lets see how different our two parties really are. Your statement is so synical in such a precarious time. I hope you watch how our congress addresses this bailout. If it is approved, look inwardly.
2008-09-22 14:09:32 UTC
History 101:

Congress with presidential consent controls/spends the money.

President=Republican for last 8 years

Congress=Republican majority far last 12 years (Dem's in control since Jan, 10 months)

Deficit tripled, last 8 years

GDP lowest in 25 years

Unemployment highest in rate 25 years

Foreclosures highest percentage EVER

TAXES highest per ca pita on largest percentage of Americans EVER

TAXES lowest corporate rate ever

Highest number of under/non insured working Americans in history

Energy prices highest cost EVER per ca pita for every american


Republicans REAL fiscal conservatives.

So for all the people now trying to say that because the Dem's Control Congress ( for 10 months) they are some how responsible for everything that is happening now, wake the hell up.
2008-09-22 13:19:24 UTC
yeah and i bet that 5 years at that Hanoi Hilton would have changed anyone. Vietnam was no picnic. If any man can survive that hes got my vote for sure. and 26 years in the senate with a record that speaks of no earmarks. at least he will look you in the eye and give you an answer to your question. his life is an open book! better than having a fruit cake in the white house for sure. I use to be a fan of Biden till i read where he asked for 700,000 plus to research oyster beds roflllllllllllllll if that isnt waste i dont know what is, and Obama has one of the highest in the senate for asking for junk money like that in his first year in the senate. look it up its a matter of public record. Obama in case you didnt know has pledged 25 billion more if he is elected for foreign aide to other nations, didnt hear him say a word about setting aside money for aide to people in Texas who just lost all they had in that hurricane. give me a break 25 billion extra for foreign aide. ? not even.
2008-09-22 12:59:48 UTC
Treasury money is not "real" money as it has no standard to back it up. The Illuminati want one world government so having our dollar weak is first priority to a global currency, that is why there is no gold standard.

The real issue you need to worry about is redistribution of wealth, because once it starts in America the next step is to redistribute USA wealth worldwide. The poorest of the poor here are better of than 95% of the rest of the world. So expect huge lifestyle changes in the next 4 years!
2008-09-22 12:00:21 UTC
The United States House Committee on Financial Services (or House Banking Committee) oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking, and housing industries. The Committee also oversees the work of the Federal Reserve, the United States Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and other financial services regulators. It is chaired by Barney Frank (D-MA)
2008-09-22 13:13:18 UTC
Realistically (which might not interest a liberal), both parties are falling all over themselves to pass these bailouts. Only Congress can approve Federal spending, and there happens to be a Democrat majority at the moment.
Roberto J
2008-09-22 13:10:48 UTC
both parties are for it,

and companies who agree become part of the US govermnet like an agency and the US govrmnemnt regulates it

the democrats always want the US to control the economy more strictly
2008-09-22 13:17:56 UTC
Why do Democrats let them, and contribute to the problem? The Democrats control congress, and congress controls the treasury.
2008-09-22 11:58:10 UTC
Because they've seen how Democrats get elected year after year by giving out other people's money for votes, and figured they finally wanted a piece of that power pie.

And as a Conservative, I disagree with what the Republicans have done over the last 8 years and think they should be run out of office by true fiscal Conservatives.
2008-09-22 13:14:05 UTC
This is a bipartisian deal. There is plenty of blame to go around.

To compare anyone today to how they might have acted forty years ago is foolish.

Do you act the same way you did when you were 13?
2008-09-22 12:39:53 UTC
Are you even paying attention? No republican wants this. A bunch are keeping their mouths shut because we NEED this, but nobody WANTS this. Wake up. This isn't a game anymore of right vs. left, blue vs. red, and these partisan diatribes amount to nothing more than a display of ignorance.
I am me and no one else
2008-09-22 12:05:24 UTC
well you do realize that if idealist democrats and alan greedspan hadn't pushed to change the regulations on the banks in the 90's that this fall out of the economy wouldn't have happened right? Not to mention that if people would just quit thinking they were entitled to live in a house they can't afford because their neighbor is... well you know the rest...
One Man Army
2008-09-22 13:06:26 UTC
He probably got shot down, BECAUSE he was drunk.

Republicans (not all of them, just the ones that have tarnished that name) only work for themselves - and their friends - and so they spend other people's money in order to further their cause. Which is making them and their children and their children's children, wealthy for generations to come.
2008-09-22 12:45:50 UTC
Change 'Republicans' to 'congresspersons' and your question may take on some semblance to a truth. I think both parties are equally guilty in their passion to spend America into bankruptcy.
2008-09-22 12:45:38 UTC
You ever seen a reasonable and responsible Republican who does not empty the treasure before they leave office. NO!

GWB is even worse than his father and Republican predecessor.

His navy record had be done and over with....should have no bearing except the fact that he will be like every other Republican and their irresponsible ways; in which they all have in common.
2008-09-22 11:42:39 UTC
Well they want to do it so that the WORLD ECONOMY doesn't collapse. As goes the U.S. economy so goes the World Economy in general. I'm not saying that the World would collapse just because the U.S. is, but considering the rest of the World is starting to have problems having our banks fails WON'T help. The Govt wants to help make sure the banks, and therefore the economy, doesn't fail. In time the Govt will sell these things off and get rid of them again. However since the Democrats usually like the Govt regulations(consider MAKING everyone have health care for starters) you'd think they'd LIKE the idea of the Govt having the banks.
2008-09-22 12:53:10 UTC
The hungry pigs emptied the treasury trough, and now they simply want us to give them another trillion to consume.
2008-09-22 12:16:47 UTC
Who cares what republicans want. They cannot do anything without the democratically controlled congress agreeing.
2008-09-22 12:39:00 UTC
Who controls congress and why can't the democratic majority stop them. Is it because they are voting along side with them? I think that is the correct answer.
Deece 1
2008-09-22 12:18:59 UTC
What makes you think Republicans are the only ones in charge of the U.S Treasury ?


Obama admitted to doing drugs and Drinking ! and he still smokes he just diddnt say what he is smokin !!
2008-09-22 12:12:11 UTC
why is it that the majority of congress are democrats and are spending US treasury money like drunken sailors?
2008-09-22 12:06:56 UTC
some people are so ignorant!


alcohol... cocaine... legal... illegal...

navy pilot hero... community organizer

and the list goes on...
2008-09-22 12:09:39 UTC
It was Chris Dodd and he needs to go to jail. Do some research
2008-09-22 12:31:46 UTC
"drunken"? I believe Kennedy or Biden would be a more appropriate fit!
2008-09-22 12:29:48 UTC
This is why.
2008-09-22 12:41:33 UTC
"Life is tough, it's tougher when your stupid."

-John Wayne
Louis F
2008-09-22 12:13:45 UTC
Stop the smearing!!!

Obama has ZERO experience to be President. He has a college degree, has worked in the community, which millions of Americans are doing, and he has voted present in the senate.

In addition, he is not what he says he is. Obama's father figure mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, leader of the Communist Group USA, which makes him very dangerous for our country. See link:

Plus, we do not want our country to be controlled by Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and Biden. No thanks to socialism!! No thanks to higher taxes!! No thanks to more government agencies!! No thanks to a failed Congress!!
2008-09-22 12:15:50 UTC
Let's do nothing. That will be a fun idea. Geesh you guys just do not get it huh.
2008-09-22 11:53:53 UTC
Because the Repubs HAVE NO CHECKS & BALANCE Systems in Place. They're selfish and Self-absorbed!

The Dems are ONLY 51% of the Voting power in Congress...they are NOT IN TOTAL Control, as some IDIOTS rave on about!!

The Dems are TRYING to put 'caps' on certain moves...LIKE: Limiting those 'wonderful' multi Million dollar payouts to the LOSING CEO's who put the companies in these Dangerous situations!

Imagine giving those companies a combined Monies of $700 Billion Dollars AND the CEO's all getting 2 to 30 MILLION in "Golden Parachute" payoffs, Per company/CEO?


AND some people WANT 4 more years of these Disgraceful tactics!

P.S. Our Gov't DOESN'T have that kind on Money, anymore. They must be printing it in the Basement....just wait....soon it'll catch up and "ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE"!
2008-09-22 12:09:51 UTC
Because they don't care.

Look at this:
2008-09-22 11:51:37 UTC
Because the Chinese, Japanese, Indians (from india), etc. don't want to borrow us the money anymore...those Republicans have to spend it from somewhere!
Dana L
2008-09-22 11:43:56 UTC
He was NOT a DRUNKEN SAILOR, he was a NAVY PILOT! Also, a POW, a hero to some ! Get it right. :) Why would we want a cocaine snorting man with SEVERAL questionable affilates and very little leadership experience to run our country? Oh yeah, cause he's black. Right?
Fed up!
2008-09-22 11:57:39 UTC
I think Obama and his chronies are the drunken sailors. You can't guzzle as much money as they have and NOT be drunk - appears his followers are under-the-obama-kool-aid-influence as well.

Why else would ANY one vote for a guy who's PART of the problem and profits from it?

Remember? OBAMA is the guy that keeps saying he'll work to keep people IN their homes, not steal it from them.

The U.S. government takeover of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac with their top execs advising OBAMA; Franklin Raines, former Clinton administration budget director; James Johnson, former aide to Democratic Vice President Walter Mondale; and Jamie Gorelick, former Clinton administration deputy attorney general. All three OBAMA-related executives earned millions in compensation from Fannie Mae. All three have been involved in mortgage-related financial scandals.

Johnson earned $21 million in just his last year serving as Fannie Mae CEO from 1991 to 1998. Johnson was appointed to head OBAMA's vice presidential selection committee, until a controversy concerning an alleged $7 million in questionable real estate loans he received on favorable terms from failed sub-prime mortgage lender Countrywide Financial surfaced and forced him to step down.

Raines earned $90 million in his five years as Fannie Mae CEO, from 1999 to 2004, Raines currently advises OBAMA on housing policy.

Gorelick earned an estimated $26 million serving as vice chair of Fannie Mae from 1998 to 2003. A panel chaired by Elena Kagan, dean and professor of law at Harvard Law School, speculated at the June two-day meeting of the American Constitution Society that Gorelick was a possible attorney general cabinet appointment if OBAMA should be elected president.

A review of Federal Election Commission records back to 1989 reveals OBAMA in his three complete years in the Senate is the second largest recipient of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae campaign contributions, behind only Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. (Change?)

In contrast, McCain warned of the coming mortgage crisis as he pressed in 2005 for regulatory reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. McCain pointed out Fannie Mae's regulator had stated the company's quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were "illusions deliberately and systematically created" by the company's senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.

The bill passed the House but was never brought up for a vote in the Senate, largely because of Democratic opposition to "CHANGE" in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulatory structure that remained in place until the Treasury takeover two weeks ago.

As evidenced by the failure to pass the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, the Democrats in Congress have repeatedly fought back Republican Party efforts to reform the two mortgage banking giants.

Instead, Democrats in Congress have sought to preserve the quasi-governmental status of the mortgage giants, seeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as places to locate former top Democratic Party operatives, where they have earned millions in compensation, despite a continuing series of financial scandals. Enron-like accounting manipulation, for example, boosted earnings to a level at which massive executive bonuses could be paid.

The current US Congress (Led by Harry Reed , Nancy Pelosi & Joe Biden) made it a partisan agenda to stall, block, and fight any project of law that could help the incumbent party in any way!

The decision by the U.S. Treasury to take over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae could end up costing the U.S. taxpayer as much as $100 billion, although the extent of losses at the two giant mortgage companies remains to be determined.
2008-09-22 11:50:46 UTC
With Drunken Democrats at the helm...............

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.