2006-10-31 12:10:58 UTC
I get politicians who make promises but never keep them .
Conservatives are suppose to get government out of your life and instead all we get is, more ,more ,more .
When was the last time we had an agency cut back except in services provided to the people .The same number of workers show up but after paying them the people they are suppose to serve get nothing .Until you reduce your staff no real cuts have been made . Reducing E.P.A. funds does not cut staff but reduces its effectiveness .Same as the parks department ,same amount of staff ,just a smaller budget .
When will real conservatives reduce the number of people tax payers must support .
Government jobs are growing all the time and we the tax payers have an increasing burden put upon us every year as they add more .
Real conservatives want less government less laws and more choice for people to make and live with .