"Women's rights" really means "Liberal Women's rights"
When someone ask's "are we ready for a women president?"
What they really mean is "are we ready for a liberal women president?"
Bill Maher can call Sarah Palin the "C" word and get applauded, but say something bad about Hillary and your a hate monger.
There is a democrat War on Women,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just ask Ted Kennedy, or Chris Dodd, or Anthony Weiner, or Billy BJ Clinton, or all the women democrats have attacked like Paula Jones, Chandra Levy, Gennifer Flowers, Mary Jo Kopechne, Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth Gracen, Juanita Broaddrick, Sally Perdue.
Hey how about the obama administration changing the breast cancer screening requirement from yearly to every 4 years. Sounds like a war on women to me.
Just ask Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman, or Christine O'Donnell if there is a democrat war on conservative women.
It was GW Bush and the War in Iraq that changed the way women were treated in the middle east,,,Now women can get educated and jobs, and a much better life then before the Iraq war.
So it can be said GWB has done more for women's rights around the world then any president in history.
Now let's be fair here,,,, Akin was correct when he implied not all rapes are legitimate.
Just ask the Duke LaCrosse Team.
Women Falsely Accuses Man of Rape
Man Falsely Accused of Rape
Democrat War On Conservative Women
MSNBC Host Calls Laura Ingram a Slut