I wish he'd tale both houses of Congress with him. That way they won't screw things up so much.
Cap and Trade- According to the CBO (and Obama too) it will increase energy bills and cost jobs. According to many scientists it won't do a thing for global warming. But then does it even exist. I actually think it does if you go all the way back 13,000 years.
But do scientists know what's happening? Or why?
It's a long read I warn you.
Health care reform With a three year running start and expending $1.3 trillion dollars by the end of ten years we will have reduced the deficit by $80 billion dollars. What happens in the next ten years without that head start? Outside ot bureaucrats who will do who knows what in over 100 NEW agencies, how many jobs will it create? Not many according to the pesky CBO.
Card Check is supposed to help the working man. But the CBO says it will cost jobs. And raise unemployment.
All those "GREEN" projects? Well yes the CBO does say they will create thousands of new jobs. But it will kill more than it creates. And drive the cost of energy UP!
So Yeah, Obama, take a three year vacation--And take Congress with you. That way even if you don't do anything--At least you won't do anything more --WRONG!