Air America Radio files for Chapter 11?
2006-10-13 09:47:18 UTC
Does this mean that the liberal agenda in America is failing? Shows like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, etc. all seem to have a very loyal following. With the popularity of these shows, I would think that Air America would do better. Liberals - why are you not listening to this station?
Twenty answers:
C = JD
2006-10-13 09:52:40 UTC
Rush and Hannity are very informative, humorous, and I love listening to them. Michael Savage is a sour, acidic, ignorant, judgmental jerk and I cannot listen to him for more than 5 minutes. Coulter is extremely intelligent, but very tactless and crude.

Air America will fail because liberalism is too negative, too gloomy, no optimism, no belief in America, no fresh ideas. Just Bush bashing 24/7. Who would voluntarily listen to the amateur antics of Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, both of whom are totally out of their league?
2006-10-13 17:01:05 UTC
Air American Radio filing for bankruptcy has nothing to do with the "liberal agenda failing". First of all - the "liberal agenda" is not being implemented. All the failures over the past decade were under Republican control of Congress and/or the Executive Branch - conservatives have been holding the cards - not liberals. The "liberal agenda" hasn't even had a CHANCE to fail. Second - the reason that Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage are more popular than the hosts on Air America is because they are far more entertaining....and that's what people want when they tune-in to a radio talk show -- not to really discuss issues (I don't think I've ever heard an intelligent debate on Sean Hannity's radio show - liberals get shouted off the phone within seconds) - but to be entertained. The Air America hosts actually discuss issues, statistics and facts...and you know? That makes for some boring radio at's informative, but not really that entertaining. If Air America had hosts as entertaining as the right-wing hosts, then people would listen, and they wouldn't be going bankrupt. Also - another consideration you have failed to see is that not even close to 100% of the audiences of conservative talk-radio (or FoxNews for that matter) are conservatives! A lot of the popular ratings come from the fact that so many LIBERALS also listen to those radio shows (although not as many call in or get themselves on the air). I would even venture to guess that more liberals listen to a Sean Hannity broadcast than are listening to the Randi Rhodes show at the same time. Heck - I listen to Sean Hannity more than I listen to Randi Rhodes. If ONLY cons listened to Hannity/Rush and ONLY liberals listened to Air America - Air America would be doing just fine - and - in fact - would probably be beating out Sean & Rush's shows because there are, in fact, more liberals in this country than neo-conservatives (this is a fact the insiders of the NeoCon movement are well aware of by the way, which is why they've had to become so unbelievably good at fund-raising and getting their base to turn out to vote - if they didn't - they would lose every election).

(addendum: a thumbs-down for a correct answer? wow - tough crowd!)
2006-10-13 16:51:58 UTC
It's true: On Friday, Air America spokeswoman Jaime Horn told The Associated Press that the filing became necessary only recently after negotiations with a creditor from the privately held company's early days broke down.

The network will stay on the air while it resolves issues with its creditors, Horn said. In addition to Franken, the network also features shows from liberal talk show host Randi Rhodes and syndicates shows from Jerry Springer and Portland, Ore.-based talk show host Thom Hartmann.
2006-10-13 17:00:27 UTC
Why do I need to listen to a radio station to believe what I feel is right for me? I don't need some radio "personality" to tell me how to think or act. Why do you? Anyway, aren't you guys always screaming about how all the media is liberal anyway? If that's true, I can watch every station and hear my brand of news, read any newspaper, and listen to every radio station...
2006-10-13 16:58:25 UTC
Air America is failing because it has provided nothing new. Everything talked about there can be found in the "mainstream media" or on sites owned by groups such as

Love Jack
Chris J
2006-10-13 16:59:24 UTC
The far left agenda that Air America espoused is not supported by the majority of anyone. The problem with a liberal talk show is that they either have to not take calls, or they have to screen the hell out of their calls, because their stances don't usually stand up to logical scrutiny.
MishMash [I am not one of your fans]
2006-10-13 16:53:00 UTC
Republicans are more worried about Air America than Democrats are. Hmmm. Look, they restructured their programming and in my area, it is alive and well, as is the Jones Radio Network. Republicans always seem to forget that one and instead focus only on Air America...

C = JD, Janeane Garofalo hasn't been on Air America for months.
2006-10-13 21:09:41 UTC
I am a liberal Democrat but even I know a sucky radio station when I hear it!
richard c
2006-10-13 16:54:54 UTC
It means that Americans can think for themselves and do not need Al Franken's goofy ideas. all you hear on those shows are Bush Hate, Republican hate, and rich hate? what about some good things??I get tired of the conservatives too!same old, same old, both sides? it gets old hashing the same crap over and over.
2006-10-13 16:48:41 UTC
In my neck of the woods, it is on such a weak station that I get static and signal intrusion
2006-10-13 17:01:40 UTC
Are we supposed to get our information from a talking pundit? Or perhaps a reliable source? hmmm......Bankruptcies are at an all time high under this adminstration...and republicans own Clear channel. So there you go.
2006-10-13 16:49:24 UTC
OMG this is getting so tiresome.Now I know how you must have felt about Foley.

No one cares that Air America has filed for Chapter 11. We never needed radio to tell us what to think.

The only thing the popularity of conservative radio proves is how stupid you people are. You need people to tell you what to think how to act and what to say.

We dont listen to hate filled garbage because it accomplishes nothing.
2006-10-13 16:51:30 UTC
liberals are for the most part...queer. they can't afford a radio. if you had any sense you would listen to Hannity and/or Limbaugh
2006-10-13 16:57:44 UTC
OK time to send in some donations.
Jean R
2006-10-13 16:54:14 UTC
It is surprising that libs aren't listening to it. AA does preach hate.
El Pistolero Negra
2006-10-13 16:52:08 UTC
I guess Stephanie... never listens to herself then.
2006-10-13 16:51:11 UTC
Socialists should stick to NPR.
2006-10-13 16:49:27 UTC
because they upset my normally strong stomach.

its good to see them get a little taste of capitalism - bad products with no demand go away.
2006-10-13 16:50:32 UTC

2006-10-13 16:50:06 UTC
they are dot org people,you tube and truth followers..little children who are clueless about what they say

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