Jesus is above all and He would NEVER admire anyone who kills another human being not matter what!
Barbarians are those who kill for the sake of killing and our brave people who are fighting to help others is NOT God's work at all. I for one will welcome our brave people home as I hope everyone will too because it is not their idea to be there and to kill anyone at all but to try to bring law and order to countries who have terrorists who run their countries and for anyone to say that this has anything to do with any part of what Christ would do or allow is not a true christian by any means.
It is not for anyone to shove ones beliefs down the throats of anyone else as we are all created in God's image and we all have the right to ones own beliefs as long as killing is not part of their religion.
Freedom of religion is mans right no matter where they live and to respect their rights is what's expected of everyone.
Freedom does not have to involve blood and because history shows that wars have been fought and lives taken is not what peace is made of.
Peace is something that everyone and every country should strive for and to leave bloodshed in the past and not in the future.
A good christian knows better then to say that Jesus would admire any part of war because Jesus was not a warrior in any terms and He appalls killings so rethink what you are asking here as I am a good christian and these are my beliefs as I was taught as many good christians were also taught.
Our brave troop will always be welcome back home as we all know the true reasons for them to be where they are and who has put their lives in danger along with many innocents too.