...because I live in America, and I hear all the time about how our cousins across the pond are all "euroweenies," that the French are sniveling, effeminate cowards, that the English are all homosexuals, that Italians are self indulgent and unmanly, that Swedes are cowardly pacifists, that all the real fighting Irish left for America a long time ago. I also hear that Eastern Europeans are gutless cowards for not standing up to communism, that all Europeans are meek little girls who depend on the U.S.A. for their protection. I also hear that Canadians are just wimps who also rely on the U.S.A. for military help. It would seem that I hear that all the world, particularly the Europeans and Canadians are cowards, especially when compared with the brave Americans. Where did we get this reputation from? Is it because we were the *first* to jump into both World Wars while those cowardly Russians, British, French Resistance, Finns and Canadians did *absolutely nothing*? Is it because we lined up overnight in droves to enlist in Viet Nam while other nations sat out that conflict (shame on you, Australia!), is it because we *singlehandedly* won two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam and Gulf War I without any help from anyone, right? Is it because our last few presidents, George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan in particular were decorated war heroes, unlike cowardly Chirac in France who, like all French people, never saw a conflict in his life? Are the French less manly than us because they have *never* ever been tested in battle? Why are we such real men and the rest of the world such wimps?