The bankers did very well collapsing the world economy, effects prominent 2008 to present (for those who have not noticed). That resulted in a continued slackening of demand.
Meanwhile non-OPEC producers have increased and are expected to further increase production through the end of 2015.
Russia, China, and North America are producing oil.
Venezuela could not convince OPEC members to cut production for stabilizing the price. Neither they nor Mexico, it appears, are able to ratchet up production for maintaining oil income.
I thought you were talking about gasoline ....
More info here, recent article
Russia has done its best to collapse European markets for Russian natural gas while opening markets for the same further east.
It's likely that world natural gas production is continuing to ramp up, but I am neither expert, nor have the big picture world view on this.
One thing I do know for sure: You may safely rely on continual change in the Energy Sector through remainder of this century and it is doubtful any one component will stabilize. It will resemble a nightmare of change much more than previous century. Each nation groping to achieve its own best blend of energy components, even were nothing new to appear, which is even more doubtful.
Lots of poorer nations will likely go for whichever component is taking the greater hit as to falling demand and cheap delivery price, working with what they have as energy resources too.
Coal is taking a beating, what's next is anybody's guess; I am only saying there will be constant change, and we are already in this constant change period, which includes much else changing too.
In fact, all things will alter continually and rapidly for a 1000 years. Best point of stability is to expect continuing change except for The Golden Rule, or The Two Great Commandments, as you prefer.
Take up Yoga or something. Everyone will have to find their method of restful tranquility, perhaps garden meditation, perhaps healing music.
Types of employment and work will fluctuate continually with the changes, more so than 20th century, perhaps a few activities never quite die out, but even there the technologies will change.
Don't think people of last century had wonderfully perfect stability though, albeit the changes did work up to the current fast pace.
See if you find any 'oasis of stability' over your lifetimes, hah... Except for your own inner peace, provided you learn how. It is possible, definitely so. A very fruitful endeavor because some of the others will lose their heads or succumb in other ways...
It's an expected stage of development, similar places in the cosmos have all succeeded. The speed of change abates eventually at a comfortably advanced level of accomplishment...