The answer Jonathan gave to your question is infuriating in its inaccuracy about Hillary.
President Obama has been a miracle worker, Jonathan: or see and to discover how very wrong you are about our GODSEND of a President, Barack Obama! Looks like you have been swallowing the elephant-poop swill of conman bully-brat buffoon Trump and now spew forth the same swill!
Andrea Mitchell was traveling with the First Family for this very historic visit to Cuba, and it was noted by veteran reporter Mitchell (married to former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, so no liberal she) that there was no slight whatsoever to President Obama when Raul Castro chose to have their first meeting more private. The point is this is the first time a U.S. President has set foot on Cuban soil since 1922! And there is far more strategic importance to having our President Obama take the initiative to normalize relations between Cuba and the United States that have to do with a sneaky attempt by Vladimir Putin to issue a veiled threat to us on the day the passenger plane was shot down over Ukraine by Russia-provided weapons and sanctions were tightened. Study your history and recent events, then ASSIMILATE.
People can only hate if that hate is first directed towards themselves, so it is not Hillary that these too-far rightwing extremists hate. Instead, they fear Hillary's incredible competence, her sharp mind and very high intelligence (maybe even greater than her photographic-memory former President husband Bill's), and her many successes. To cast aspersions upon the philanthropic Clinton Foundation as Jonathan has done is appalling---the nonprofit foundation has helped millions of people here in the U.S. and all over the world (read up on it)!
And the claims that Hillary is "a criminal and a hypocrite" or to harp on Benghazi (a FAKE "scandal" being used by criminally partisan rightwing Republicans at taxpayers' expense to drive down Hillary's poll numbers!) is disgusting. The building attacked in Benghazi was pay attention, children...CIA OUTPOST! The GOP did not tell you this, did they? The three Navy SEALs who died were CIA OPERATIVES under the jurisdiction of...guess who?...CIA Director David Petraeus! And those e-mails from a private server? Well, guess what, folks...It was NOT ILLEGAL for Colin Powell, for Condoleeza Rice, or for Secretary Hillary Clinton to use a private server! NOT ILLEGAL...get it? For more than 25 years now we who love the Clintons have had to put up with all the PROPAGANDA from what former attacker, now in charge of Media Matters, David Brock came to call the "Republican Noise Machine" (from his book "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy")...the "drip, drip, drip" deliberate strategy to undermine and tarnish the reputation of a truly great woman from the first day Hillary appeared on the national stage to campaign for our beloved "Bubba" Bill Clinton! Some of the negativity stems from this constant barrage of bullying, so I am hoping people can realize this and look instead at the years of multitasking experience at every level, going back to her time as the First Lady of Arkansas, when she headed several projects to help low-income families while also leading the Task Force to improve Arkansas's failing education system, and she became the first female law partner at the prestigious Rose Law Firm, and was twice listed in the National Law Review as "one of the top 100 most influential attorneys in the United States"! While doing all of this, the amazing Hillary Clinton found time to serve on the Boards of Directors for several prominent corporations, to include the Arkansas-based Wal-Mart. Hillary's work with the Children's Defense Fund is well-known, but a lot of Americans are unaware that, as our First Lady (of the U.S.), it was Hillary Clinton who made sure the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIPs) was in every single state.
As a U.S. Senator, Hillary Clinton worked across the aisle to get legislation passed, and even Faux "news" owner rightwing Rupert Murdoch was quoted as saying, "Hillary is a rock star!" Her knowledge of the Senate workings will serve her well as our Commander-in-Chief and next President, as will Secretary Clinton's four years of experience with up close and personal foreign policy experience. The reason Arab Spring is messy-looking is that there is a healing going on---a thaw! Citizens from Arab nations all over the Middle East chose to risk everything in order to peacefully demonstrate for more say in their government---more "DEMOCRACY" people! They want to emulate the freedoms we Americans take for granted! Yes, it is messy, but change is always a bit messy. If hate-mongers like the disgustingly xenophobic Trump keep on inciting violence against these good people, we run the risk of alienating the people who sought to be more like us. Hillary can help with this movement and bring about peaceful resolutions. No one else in the face has the experience or the skills needed to do this.
Conservative men think women should be seen but only heard if the "dominant" male wants them to be. Hillary ain't having none of that crap!