Is patriotism really helpful on a global scale, or is it counterproductive to our species, and all life?
2008-07-03 11:30:11 UTC
On YA, disagreements about patriotism usually center on the difference between the patriotism of dissent and the patriotism of obedience. In the end aren't we all, whatever our nationality, members of the same species with the same general, global challenges facing us? Shouldn't we be working to get beyond the concept of advancing our nation at the expense of others? If we don't isn't all life on the planet, including all human life of course, basically screwed?
Eleven answers:
2008-07-03 11:33:52 UTC
Option two. Patriotism isn't only damaging, it's really, really stupid. A country is just an area of land, and it's an odd thing to love.
2008-07-03 18:52:02 UTC
It is fine to be supportive of your country, especialy considering the support that provides. There's a reason why is that governments still need to run all the separate areas of the world. If they weren't separated out like that, there would be no possible way to deal with the issues of leadership. Sure, it would be great if the world could actually come together in harmony and not have to embrace only a certain group of people over others, but the basis for it is to make a united country under one government. It may not be the best way to go, but since we cannot guarantee people will follow a government under anything else, this becomes an issue. One more thing, advancing one's nation isn't necessarily at the expense of others, we just tend to do things that way. It is more than possible to advance at the benefit of others, it's just not all that likely with our current mentalities.
The Jesus
2008-07-03 18:38:14 UTC
Patriotism is comforting and uniting on a national level and harmful and divisive on a global one. Most didn't choose their nation of residence, it is simply luck of the draw. Am I proud to be an American? Sure, I guess. But I would be just as proud if I was born in Sweden, or Mexico, or wherever. Patriotism is just a political tool for getting the people to do what the leadership wants without actually having to convince them.

In short, yes it is counterproductive to our species.
2008-07-03 18:53:34 UTC
I don't think it's necessarily counterproductive. To me, being an American patriot means a dedication to the founding principles of this country. I think men and women should be equal, and have an equal voice in their government. I think governments are put into place to protect the rights that we are endowed with by our creator (NOT granted by government!). I think we should have the freedom to live as we want, and the responsibility to accept the consequences of our actions when exercising that freedom has adverse effects. But you know what? Not everybody in the world is going to agree with that. Not everybody is going to agree in equality, or the scope of government, or the role that government should play. Different groups of people are dedicated to different ideals. And that's perfectly okay. Patriotism isn't about mindless dedication to a piece of land. It's much more than that. It's inclusion in a group with like minded ideals. We're not all the same. We don't all want the same things. Countries, and patriotism, allow us to decide for our populations what ideals we figure we should live by. You can't make all the people happy all the time. I think socialism is downright immoral, and hence would be very unhappy in many countries. But patriots in those countries can make a valid point about healthcare and wealth distribution. It works for them, not for me. On a global scale the simple truth is that one policy, one mindset, is both unworkable and unnatural. Competition is not to be feared, it is to be embraced. Lack of patriotism is a lack of idealism, and that's just apathy.
2008-07-03 18:37:41 UTC
There's patriotism and then there's jingoism. A lot of people on YA cannot distinguish between the two. There is nothing wrong with loving one's country of origin. That doesn't mean, though, that you should believe that all other nations are inferior. Nor does it mean that you have to believe that your country is perfect in every way.

And yes, as Merlin told Arthur when he flew him above the earth, there are no natural borders. There is no reason why we cannot all be patriotic about our own artificial boundaries and still cooperate together as a race, the human one.
Phil M
2008-07-03 18:51:55 UTC
No, because we do not all have the same global challenges facing us. Its very easy to see this. We are all animals at heart and subject to primal instincts that are actually necessary for true survival of a species. do you think a pride of lions have any concern for a vagabond lion stray that walks through? No, they are worried about the survival of their pride because they KNOW what they are looking for in the betterment and improvement of the pride. Humans aren't much different. You can look at any group, religion, ethnicity, etc and you'll get the same outlook by and large. Its all about expansion and survival of the species.

Federal attempts at help will end up as productive as global attempts to help.

they work great for fixing the results of crisis, but they do not accomplish much towards solutions or rectifying the underlying causes of those problems.
2008-07-03 18:37:49 UTC
That is a good question. Those who claim to be patriots would probably Swift Boat you for even asking about it, but you should be commended for doing so. In my view, patriotism is a neutral value. It may help to unite people to common objectives, but some of those objectives are counterproductive. On the whole, I agree with you.
2008-07-03 18:37:10 UTC
Yeah, but you know how us American's are,

"America is the best country in world"

"We're number one!"

"Everyone is jealous because we are the best country on the planet!"

The ego is outrageous. Its kind of like school sports. You're supposed to have school spirit buts at the end of the day, the people at the other school are just trying to get and education (live) like you.

(Remove your bias when reading my answer, if you can. Also, I do realize that other countries governments and laws can be f'd up, but you get what I'm trying to say.)
2008-07-03 18:38:27 UTC
As with all human behavior, it evolved as a pro-survival trait. Security of the tribe meant security of the species. Now that the world has become so very much smaller , we must expand our definition of 'tribe' or we are doomed to self-destruction.
2008-07-03 18:37:45 UTC
Patriotism- n. the love of one's country, simply because that its one's country.
2008-07-03 18:35:21 UTC
It's just another mechanism to divide the peoples of the world, the old divide and rule trickery.

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