Yes, there are programs that will provide them with food, clothing and shelter.
But seriously, many of those folks aren't even qualified to get one of those lowly construction jobs you condescendingly describe. Many are drug addicts or alcoholics or mentally ill, and thus couldn't even hold a job if they got one.
Yes, it's a bummer that you have to be confronted with them daily, but perhaps you should think about them a bit differently.
If you were a business owner and it was brought to your attention that a very high percentage (say 20%) of the products you produced were defective, what would you do?
a) just instruct employees to throw away defective products
b) investigate the source of the problem and make changes so as not to produce defective products.
My point obviously, is that even though we Americans like to avoid any and all responsibility for the problems in our society, in truth we are all co-owners of this enterprise called the United States. And if we think of it as a business whose product is the lifestyle afforded to its citizens, then we should take a good look at the quality of what we are turning out. There are tons of homeless, drug addicts, criminals, ex-cons, alcoholics, mentally ill, one-parent families, people on welfare, high-school dropouts and generally people who are a net DRAIN on society.
Whining about those people - or even suggesting that they just go to some designated facility and stay out of the sight of the rest of us is the same as the business owner who just throws away the defective products.
We need to acknowledge the problems in our society and put fixes in place or eventually we'll go out of busines..