Why do most Republicans spend more time insulting President Obama instead of realizing their ideas didnt work?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do most Republicans spend more time insulting President Obama instead of realizing their ideas didnt work?
34 answers:
2016-05-22 06:41:06 UTC
this is one of those lets create charts with an agenda in mind. the agenda being lets try and show Obama isnt a big spender. How about we take a look at real numbers instead. total deficit spending from 2001 to 2009. (yes we will give 2009 to Bush even though not all of the deficit spending that year was his doing.) 3.418 trillion Deficit spending for 2010, 11 and 12 est 3.92 trillion So yes even if you blame all of 2009's deficit on Bush , the Obama administration in 3 years outspend 9 years counted for Bush by half a trillion dollars. --- lol man when someone uses actual numbers you resoret to name calling since thats all you got. you have no clue what YOU are talking about. If you want to go head to head with facts. im up to it any time. I know you want take me up on it cuz you got nothing.
God Bless~
2009-08-11 13:05:33 UTC
I have a question for you! Why are Democrats so clueless?

The people that voted for Obama were most likely the people who want everything handed out to them. I am not going to work and get my money taken away for people to sit on there lazy butts having money given to them so they can go buy some more beer and smoke.

God made us capable of working.

I'm not saying not to help charities but don't tax the rich like crazy and give to people who don't want to work. My family, we are tight on money but we don't want to take money from the rich and given to us. We aren't to lazy to work for ourselves.

Yes, I know the economy is bad, a lot of it has to do with the gas prices last summer. Republicans wanted to drill in the U.S. but the Democrats wanted to save the trees and the animals. You try to save as much as you can, and you can plant new trees someone else

Also some people think there is not enough oil. God made the earth, He supplied everyone with enough, so we could be independent and not have to rely on other countries who could care less about us. (kinda sounds like our government right now)

Communism have you guys not learned from other countries that communism is definitely NOT what you want! Seriously read up on communism.

Someone from Russia said Obama is doing exactly what (the person who had turned Russia communism once) except faster and with a smile.

Come on America WAKE UP!!!!

The Democrats just want to be in control over everything.

Oh and all of that crap about Bush.

Did you not notice that no one would think about messing with us when Bush was President. We were so protected!

Why won't Obama show his birth certificate? Probably because he's not an American Citizen.

He Lies!

God Bless America.

Please help everyone to realize what Obama and the democrats are trying to do before it's to late!
2009-08-11 12:07:29 UTC
Whether or not our ideas worked is irrelevant right now. Obama is about to pass a Health Care bill that will affect the personal decisions of every man, woman and child in the country.

We criticize President Obama because we don't believe his ideas will work. You must remember that not every American voted for him. If it was so bad to run up a huge deficit under GWB, why would people support Obama's runaway spending in just 6 short months? Some of us actually care about burdening future generations under a ruinous debt.

I think the only thing he got right so far was to veto the funding for those F22s that the pentagon didn't even want.

I don't wish the man harm, but I pray that he gets a clue, I pray that he can put his ego aside and think of the country's greater good (as opposed to just signing anything) and I pray for this country.


PS Someone said "They don't have any ideas. The protesters are merely parroting words put in their mouths by Insurance and drug company professional pr lobbyists groups. Have you seen a conservative alternate plan? They are merely the Republican Obstructionist Quitter Party of No." This Y/A person is parroting everything the dems are falsely stating. Conservatives like me have legitimate concerns with this administration. We're not racists, we're not rent-a-mobs financed by Big Insurance or Big Pharma. I'm just a working-class, tax-paying American. I'm frustrated that my elected representatives are ignoring and demonizing people like me because we don't go along with their stealth destruction of our healthcare system and I'm frustrated with Americans like the person who posted this because it makes me feel that many others share his warped thinking. I AM heartened by some of the eloquent people who are showing up at Town Hall meetings and speaking for people like me. Y'all better listen to them because they're also speaking for you.
2009-08-11 12:03:26 UTC
Bush was a wake up call to conservatives. Liberals decided the problem was just the Republican party, particularly the young who hadn't much tracked politics before Bush. Obama will be a wake up call to liberals, but he is worse than Bush on many many fronts and is trying to structurally ruin things removing decisionmaking by and accoutability to the people, and this may be irreversible once liberals realize what he is. The spending is absolutely irreversible, and propping up economic indicators with massive intervention to pretend 'green shoots' doesn't change economic reality, it just leaves a MUCH larger bill to pay and transfers wealth from the poor and middle class to banks and wall street.

Obama is a disaster.
2009-08-11 12:06:27 UTC guys have a short memory...We are only being Good Americans like you guys were for 8 years...If you are asking for support for his policies....For-get-it...I am bashing the guy on top
2009-08-11 12:03:58 UTC
Why do most Democrats spend more time insulting President Bush instead of realizing their ideas don't work?

Oh, and Obamavenger, just how hard is it when you think? :-D
2009-08-11 12:01:33 UTC
Because they have no new ideas to counter the Democrats, so there is nothing left to do except whine and insult.

But let's be honest, Repubs didn't control Congress during all 8 years under Bush.

Only the first 6. Oh, and the 6 before Bush too. But that's nit-picking.
2009-08-11 12:00:38 UTC
Because the mainstream media promotes the left/right paradigm. The Reps and Dems are all on on the same side - the RICH side! Stop dividing yourselves into the groups they've created. They don't care about you or the ideals they claim to represent. They're just glad to keep you all distracted with meaningless discussions such as this while they cause more and more damage to your country.

Your "us versus them" mentality is misdirected. It should not be "Reps versus Dems", your focus should be on "The very-small-elite-group-that-run-things versus the rest of US"!
2009-08-11 12:03:00 UTC
Obama speaks the language of pragmatism and moderation while at the same time enacting radical legislation. I'm sorry you consider pointing that out being insulting. God bless.
In God We Trust
2009-08-11 19:39:41 UTC
They are just conceited. Most people will never admit to their lack of imperfection. I am a mortal who knows that I am not perfect. Thus, I find it odd that anyone can expect, in this case, for President Obama to resolve George W. Bush's mistakes. It may take years for him to assess, correct and improve what the old president did. President Obama has already been asked to 'work miracles.' I wish for all of us to be blessed to understand the level of what our new president is working with. Peace!
2009-08-11 12:10:16 UTC
Oh really.....Well...History has proven that Obamas ideas do not work. We have proof all over the world. Or do you think somehow under your little messiah will make it different.
2009-08-11 12:07:19 UTC
did you ever bash bush? if so, then you have your answer as to why. i have lost faith in obama to be more than previuos presidents, he is more of the same, as far as bad presidents go.
2009-08-11 12:02:36 UTC
Why is it that liberals continue to wet themselves over the fact that Obama won and refuse to be brutally honest about where he is taking this county.

Yes, we know he get over it, put on your thinking caps and start realizing that he's taking all you pantie waists down with the rest of us.
2009-08-11 12:01:43 UTC
They don't have any ideas. The protesters are merely parroting words put in their mouths by Insurance and drug company professional pr lobbyist groups. Have you seen a conservative alternate plan? They are merely the Republican Obstructionist Quitter Party of No.
2009-08-11 12:12:10 UTC
YOU will not be FOREVER FREE much longer under the teleprompter reader..............unless you are an illegal immigrant.......or don't work.......or you just waite until he reads something off the teleprompter again that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
2009-08-11 12:02:05 UTC
The GOP does not take kindly to losing or in having their ideological failures detailed...they prefer, instead, to insult their opposition and throw massive temper tantrums until somone gives them what they believe to be their "house" back.

(I support our President and his policies (so far) as well! That's why I voted for him!)
2009-08-11 12:04:06 UTC
Their probably bashing him beacuase they want to see if he can handle it under pressure enough to make him break.
2009-08-11 12:03:26 UTC
Because be and his spokespeople started attacking us and calling our expression "fake".

When GWB (who was not my fav) was asked about Cindy Sheehan - he answered that she had a right to protest because this is America.

Now we are told to shut up by someone who marketed himself as "a uniter".
2009-08-11 12:01:01 UTC
Did you just write God Bless Socialism???
2009-08-11 12:05:24 UTC
Because it is not enough to have health care coverage. I want health care.
Comic Sans
2009-08-11 12:00:14 UTC
Why don't you tell that to the dems who just bashed Bush for 8 years instead of realizing that their ideas didn't work and that their president got impeached.
2009-08-11 12:00:58 UTC
Those 8 years worked quite well for me and my family.

Read this bill!
2009-08-11 12:01:16 UTC
we learned how to do it from you democrats

I do not support Obama but do have good wishes for America
Blue Haired Old Lady
2009-08-11 12:01:22 UTC
They are sore losers, and this approach has worked for them in the past.
2009-08-11 12:01:03 UTC
They think the voters made a mistake.... they can't possibly fathom that it was them that made the mistakes, thus the voters didn't vote for them.
2009-08-11 12:02:37 UTC
because that is all they got and they had an angry grandpa and a fool as their candidates
2009-08-11 12:00:14 UTC
They have been stuck in crybaby mode since 11-04-08. Complaints and no better ideas.
2009-08-11 12:01:49 UTC
Why do you defend him instead of realizing that he is a dismal failure already. It is delaying the inevitable.
2009-08-11 12:00:53 UTC
Because they don't really care about the welfare of the country. They are more concerned with their party
2009-08-11 12:00:01 UTC
Sore losers!
2009-08-11 12:00:11 UTC
Because they believe "their ideas" have never really been tried.

They're deranged. Or dishonest. I'm never entirely sure which it is.
2009-08-11 11:59:35 UTC
Insulting is easy. Thinking is hard.
2009-08-11 12:00:50 UTC
its easier than being productive
Shane B
2009-08-11 12:00:13 UTC
because they cant dispute fact.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.