21 goals to fix the government, what do you think?
2012-06-16 18:49:53 UTC
1) Lower the Korperat tax from 35% to 25% and close tax loopholes.
2) Tax cuts to those who hire and punish for those who ship jobs overseas.
3) reform the tax law and simplify investing taxes.
4) Start a national construction bank that finances and invests in infrustructure.
5) establish economic zones
6) finance constructions like trains and toll booth in heavy traffic areas and reduce traffic.
7) Increase troops in the middle east
8) establish better foreign economic policies.
9) better alternative energy
10) increase the number of off shore drilling
11) reform the education system
12) reform social security and change it into a 401k similar plan
13) reform welfare
14) reduce government regulation of businesses
15) less government.
16) reduce stupid lawsuits of businesses and people
17) censor pol. correctness.
18) reduce $100k salary of life guards and state employees.
19) privatize the US postal service or remove congressional control
20) term limits for senators/reps./ and SUPREME court justices.
21) Common sense in government.

Typo but you will get the point. These are vague points, however, this is the list. Next, we need to work on the steps to succeed in these goals.
Nine answers:
2012-06-16 19:01:11 UTC
Great list!

I do have criticisms.

I'd like to know more about 4. Monetary systems are my thing. If it in anyway implies the Fed should be involved, then not just no, but hell no.

How to you plan to execute number 9? If you're going for more corporatism, or crony capitalism as we've had with this admin or the previous admin, no thanks.

I'm not sure you were thinking clearly on goal 7. Really? I mean, really?

On goal 10, the current admin is allowing this. For foreign corporations of course. Not American ones. But it's really of no benefit, contrary to the rhetoric you'll hear. If it were, I wouldn't have a problem with it. If it benefited the people of this country, I'd say you should be able to walk from New Orleans to Cancun platform by platform. it just doesn't help though.

I really, really like 14 and 15. 3 is possibly my favorite.

Good work.
2012-06-17 02:02:46 UTC
1) Sure, as long as you never spell Corporate with a K again.

2) No, outsourcing is not a bad thing, and tax cutting to aim at specific sectors is bad policy.

3) Vague, but agreed depending on details.

4) So...this bank lends, but doesn't finance? Who is it lending to? States? Details matter.

5) Why can't all zones be economic zones?

6) Okay, but this is a state/local function.

7) Wait what? No. Other way around.

8) Better is a hard word to argue with because it is subjective and everyone will apply their own bias to it.

9) There's that word again: better. Do you have a magic technology wand that will suddenly make alternatives economically viable? If you do, then you're an evil prick for not using it all these years.

10) Permits...increase permits. I agree.

11) Reform is one of those words like "better". It is meaningless without details. Making it worse is "reform" just as much as making it better..

12) Ok, everyone would love this. How do you pay for current beneficiaries as you transition from pay-as-you-go to an investment based system?

13) It was reformed in 1996, and is not a major problem anymore. You don't mention Medicare/Medicaid. Are you aware that they have an unfunded liabiltiy SIX TIMES bigger than Social Security and that the government pays for more than 50% of health care costs today? Put your time where it is needed.

14) Vague, but I like.

15) Vague, but I like.

16) How? Most Republicans like a damages cap, but I do not. I prefer "Loser Pays".

17) What? So you would CENSOR people who are censoring others? I suspect you haven't though this through. This sounds more like a campaign pledge than a serious policy.

18) Reduce it BY 100k? TO 100k? How many life guards are earning more than 100k? You confuse me.

19) I like.

20) No. I used to be a fan of term limits, but they are NOT the panacea everyone thinks they are. ESPECIALLY not for Supreme Court Justices.

21) Wow, talk about subjective.


4) Why can't ALL areas be free market? Why are you picking some and not others?

5) So a Fannie Mae style GSE but with the loan guarantees of the US. But who would the borrowers be? If it's a bank, it is lending to someone, and that someone is paying it back.

7) Troops cost money, you wanted less govt. Also, at this stage, unless you are intending to invade Iran or Syria, we should be bringing them back, not adding.

8) Free trade is GOOD. The notion that we "ship jobs overseas" is a nice union slogan that is NOT TRUE. Every economic study of free trade has concluded that free trade benefits both nations leading to rising living standards, net job creation, and higher paying jobs than the average domestic alternative.

12) You haven't answered how you pay for current retirees or near retirees. Today the money from those 30 year olds is paying current benefits. if you stick it in a 401k, how are you paying current beneficiaries? See the problem? The money coming in is already insufficient to pay for current and near future retirees, you take it away to create an investment scheme, even though we all agree that is a more sustainable model, and you have the problem of taking money AWAY from an already underfunded system.
2012-06-17 02:00:34 UTC
You will have a problem with #2 I can see right now. Apple and GE are the two biggest outsourcers of jobs, but favorites of liberals. Mobile Exxon export very few jobs, and less than 10% profit margin, but liberals hate them.

With liberals, it's a matter of picking and choosing who to reward or punish based on personal preference, and nothing to do with economics.
Steve O
2012-06-17 01:51:22 UTC



4-UPDATED: Still Need more details

5-UPDATED: Agree


7-UPDATED: still don't agree.Whatever we have is more than enough.





12-UPDATED: Partially agree.



15-Disagree (we don't like in 1700s)


17-Need more info


19-NO. It has always been federal and shell remain Federal.

20-Agree.Too much corruption.

21- would be nice :)

But if you want my vote then I would need to get some clarifications on some of the issues you mentioned.
2012-06-17 02:20:02 UTC
Some are good ideas, some are daffy. Number 21 had me laughing though. "21) Common sense in government"
2012-06-17 01:57:05 UTC
great list but good luck

don't forget the lobbyists they hand congress 3.5 billion a year tough to represent us and them

Have a great 2012!
2012-06-17 01:58:13 UTC
Epic fail. you just need 1 goal, eliminate unconstitutional federal programs and actually follow the constitution. Elect ron paul, and you will achieve that goal.
2012-06-17 01:51:28 UTC
Obama has already done most of the things on that list
2012-06-17 01:55:48 UTC
couldn't disagree more!

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