There's no such thing as a 'three mason.'
Tony Blair is not a Freemason, either.
- Blair isn't a member of the Illuminati, either; the Illuminati haven't existed for 225 years; they were disbanded in 1784.
- The Scottish Rite isn't a 'version' of Freemasonry.
- The highest degree in Freemasonry is the 3rd (Master Mason) Degree. There is no 'higher' degree.
- There is no Freemason named 'FRD,' nor has anyone EVER commissioned any Illuminati or occult imagery on U.S. bank notes.
- There's no such thing as 'high degree Freemasonry.'
- There are MANY Catholic Freemasons. I'm one of them.
- Freemasonry isn't a secret society, it's a society with secrets. And it's certainly no secret that Freemasonry keeps EXCELLENT records of who are members of the fraternity.