I think your view of the world is rather misinformed, perhaps you visit too many conspiracy theory sites. I have tried to provide legitimate sources for the points I make, I hope you take the time to look at them.
Firstly WW2 was won by the Allied forces, which included the UK, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Union of South Africa, Belgium, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, India (as part of the British Empire), Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway and Yugoslavia. The Soviet Union, China and America did not join the Allies until 1941, two years after the beginning of the war The alliance was formalised in the Declaration by United Nations on 1 January 1942. There were 26 signatories.
What Communist forces run the world, today China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam remain Communist, hardly a list of important countries, apart from China of course. What Communist banks rule the world, if you are talking about the World Bank Group, all of the 193 of the UN are WBG members. The World Bank Group consists of five organisations who's objectives are to support low income countries, providing loans, equity and assistance to the poorer one, see link. Hardly the set up of an organisation attempting to "run the world"
Fewer and fewer European countries are run by left-leaning governments. As the Economist put it " Today, following the defeat of the ruling Socialists in Portugal's general election on June 5th, the left is in charge of just five: Spain, Greece, Austria, Slovenia and Cyprus, with Greece currently being run under the control of the IMF and the EU. In Spain, by far the largest of these, polls suggest the Socialists will be removed from office at an election that must be held by next March."
America's two parties left wing? you have to be joking, the Democrats have far more in common with European right wing parties than with those from the left. It is only America which support Israel with money the majority is military aid to buy weapons and this aid is tied to them buying American arms. Europe's aid goes to the Palestinians, not Israel.
The Murdoch's do not include the majority of our newspapers, Murdoch own the Sun, Times and Sunday Times and Times Literary Supplement, two of which are only a weekly paper, which account for around 2.25 million readers, the alternatives have a readership of over 6 million.
As for our television the majority of Brits get their television news from the BBC and ITV television companies, neither of which are Murdoch owned. The BBC’s 10 o’clock News is the country’s most popular news programme with an average audience in 2009 of 4.7 million. But there’s also been a modest fight-back by ITV’s News at 10, now it has a consistent slot in the schedule adding more than 100,000 average viewers from its own low-point in 2007 of 2.4 million
Russia and Europe merged? when did this happen as a European who considers herself up to date on world events I missed this. Most of the recent countries which have joined the EU are former Soviet states, which were independent countries which have escaped Russian control. Currently, cooperation between the EU and Russia is based on a 1997 agreement. A new treaty is being negotiated to extend cooperation in trade, investment and energy. Other areas of negotiation included visa-free travel between the EU and Russia, and the EU's support for Russia's application to join the World Trade Organisation. They are our neighbours and supply us with large amounts of energy, however this is a long way from merging.
While I see many problems in the world today, the uncontrolled power of multinationals and the banking industry and the rise of right wing extremism both in America and parts of the Middle East. I feel that you might be spending too much time on the growing number of world conspiracy websites without checking their increasingly crazy claims with independent sources.
I would just add that all conspiracy theories are fallible. They are composed of cause and effect layers, such as: A is controlling B, which is influencing C to create D that poisons E.... You can just keep going, getting deeper and deeper into the abyss. And, just as easily, you can also turn a negative conspiracy string into a positive one by adding another layer that is positive. So, taking the above example: A is controlling B, which is influencing C to create D that poisons E, that will save F and allow G to live in true freedom. Your question suggests you have intelligence but have fallen into this current addiction to look for conspiracies everywhere and believe things without checking for yourself.