Wow! You are just plain wrong on so many points, where to begin?
Well, first let's start with this statement: "Romney couldn't even beat McCain". If you were paying attention back then you would have seen that the only reason Romney did not defeat McCain was because McCain's fellow Arizona pal Mike Huckabee refused to release his delegates until McCain won the nomination, freezing Romney out. Had Huckabee not done so, Romney would have won.
Then let's examine: "Newt has to (too) many scandals and stands to (no) chance either." While it is true that Newt had some personal issues in the past and was unfairly targeted for investigation after investigation by Democrats when he was Speaker and much is being made of his career as a private citizen after leaving public office, there is nothing to preclude him from being elected. You see, when so many Americans are out of work, the housing market is so depressed and the guy in the White House is making things worse, such issues are of little consequence.
What will matter in the 2012 election is the Conservative credibility of the Republican Candidate and the record of Barack Obama.
Huntsman isn't Conservative and stands no chance. Ron Paul is a Libertarian and his foreign policy is so flawed he too, stands no chance.