I'm a small donor for President Obama, so not false...there are a whole bunch of us from state to state who KNOW that President Obama is the absolute BEST MAN for the job of keeping our Obama-Democrat-produced slow-but-steady recovery going and growing, so we keep on giving small increments, just like Ron Paul's donors do and have done in the past.
President Obama has only spent $885 BILLION, and this is confirmed by an indepth analytical study from Newsweek and The Daily Beast as of July 2012 (posted on Powerwall). The Bush/Cheney administration had FUDGED THE BOOKS in more ways than one, including the fact that the costs of both wars were NOT INCLUDED and neither was more than $2.7 TRILLION (deliberately kept OFF THE BOOKS) that had to be added in the first week President Obama was in office in order to get a true accounting of where we were in order to implement the needed nation-saving changes. According to Rex Nutting of "Market Watch" and a columnist for the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, "Government spending under Obama, including his signature stimulus bill, is rising at a 1.4% annualized pace---slower than at any time in nearly 60 years. See? NOT "running up the debt" at all---that is PROPAGANDA by the Republicans who actually did what they try to now accuse our very frugal President Obama of doing.
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has joined forces with the religous-extremist right-wing Republicans who met on Inauguration Night 2009 in a secret meeting on Capital Hill (according to Draper's exposing "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives") to PLOT and promise to "bring Congress to a standstill" (and this is before our brand new President Obama, chosen by the masses, had even had time to show what he wanted!) "and to BLOCK every piece of Obama legislation, even if it was beneficial to the nation." Despite this, President Obama was able to get his Democrats to organize long enough in the previous 111th Congress to pass more than 300 pieces of legislation, earning that previous Congress a rating of "MOST PRODUCTIVE Congress in more than 60 years" (C-SPAN News, LA Times). By contrast, the DELIBERATELY SABOTAGING right-wing-controlled do-nothing 112th Congress has been rated as the "LEAST PRODUCTIVE since Herbert Hoover days" (same source). JOBS bills, TAX CUTS for small business bills...these are things Republicans should be backing---but nooo, simply because a popular and powerful black man and a Democrat proposed these wise pieces of legislation.
And you are wrong about the nation-saving Reinvestment and Recovery Act (a.k.a., "stimulus package"), too. Read Michel Grumwald's new indepth exploration, in "The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era" or try the recovery.gov site.