I have a question for you! Why are Democrats so clueless?
The people that voted for Obama were most likely the people who want everything handed out to them. I am not going to work and get my money taken away for people to sit on there lazy butts having money given to them so they can go buy some more beer and smoke.
God made us capable of working.
I'm not saying not to help charities but don't tax the rich like crazy and give to people who don't want to work. My family, we are tight on money but we don't want to take money from the rich and given to us. We aren't to lazy to work for ourselves.
Yes, I know the economy is bad, a lot of it has to do with the gas prices last summer. Republicans wanted to drill in the U.S. but the Democrats wanted to save the trees and the animals. You try to save as much as you can, and you can plant new trees someone else
Also some people think there is not enough oil. God made the earth, He supplied everyone with enough, so we could be independent and not have to rely on other countries who could care less about us. (kinda sounds like our government right now)
Communism have you guys not learned from other countries that communism is definitely NOT what you want! Seriously read up on communism.
Someone from Russia said Obama is doing exactly what (the person who had turned Russia communism once) except faster and with a smile.
Come on America WAKE UP!!!!
The Democrats just want to be in control over everything.
Oh and all of that crap about Bush.
Did you not notice that no one would think about messing with us when Bush was President. We were so protected!
Why won't Obama show his birth certificate? Probably because he's not an American Citizen.
He Lies!
God Bless America.
Please help everyone to realize what Obama and the democrats are trying to do before it's to late!