This is the reason why I take religion with a grain of salt. I'm not religious in any sense of the word, but that doesn't mean I don't take what I get from religion in it's purest form. Yeah, sure. The Bible WAS written by man. And probably tampered with. But the message remains- Jesus was a passionate dude who hung out with sinners of ALL kinds, and not because he agreed with what they did- but because of his innate and undying love for all other people and willingness to help and educate others. It was never his place or idea to say "dude, what you're doing is a sin, and you're going to go to hell for it." If ANYBODY actually read the bible and didn't take accounts from people with skewed views, they'd recognize that Jesus' role on the planet wasn't to be an arbiter, judge and executioner, but as a redeemer and kind-hearted man who could see hope in all people, no matter how sinful they were.
Seeing the best in people is something nobody is capable of doing anymore, it seems. All people want to see or hear is what evils are being committed by those who twist around the words of religion to meet their own ends, and connecting that with others who have no affiliation with them. I have muslim friends, and by no means do they condone ANYTHING extremist muslims have done- yet by name of the religion ALONE are they affiliated to people such as Al-Queda, which isn't fair to them. That's like saying my reasonable baptist friend is exactly like Fred Phelps- arguably the most hateful and spiteful man in existence today- despite my friend agreeing with nothing Phelps says.
A) Jesus would never command christian armies to kill everyone. The very notion that Jesus would command faithful christians to commit acts of mass genocide against those no one agrees with goes agaisnt everything he ever said and did.
B) He would never kill these people, either. The fact that he sacrificed himself for the betterment of everyone else is enough to prove this.
Like I said. I don't practice religion. But I've studied enough of it to come to the conclusion that if he were here on earth, he'd walk into the nearest Wal-Mart, buy Aquafina water bottles in bulk, turn them to wine, collect up a bunch of people down on their luck or otherwise leading troubled lives, and have a thoughtful discussion and story with them all.
Fact of the matter is... we could all stand to do the same thing, methinks.