Unfortunately, many people actually ARE that stupid. *EDIT* Except after writing this, I read the other answers and was greatly heartened that people are not being taken in so readily by the Global Warming Scam! :D
What effect will taxing the people of the UK have on global warming?
Well, when the UK's man-made emmisions are something like 2% of the global man made emmisions od CO2. And man made emmisions are something like 0.7% of the global CO2 emmisions (the vast oceans, volcanoes, rotting vegitations etc etc all create far more CO2 than man) and UK booked flights are something like 5% of the UK emmisions. then this tax might reduce air travel slightly.
This will have a completely insignificant effect on CO2 levels.
Of all the greenhouse gasses, CO2 is a poor greenhouse gas and only makes up a tiny percentage of our athmosphere anyway. Humanity is having a negligable effect on the amount of CO2 in the athmosphere and therefore the whole anthropogenic global warming idea is a big cash cow scam.
The IPCC report was not the work of 2500 of the worlds best scientists, in fact many of the scientists named in the report have taken legal action to remove their names because they say that their input has been manipulated, distorted or ignored when it did not fit the politically motivated solutions.
Why are some scientists so sure and claim with certainty that man-made global warming is real and is happening now?
What action did the UN take when scientists where vocally claiming that global warming MIGHT happen? Nothing!
Without scientific certainty, there will be no political certainty, and without that, there will be no funding, no action and the environmental activists will have NO POWER!
We have a wild coalition of the global corporate elite who wish to deny the developing world the technology and ability to compete in globalisation, and the anti-capitalist left hoping to put a brake on globalisation altogether.
I wonder what excuse they will come up with when the global temperatures start going down again in the next 10-20 years?
The fact is, there is NOTHING extraordinary about the current climate and taxing people more in the UK will not change the global climate AT ALL.