first and foremost thing which i should make clear is that i am not speaking in favour of RSS, VHP or BJP.
these are views of a secular hindu.
for the very first time you have asked sincere question so i will give you UNBIASED answers to your questions one by one ( but please read them patiently and deduce meaning sincerely ) :
1. Are not almost all top political and beurocratic posts in India held by Hindus?
politicians are the only culprits who are responsible for increasing fanaticism in hindus.
highest political post of our prime minister is occupied by a non-hindu, congress president is non-hindu, many cabinet ministers are non-hindu ( ambika soni, ar antuley, oscar fernandes, ak antoni ). sonia's political adviser Ahmed Patel is non-hindu. margret alva ( non hindu ) was a member of high command of congress.
hindus have no problem with this.
bureaucratic posts are filled by UPSC strictly on merit basis.
2. Are not key positions like NSA, RBI chief, ISRO chief, chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force, Indian President all Hindus?
yes many of them are hindus. earlier india had three muslim presidents. currently vice president is also muslim. even this time 99% hindus supported dr. kalam as president again but congress refused. incharge of whole armed forces is a non hindu ( ak antony ).
3. Are not more than 95% or even 100% Chief Ministers Hindus?
nope. you are completely wrong.
Chief Ministers of seven ( i can only remind seven, may be there are more ) Indian states are non hindus. states are -
Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Nagaland, Mizoram,Meghalaya, kerala and kashmir. can a hindu ever dare to become a CM of kashmir. never. but muslims in past have been CM's of hindu majority states in india.(eg. bihar ). even chattisgarh congress opposition leader ajit jogi is christian.
hindus can tolerate this as well.
4. Are not many of India's top induatrialists and rich Hindus?
not entirely correct. hindus are majority in india so top industrialists may be hindus but why are you forgetting azim premji ( infact he is second richest muslim in world ). ratan tata ( practically richest man in world ) is non hindu, goodrej is also non hindu.The Times Group is owned by non hindu. infact, most jains are richest bussinessmen. large drug manufacturers cipla and ranbaxy are owned by non hindus.there are many non hindus which i currently not remember.
bollywood is dominated by muslims.
5. Are not backward classes among Hindus given reservations?
so what. muslim and sikh backward classes also have reservations. read about mev ( haryana ) and ramgarhia sikhs.
6. Does not the average Indian respect a Hindu?
you are a non hindu ( i think christian ) so you know the answer better than me.
7. Do not non-Hindus vote for Hindu candidates?
hindus also vote for non hindu candidates. infact non hindu candidates can never win ( in most seats ) without hindu votes.
now i will tell you the exact problem.
conversion are not causing any problem but the problem in FORCED conversions. hindus are not fanatical like muslims that they kill apostates. conversion by will should never be banned in a democracy.
can you give me the answer that why conversion are always done in tribal areas but never in big cities like delhi. they never try to convert me or other economically strong hindus.
in bjp ruled states ( all of them ) there is a law to ban FORCED conversions ( not conversions by will ). in this law hindu who want to convert has to provide information to district magistrate one month prior to conversion. we want a similar law to be enacted in all states.
this is a democracy and educated hindus know and respect democracy and SECULARISM. but where is secularism. muslim madrassas are getting Rs 6000 per month aid and secular schools are getting nothing. now when even pakistan has admitted that madrassas are terror factories congress govt. is encourging madrassas by giving subsidies just to consolidate vote bank insted of bringing muslims into mainstream education and encouraging technical education.
no other country in world ( including all islamic nations ) give subsidy to haj but our govt. is giving it to appease muslims. this is nothing but dual standards. advani says subsidies should be given to amarnath and vaishno devi yatra but i think there should be no subsidies for pilgrimages ( god don't need subsidies ).
manmohan said muslims have first right on india's resources. do you know that religious minorities gets free tuitions for many govt. exams ( and obviously other subsidies as well ) but poor upper caste hindu is ignored. these benefits can also be given as per ECONOMIC STATUS ( but then who will create vote bank ). what kind of secularism are we following ? secularism means that religion should be kept out of state matters and state policies should be framed independent of religion.but muslims wants sharia in a secular democratic republic. how can this be tolerated? if your religion is coming in democracy then mine will also start to interfere.
muslims always complain that we are poor but they become silent spectator when asked about family planning. a scientist's brain is not required to comprehend the fact that "more the number of children you have, poorer will be your family". they say family planning in unislamic. if hindus ask question about this they are termed communal !!!!
article 370 was incorporated after independence temporarily. why it is not abolished till now. india rants kashmir is an integral part of india but i can't acquire citizenship of kashmir ( for your info, kashmir has dual citizenship ). however, i doubt that bjp can abolish it. kashmiris are given zillions of subsidies and other priviliges but nobody want to even talk of kashmiri pandits. congress allys with the party whose president announced reward on the person who beheads danish citizen( who made a caricature of prophet ) but nobody cares for human rights of hindus in pakistan, indonesia, bangladesh and malaysia
everybody know the situation in north east. we are the only nation where 95% of hindus of world reside. if voice of hindus is suppressed in india itself then where will we go to justice ? there are 56 islamic nations and if someone make a caricature of prophet first voice comes from india but if mf hussain draws nude paintings of hindu gods it is termed as modern art. if a hindu wants to protest he is labelled communal.
hindus are also minorities in at least 4 states and on the verge of becoming minority in other 2 states ( due to illegal immigration ) but they are not classified as minorities by respective state governments ( so no benefits are given to them ). why? again double standards.
now, some questions for you ( which may sound harsh to you ),
In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24% ….Today it is not even 1%.
In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30% …. Today it is about 7%.
What happened to the missing Hindus?
Do Hindus have human rights?
In contrast, in India, Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to about 15% today whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to 82% in 2001.
Do you still think that Hindus are fundamentalists?
In India today Hindus are 82%. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and madrassas are thriving?
How come Muslims are offering Namaz on the road?
How come Muslims are proclaiming 5 times a day on loud speakers that there is no God except Allah?
When Hindus gave to Muslims 33% of Bharat to a total of 25% population for a song ( and only 15% migrated ), why should hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura And Kashi?
so dude, double standards are always harmful and this increasing fanaticism is the immediate consequence.
Where There Is Smoke, There Is Fire.
oh and yes these all are authentic facts. you can check them from reliable sources.