A question to Indian Hindus. Could you explain this?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
A question to Indian Hindus. Could you explain this?
Twenty answers:
साम्प्रदायिक हिन्दू
2009-05-05 05:01:38 UTC
first and foremost thing which i should make clear is that i am not speaking in favour of RSS, VHP or BJP.

these are views of a secular hindu.

for the very first time you have asked sincere question so i will give you UNBIASED answers to your questions one by one ( but please read them patiently and deduce meaning sincerely ) :

1. Are not almost all top political and beurocratic posts in India held by Hindus?

politicians are the only culprits who are responsible for increasing fanaticism in hindus.

highest political post of our prime minister is occupied by a non-hindu, congress president is non-hindu, many cabinet ministers are non-hindu ( ambika soni, ar antuley, oscar fernandes, ak antoni ). sonia's political adviser Ahmed Patel is non-hindu. margret alva ( non hindu ) was a member of high command of congress.

hindus have no problem with this.

bureaucratic posts are filled by UPSC strictly on merit basis.

2. Are not key positions like NSA, RBI chief, ISRO chief, chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force, Indian President all Hindus?

yes many of them are hindus. earlier india had three muslim presidents. currently vice president is also muslim. even this time 99% hindus supported dr. kalam as president again but congress refused. incharge of whole armed forces is a non hindu ( ak antony ).

3. Are not more than 95% or even 100% Chief Ministers Hindus?

nope. you are completely wrong.

Chief Ministers of seven ( i can only remind seven, may be there are more ) Indian states are non hindus. states are -

Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Nagaland, Mizoram,Meghalaya, kerala and kashmir. can a hindu ever dare to become a CM of kashmir. never. but muslims in past have been CM's of hindu majority states in india.(eg. bihar ). even chattisgarh congress opposition leader ajit jogi is christian.

hindus can tolerate this as well.

4. Are not many of India's top induatrialists and rich Hindus?

not entirely correct. hindus are majority in india so top industrialists may be hindus but why are you forgetting azim premji ( infact he is second richest muslim in world ). ratan tata ( practically richest man in world ) is non hindu, goodrej is also non hindu.The Times Group is owned by non hindu. infact, most jains are richest bussinessmen. large drug manufacturers cipla and ranbaxy are owned by non hindus.there are many non hindus which i currently not remember.

bollywood is dominated by muslims.

5. Are not backward classes among Hindus given reservations?

so what. muslim and sikh backward classes also have reservations. read about mev ( haryana ) and ramgarhia sikhs.

6. Does not the average Indian respect a Hindu?

you are a non hindu ( i think christian ) so you know the answer better than me.

7. Do not non-Hindus vote for Hindu candidates?

hindus also vote for non hindu candidates. infact non hindu candidates can never win ( in most seats ) without hindu votes.

now i will tell you the exact problem.

conversion are not causing any problem but the problem in FORCED conversions. hindus are not fanatical like muslims that they kill apostates. conversion by will should never be banned in a democracy.

can you give me the answer that why conversion are always done in tribal areas but never in big cities like delhi. they never try to convert me or other economically strong hindus.

in bjp ruled states ( all of them ) there is a law to ban FORCED conversions ( not conversions by will ). in this law hindu who want to convert has to provide information to district magistrate one month prior to conversion. we want a similar law to be enacted in all states.

this is a democracy and educated hindus know and respect democracy and SECULARISM. but where is secularism. muslim madrassas are getting Rs 6000 per month aid and secular schools are getting nothing. now when even pakistan has admitted that madrassas are terror factories congress govt. is encourging madrassas by giving subsidies just to consolidate vote bank insted of bringing muslims into mainstream education and encouraging technical education.

no other country in world ( including all islamic nations ) give subsidy to haj but our govt. is giving it to appease muslims. this is nothing but dual standards. advani says subsidies should be given to amarnath and vaishno devi yatra but i think there should be no subsidies for pilgrimages ( god don't need subsidies ).

manmohan said muslims have first right on india's resources. do you know that religious minorities gets free tuitions for many govt. exams ( and obviously other subsidies as well ) but poor upper caste hindu is ignored. these benefits can also be given as per ECONOMIC STATUS ( but then who will create vote bank ). what kind of secularism are we following ? secularism means that religion should be kept out of state matters and state policies should be framed independent of religion.but muslims wants sharia in a secular democratic republic. how can this be tolerated? if your religion is coming in democracy then mine will also start to interfere.

muslims always complain that we are poor but they become silent spectator when asked about family planning. a scientist's brain is not required to comprehend the fact that "more the number of children you have, poorer will be your family". they say family planning in unislamic. if hindus ask question about this they are termed communal !!!!

article 370 was incorporated after independence temporarily. why it is not abolished till now. india rants kashmir is an integral part of india but i can't acquire citizenship of kashmir ( for your info, kashmir has dual citizenship ). however, i doubt that bjp can abolish it. kashmiris are given zillions of subsidies and other priviliges but nobody want to even talk of kashmiri pandits. congress allys with the party whose president announced reward on the person who beheads danish citizen( who made a caricature of prophet ) but nobody cares for human rights of hindus in pakistan, indonesia, bangladesh and malaysia

everybody know the situation in north east. we are the only nation where 95% of hindus of world reside. if voice of hindus is suppressed in india itself then where will we go to justice ? there are 56 islamic nations and if someone make a caricature of prophet first voice comes from india but if mf hussain draws nude paintings of hindu gods it is termed as modern art. if a hindu wants to protest he is labelled communal.

hindus are also minorities in at least 4 states and on the verge of becoming minority in other 2 states ( due to illegal immigration ) but they are not classified as minorities by respective state governments ( so no benefits are given to them ). why? again double standards.

now, some questions for you ( which may sound harsh to you ),

In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24% ….Today it is not even 1%.

In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30% …. Today it is about 7%.

What happened to the missing Hindus?

Do Hindus have human rights?

In contrast, in India, Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to about 15% today whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to 82% in 2001.

Do you still think that Hindus are fundamentalists?

In India today Hindus are 82%. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and madrassas are thriving?

How come Muslims are offering Namaz on the road?

How come Muslims are proclaiming 5 times a day on loud speakers that there is no God except Allah?

When Hindus gave to Muslims 33% of Bharat to a total of 25% population for a song ( and only 15% migrated ), why should hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura And Kashi?

so dude, double standards are always harmful and this increasing fanaticism is the immediate consequence.

Where There Is Smoke, There Is Fire.

oh and yes these all are authentic facts. you can check them from reliable sources.
2009-05-04 23:33:28 UTC
Answer to your Questions as follows

1.Are not almost all top political and beurocratic posts in India held by Hindus?

Several top posts are held by Christians and Muslims since 1947

Dr Abdul Kalam, Fakhrudin Ali Ahmad. A R Antulay George Fernandses and the list is end less

Now u tell me about Pakistan & bangle Desh, any top political or beurocratic post held by hindu or christian yea i know

Not even single post is held by non muslim since 1947

Reason They killed or Dragged out all non muslims from Pakistan during 1947

2. Are not key positions like NSA, RBI chief, ISRO chief, chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force, Indian President all Hindus?

Do you want Muslim Army Chiefs to repeat what Muslim Army Chief with the help of Muslim Army did to non muslims in Pakistan during 1947. Army killed them. They are the worst religious fanatics

3. Are not more than 95% or even 100% Chief Ministers Hindus?

Why Do you have political ambitions after making two muslim nations & after grabbing hindu lands during 1947

We always had Muslim CMs in J & K other states also witness ed muslim CM like AR Antuley

What about any muslim nation on Earth

Have they given any non muslim a chance to become Head of their state

4. Are not many of India's top induatrialists and rich Hindus?

Why r u jealous ? This is the culture of Hindus to work hard and earn un like traditions of Muslims to loot or to rob or to kill for his living

5. Are not backward classes among Hindus given reservations?

What is ur problem This is hindu nation we want up liftment of backward hindus

6. Does not the average Indian respect a Hindu?

Hindu deserves respect

7. Do not non-Hindus vote for Hindu candidates?










If you dont want to get convinced with this truth

Then God can only save you people

Let me Finish this with Mr Ariel Sharon's Statement

"You ask me if we are going to hold the sword all our lives. If we have

to do it we will do it, but I hope that it won't be necessary. There

are those among the Palestinians who understand that they will not be

able to achieve anything by force. Those that are ready to speak

peace, I am ready to talk and negotiate with, as a matter of fact I am in contact with them now."

Ariel Sharon - War - Peace - Achievement


"No Emotions but Truth ID wants to convey"
R K g
2009-05-05 02:36:09 UTC
The Answer lies in your question. The Appeasement dependence addiction that is being served to the minorities mainly to Muslims right from the times of post independence . For a Hindu there is no extra territorial loyalty or reservation/ subsidy alternative. Only avenue known to the Hindu is COMPETE HARD through education, higher technology ,long-term-planning on future needs etc or loose out to life without fair honourable survival. Hard Work and yearning to get to the top is the method & the MEANS. .Remember God help those who help themselves. Just being a Minority entity only serves politicians who have got you a easy prey.

Any way I appreciate the effort of opening out a dialogue between citizens froms diverse religious affinities with honest logic and without any reservations or adverse feelings. We must avoid being insensitive or bitter . We are a nation NOT a religious majority or minority.
2009-05-04 22:58:13 UTC
The problem is

We donot still have Uniform Civil code in this country.

We cannot hang Afzal Guru.

When our brave comrades like Mohan Bhagwat of Delhi police gives his life fighting terrorists, it is branded as a fake encounter.

A. R. Antualy insults the martyr police officers of Mumbai and still can stay in power.

Varun Gandhi is charged with NSA but for the same kind of speech Abu Azmi does not even get a reprimand.

Mulayam Singh can defend SIMI, but noone indicts him.

Victims of Gujarat riots get the limelight but victims of Sabarmati express are forgotten.

In every terrorist attack launched on this country there is some inside hand. even mumbai police admitted that after Mumbai seige.

Some communities donot believe in population control and even resist polio eradication, thus making the whole country suffer.

some communities refuse to sing Vandemataram.


Dont show me Hindu politicians' lists because politicians have no religion.

All the industrialists, beaurocrats and successful people are Hindus because Hindus are pro-education, pro-modern and hardworking. It is the Hindus' credit, it is not donated by anyone. it also shows Hindus have the greatest contributions to this country along with Sikhs.

55 years of injustice cannot be undone in 5 years.

No Hindu is anti-national because Hindus only have this land. they have no other place to go.

khader ali khan
2009-05-05 03:59:12 UTC
i dont bring caste while asking question i am indian thats all
2009-05-05 01:37:22 UTC
it is extremely true, without bias people do act according to cast and creed, but the days are gone when we blindly followed religious or regionalism. citizens are quite aware,how to act at any situation, whether concerned to muslims or hindus.

so only hinduism is followed would be false.

before mrs pratibha patil we had musllim prez; abdul kalam azad, so u can see that no such bias.
2009-05-04 22:56:12 UTC
Your statement that "We have been hearing about Hindus being treated badly and considered as second class (or is it third class) citizens and all that" is wrong in the sense I have not heard any such thing. You seem to have been misinformed. It is especially correct so far as J&K Hindus are concerned where they have become aliens in their own state.

In view of above, your questions are irrelevant and do not require to be answered.
2009-05-06 10:40:25 UTC
All points that you have mentioned may be correct, but know that these happened not because those people were Hindus, but because they competed and achieved those posts.

India is a secular country. Here every person has the right to go for anything he/she likes to do, and that is why we had seen Muslim president, vice president, speaker, chief justice, and many coveted important posts. It is not Hindus' fault if a particular community indulge in petty crime and underworld related activities and do harm to us. Hindus are very soft hearted and broad minded people, and for that reason this country is a secular country. Even today the prime minister is from the minorities only. Look at the countries across the border. There the majority community has declared the country on the line of their religion.

We were very accommodate, we are accommodate, and we will remain accommodate. At the same time we will not accept biased behavior of some political parties.
2009-05-05 05:40:18 UTC
Well. In Electoral Democracy that has been adopted by us it is always the rule of the Majority. You can see this in a Muslim CM in J&K, Christian CM in Nagaland, Sikh CM in the Punjab still we have seen Christian CMs in Kerala, Orissa, AP, Jarkhand and Goa..The present PM Dr.Manmohan SAingh is a Sikh. UPA Chairperson is a Christian.We had Muslim Presidents and Vice-Presidents, Muslim and Christian Governors Chief Justices, High Court Judges, Sikh,Christian and Muslim ECs were there in India. Dr. Abdul Kalam the eminent Scientist was brought to the Post of President by NDA. Many non Hindus have occupied several top Posts in Services and Government bodies.

In fact in comparison India is much more secular than its immediate neighbors. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh have declared themselves as Islamic Countries, Sri Lanka a Buddhist Country.

Let us not mix nationality with Religion. Even among the Hindus we have many distinctions in the name of Caste, Region, Language and cultural divides. Let us not generalise them in the name of Religion.

Terrorism has no religion, we find it among many Countries in the World..
The hopeless optimistic
2009-05-04 22:48:23 UTC
i think you are right , means why are people who are hindu are not getting respect .Like people are saying that the reason of bomb blast is we hindus . have you gone to ayodhya ? you must if no there i along with my family went to ashram and you know ayodhya is full of hindus?? means not a single non -hindu . There is a guru in ayodhya who every day serves poor people . He (guru) only eats fruits (it was from past 12 years)

i think you have written a fabolus question ,seriously
2009-05-06 00:15:18 UTC
Many of our friends have answered your question with valid and much of data. But anyway here are my few points,

1. Every INDIAN likes to have equal rights. But today we have the so called quota system (universities, government job). Though the quota system was introduced to bridge the gap between the lower class of people and the upper class, today muslims and christians do have the quota system because they demanded for being the minorities. Where is this quota being taken away ? Who is on the loosing ?

2. The non-Hindu politicians dare to challenge the Hindu religion, their believes and their GOD. Does this happen anywhere in this world (Muslim or Christian nation) ? Who is loosing ?

3. Muslim & Christians vote for the Hindu candidates - this is not completely true. They vote for the party & leader who is a non-Hindu. For example, Muslim League has an alliance with DMK where the leader claims to be an atheist and the muslims vote for the DMK candidate.

So don't be emotional. We can't run away from the truth.
2009-05-05 08:04:14 UTC
you Q. is do the hideous are 3CLSS citizens the answer is yes but only 60% the other 40% I, say are 2class . the system and the laws they have and the stilling they do, and the filthy ways they have are not consider to be good normal , by burning there women because the woman have no money to give the husband is a way barbarity society, by tacking a bath and then after they drinking the water is not consider to be normal act, plus other things so you tell me if you thing that I am wrong . Sorry to say but is trough
2009-05-05 06:33:06 UTC
Reading almost all the answers.I felt I need to say this.

We all are Indians all right and we have the right to live in India,irrespective of our religion that makes India the most beautiful country in the whole world,we need to be proud of it.

The only problem I see in India or rather yahoo answers is that we connect most things to religion and I feel thats a mistake.We need to see people as his inner talent and not his religion.

Now coming back to the question.

Genocide on Hindus is an over exaggerated word.Genocide like the Holocaust or that in Lankan Tamils cannot be compared to Kashmiri Pandits.I think The govt. could take a stronger stance and thats more than it.

Hindus have almost all the high ranked posts,the muslim are not represented in the posts as their population % in India.We never had a Muslim PM which is the second biggest religion in India but we have a Sikh PM.

I think Indians are influenced fast and this has led to so many riots.Many parties use it to their advantage and I'm not naming them but u all know.

I think Muslims need to be developed because they are one of the most downtrodden in India and we fear them being influenced by Taliban and education is the only way ahead and we need to have Muslims in higher posts to encourage their spirits.
2009-05-04 23:07:19 UTC

The most popular among the Aryan religions is Hinduism. ‘Hindu’ is actually a Persian word that stands for the inhabitants of the region beyond the Indus Valley. However, in common parlance, Hinduism is a blanket term for an assortment of religious beliefs, most of which are based on the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.


There are several sacred scriptures of the Hindus. Among these are the Vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas.



The word Veda is derived from vid which means to know, knowledge par excellence or sacred wisdom. There are four principal divisions of the Vedas (although according to their number, they amount to 1131 out of which about a dozen are available). According to Maha Bhashya of Patanjali, there are 21 branches of Rigveda, 9 types of Atharvaveda, 101 branches of Yajurveda and 1000 of Samveda).

The Rigveda, the Yajurveda and the Samveda are considered to be more ancient books and are known as Trai Viddya or the ‘Triple Sciences’. The Rigveda is the oldest and has been compiled in three long and different periods of time. The 4th Veda is the Atharvaveda, which is of a later date.

There is no unanimous opinion regarding the date of compilation or revelation of the four Vedas. According to Swami Dayanand, founder of the Arya Samaj, the Vedas were revealed 1310 million years ago. According to other scholars, they are not more than 4000 years old.

Similarly, there are differing opinions regarding the places where these books were compiled and the Rishis to whom these Scriptures were given. Inspite of these differences, the Vedas are considered to be the most authentic of the Hindu Scriptures and the real foundations of the Hindu Dharma.



The word 'Upanishad' is derived from Upa meaning near, Ni which means down and Shad means to sit. Therefore ‘Upanishad’ means sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrines.

According to Samkara, ‘Upanishad’ is derived from the root word Sad which means ‘to loosen’, ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’, with Upa and ni as prefix; therefore ‘Upanishad’ means Brahma-Knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed.

The number of Upanishads exceeds 200 though the Indian tradition puts it at 108. There are 10 principal Upanishads. However, some consider them to be more than 10, while others 18.

The Vedanta meant originally the Upanishads, though the word is now used for the system of philosophy based on the Upanishad. Literally, Vedanta means the end of the Veda, Vedasua-antah, and the conclusion as well as the goal of Vedas. The Upanishads are the concluding portion of the Vedas and chronologically they come at the end of the Vedic period.

Some Pundits consider the Upanishads to be more superior to the Vedas.



Next in order of authenticity are the Puranas which are the most widely read scriptures. It is believed that the Puranas contain the history of the creation of the universe, history of the early Aryan tribes, life stories of the divines and deities of the Hindus. It is also believed that the Puranas are revealed books like the Vedas, which were revealed simultaneously with the Vedas or sometime close to it.

Maharishi Vyasa has divided the Puranas into 18 voluminous parts. He also arranged the Vedas under various heads.

Chief among the Puranas is a book known as Bhavishya Purana. It is called so because it is believed to give an account of future events. The Hindus consider it to be the word of God. Maharishi yasa is considered to be just the compiler of the book.



The two epics of Hinduism are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

A. Ramayana:

According to Ramanuja, the great scholar of Ramayana, there are more than 300 different types of Ramayana: Tulsidas Ramayana, Kumbha Ramayana. Though the outline of Ramayana is same, the details and contents differ.

Valmiki’s Ramayana:

Unlike the Mahabharata, the Ramayana appears to be the work of one person – the sage Valmiki, who probably composed it in the 3rd century BC. Its best-known recension (by Tulsi Das, 1532-1623) consists of 24,000 rhymed couplets of 16-syllable lines organised into 7 books. The poem incorporates many ancient legends and draws on the sacred books of the Vedas. It describes the efforts of Kosala’s heir, Rama, to regain his throne and rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon King of Lanka.

Valmiki's Ramayana is a Hindu epic tradition whose earliest literary version is a Sanskrit poem attributed to the sage Valmiki. Its principal characters are said to present ideal models of personal, familial, and social behavior and hence are considered to exemplify Dharma, the principle of moral order.

B. Mahabharata:

The nucleus of the Mahabharata is the war of eighteen days fought between the Kauravas, the hundred sons of Dh
2016-04-08 15:31:05 UTC
2009-05-04 23:04:31 UTC
Its Called Right Wing Pseudo Hindutva strategy. They have nothing for country and its people. They just do appeasement via LORD RAM TAMPLE.

They are criminals of humanity and love. Before 1920 people live and die for the country. now generation want murderer in center

2009-05-05 01:54:14 UTC
i am hindu and i think this is all propaganda promoted by BJP to get votes.they always like to play the victim card...narendra modi will be touted as a martyr if convicted... wait and watch!
2009-05-04 22:43:27 UTC
What you buddy, who cares
2009-05-04 22:37:25 UTC
Wonderful buddy. Keep it up.
2009-05-05 07:08:46 UTC
Details in the reverse order, like, 'right to left' not the usual 'left to right':

Chinese and Pakistani spy agencies are at work? ---China is building a port at Hambantota, Srilanka; a lot of Indians trade with china; congress along with UPA, citing Chnese-Srilankan port building, wants to blast Rama Sethu, under the pretext of bulding a port; Rama Sethu is a legendary sacred place; instead facilitating Hindus, who even do not mind any help in this regard, congress and UPA want to destroy it; for that congress and UPA denied Lord Ram even in Supreme Court; Are Hindoos claiming Rama Sethu and birth of Lord Ram to be in Itali? Accidentally,incidentally and deliberately, an italian christian is at the helm of affairs, when all these things takeplace, for which the foundation was laid by George Fernandes,a Christian ,once again. In the name of identifying Pakistan as a terrorist state against India, congress is working against Hindoos by courting Dawud, Chtoa Shaleel, M F Hussain etc particularly in Mumbi and Maharashtra.

If the population of Hindoos can be reduced by 'year to year shoot out', in Jammu and Kashmir, blasts in Mumbai, Jaipur etc are only the begining of reducing Hindoo population in India, in that, it will only take some more time for congress to manage that situation.

In India,especially in Orissa, Bihar and all over north eastern states, Hindoo practices are decried as superstition and Hindoos are picturized as unfortunate elements, to convert them to christianity; many states have been threatened by congress to withdraw anti-conversion laws, bowing to which in Tamilnadu, Sankaracharya Swamy and Sankara Mutt were degraded by congress; even courts are puppets in the hands of congress and the case of Sankaracharya will never come to an end, raising alarm to the followers of Hindooism as to what could happen to them in congress and UPA rule; a AD 1700 Hindoo Shiva temple in Madras is allowed to be dug by high court, which is the evidence for the insensitivity of courts under congress and UPA rule; why in the whole of the world, Hindoo faith is made to be at the receiving end by congress;

christians and muslims are endowed with insignia by invaders and colonizers, vast acres of land for Schools and Colleges and hospitals to be run, even now by the congress under minority rights provisions, trying to run a hospital by Sankaracharya landed him in prison; when Hindoos want justice, it is for the whole of India, without discrimination; but what congress,UPA and democratic institutions under them dispense is injustice to Hindoos, singling them out; then why would PM ,even the P(uppet) M(anmohan) would say at election-time, muslims have 1st priority.

Even now,the rule by congress and UPA is an extension of the periods of invasion and colonization and now that chengis khan to the last khans and robert clive to mountbetan are dead, Hindoos can only expect the congress and UPA not to be like invaders and colonizers

but to only deliver natural and equal justice to all Indians without discrimination; congress should stop (mis)using the media,JNU and Marxist intellectuals like romila thapar, NDTV burka,to project and publish even in textbooks, the invasion of muslims and colonization of Hindoos, as achievements and bravery, equally degrading Hindoos as slaves, when Hindoos , out of reality, do accept , tolerate and allow the mix of genes as result of invasion and colonization.

When you say,'conversions are illegal as per law', you also know law can be misused or not used at all; so, what is needed is morality in not converting and if muslims and christians convert means, they have low morality, that too to attempt it in invading and colonizing countries and history is a mute witness to replete atrocities by such low moral people, with respect to natives of America, Europe and Africa. When you yourself say,go to supreme court, it shows your hidden agenda, where judicial delay and treachery will come in HANDy for you.When governments under NDA rule enact laws preventing conversions, congress and UPA,on coming to power, threaten them politically;

congress and UPA are notorious for mixing anti-Hindoo religions with politics, which is called 'pseudo-secularism'.

There has never been a pro-Hindu government in J&K, after congress was born and you will read the reason in the constitution of India, where no Indian Law has been deliberately made applicable to J&K ,by ambedkar-congress, whose HANDi work once again is the concept of 'divide and rule'reservation, followed as extension of GB.

7. voting has only become a self-stabing incident for voters; if only voting could have led to anything good, it should have been visible by now, as aleast a begining to tackle even the basic problems would have been in force now.

6. Average Indian respecting Hindu becomes 'eliminating and genocidal' through and by the political and religious leaders of India.

5. then why one full vote for all voters; let the value of vote by a backward class voter including that of reserved catagories also get increased or decreased accordingly.

4. No, only jews, parsis, jains,muslims,christians, marakayars,

mapillais etc.,

3. a lot of them carry Hindu names or partner Hindoos, a familiar game plan, for congress and UPA, to sport big bindis on foreheads, even if muslims or christians, dress in traditional Hindoo dress code; sonia, rahul, rajasekara,jyotibasu,brinda karat, soni.. the list of back-stabbers being endless.

2.key positions are all of Babus, under the boot of politcal bosses; the tendency of Babus is 'if asked to bend, they will crawl';

what happened to pay comission injustice to Army,Navy and Airforce; a christian AK Antony, under the aegies of Mother Sonia, denied them due recognition, while they die for the country, in orchestrated wars with neighbours, wars being the mania of WEST, in modern history.

1. under 'congress-UPA' dispensation, majority is punished by the influential politicians and Babus ,under the pretext of caring for 'minorities'; so, more than numbers, the attitude and influence count;

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.