Unions had their place...90 years ago. They were great back then, because there were no labor laws that protected workers. With that said, illegal immigrants shouldn't be employed anywhere, because they shouldn't be here. However, in regards to your question, I'm not so sure I understand how opposing unions, who skim millions of dollars off their workers in dues, and charge astronomical amounts to companies for labor ($45/hr to push a button at an automotive plant to stamp door sheetmetal, really? That's a $10-12/hr job, get real.), and cause prices of goods produced by unions, is "opposing human rights and living wages". Think about this. If there were NO unions, and hadn't been for the last say, 40 years, your $30k car would probably cost $20k, your $200k house would be $140k, your $3 gallon of milk would be $1.19, etc. That means lower cost of living, which means the current wages would be livable. And if you don't like those wages, well, then you could go to school and get a degree in something that will pay you better if you want more. You can't just blame the people who oppose unions, you have to look at it from both points of view. I know, I have family who are unionized, and can see the benefits of being union ($17/hr to scan groceries!), and I can see the detrimental effect as well (deductive reasoning and common sense).