Why do black people feel better represented by having a black man in the white house, regardless of the issues?
2009-08-24 14:09:20 UTC
Take 0bama for example. Many voted for him just because they would feel better represented if a "non-caucasian" was in the White House. Why is this? Does anyone care about issues and candidates stances on key issues anymore?
24 answers:
2009-08-24 14:16:39 UTC
exactly-hopefully they will realize that issues are far more important than race. If they would pay attention to history they would also know that it was the democrats who endorsed the kkk.It's not about race people it's about their agenda.
The left has an an agenda to make the American people depend on their government. They want people to be weakened so that they have no choice but to rely on the government for survival. Once they have control, it's over. How quickly they can take it all away if you refuse to obey them. In my opinion this is why the left USES minorities and race as a tactic for support. Statistics show that blacks and minorities have a higher population at the poverty level. If the government continues to provide handouts and supports them they quickly learn to depend on them and the cycle continues thus creating the dependency on the government and the support in fear that it will be taken away. Never mind the fact that the democratic party is responsible for the kkk and other acts of racism in the past, they now use race as a tactic. It's very sad to me to see the people who are so ready to give up their freedoms in return for hand outs from the government and even worse to see people being USED because of their race. God bless.
2016-10-17 05:47:49 UTC
i do no longer understand. Spanish adult men are no longer a race so i assume you're speaking approximately white spanish adult men. White adult men created shade-ism. They all started the finished gentle skin is larger. White women have been constantly held in a severe esteem. The media nonetheless sends subliminal messages with white women constantly held with the aid of fact the main eye-catching women. This has affected the psyche of black men and females. rather in American society the place lighter skin blacks are taken care of greater beneficial than darker. Even as we talk, the few black those that are usual in mainstream are the lighter skin/mulatto blacks. So i does no longer say that white spanish adult men are greater accepting. look at everywhere interior the international the place Eurpoeans have colonized faster or later. India has the comparable concern. They choose lighter skin Indians over the darker ones. while black people and/or people of shade can unfastened their minds and shed insecurities then perchance there does no longer be a colorism concern in our community. yet as long as we live below a white majority there'll constantly be some brainwashed persons.
2009-08-24 14:18:52 UTC
Actually, it's hard for me to find total fault with it.
If I had never had the opportunity to vote for someone of my race, I may have found myself emotional and cast the vote solely because the candidates race alone would leverage me better.
I can't pass judgement on this because I've never been in that position.
We should set this aside now. What's done is done. I think blacks will eventually regard 0'bama as a poor choice as their best foot forward. The next minority candidate will have to bring more than just skin color to the table and that's good for all of us.
2009-08-24 14:17:54 UTC
what you people actually think he won the election ?? you think any president has won a election in years??? cmon now he is a puppet put in place by the bilderburgs black folks really dont care real talk they dont pay attention anyway what did they say about bush wha he messed everything up i havent heard but one or two black people propose a real argument yet in either direction for against anything that went deeper then skin tone and blame games when in all reality bush had no power and neither does obama the only real power he has is yes and no on issues brought to him by the congressional houses most people give it little or no thought
2009-08-24 14:22:18 UTC
Especially one that has no connection to the cultural history of having ancestors that were slaves in this country, that spent his childhood in Malaysia and Hawaii, being raised by his white grandmother, and being educated at Harvard. Obama's only claim to being black in America is that his father was from Africa.
2009-08-24 14:15:06 UTC
Oh come on. Not every black person is Democrat.
However, statistics did show that a number of people (including Caucasians) voted for him just because he was "non-cauasian."
2009-08-24 14:15:53 UTC
The funny thing is, they wouldnt vote for an asian-american or a hispanic-american. They think that the only non-caucasians are black.
2009-08-24 14:17:33 UTC
Obama was probably the best canidate for president and he just happened to be black. He had a lot of things going for him and black people were proud and stood up for a qualified canidate. Thats all. Now black people vote 90 percent democrat anyway. So if Hillary would have beat him out she would have got the black vote. Kerry got about 88 percent of the black vote.
So it was more than just being black, he was a good candidate who happened to be black. Now look at his staff, all white men that obviously knew how to get him in there.
2009-08-24 14:15:13 UTC
They've been told their whole lives that white people believe they're inherently inferior. Granted, there are those out there who do believe that way. They're an extreme minority, but they're loud enough that liberals can still scare African Americans into believing their rhetoric.
2009-08-24 14:13:22 UTC
You make a good point. Now that Obama is not panning out the way they thought he would I would hope they would think twice again about voting based on skin color.
2009-08-24 14:15:44 UTC
Nope. Many of them don't know the first thing about the issues, and many of them would actually be more conservative if they were. Take away the welfare and the racism, and they would never vote for the dems.
2009-08-24 14:14:59 UTC
I'll bet them people would absolutely hate someone like Bill Cosby being president because he expects his race to shed the slave mentality and join civilized society.
They are too stupid to know that they set their race back 100 years by voting for that welfare bum in a suit.
2009-08-24 14:17:53 UTC
It was their Racist Revenge on Whitey.
Little did they know that Obama would destroy them, too.
Please Note**** They are many blacks who didn't support Obama.
And many who did, wish they hadn't.
Blacks who vote Democrat are no dumber than Whites who vote Democrat.
2009-08-24 14:17:31 UTC
turn the question around - equivocate ~~
Why do white people feel better represented by having a white man in the white house, regardless of the issues?
besides how do you know how Black people feel?
are you Black? and pretending you are white just to get a friggen rise?
or are you white and just trying to start something.
2009-08-24 14:14:20 UTC
in reality
no one cared about obama as obama.
they think of obama as obama the black guy in the white house.
when i asked many of the ghetto looking kids at my high school why wud they vote for obama if they could vote, they resonded with the obama song repeating his name over and over, "obama obama obama obama obama" its sad if you think about it how the mentality of ppl in the nation is lyk this but its fact and i dun lyk it at all..
yea, im conservative republican
2009-08-24 14:14:53 UTC
They are the Democrats stooges
2009-08-24 14:15:25 UTC
To make history in their lifetime. I have no problem with that, but I wish we had someone with more experience.
2009-08-24 14:15:36 UTC
Source plz?
African-Americans vote Dem 90% in almost all recent elections.
2009-08-24 14:20:51 UTC
with more experience,you get another actor
2009-08-24 14:17:46 UTC
Because theres someone who knows what its like to be black
USA isn't broken Congress is
2009-08-24 14:12:37 UTC
kool aid makes people do strange things
2009-08-24 14:12:10 UTC
They think they got back at whitey
2009-08-24 14:13:42 UTC
I have no idea but its stupid right ?
2009-08-24 14:13:32 UTC
it is the first one and i think he is better suited
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