actually, there is no differences about Kurds and Turks in Turkey. but, we have to look at history what Britain did there. at that time, Britain was world power and it was so interested in oil and it had manipulation over there " divide and manage" tactics. for example, 1925 Åeyh Sait uprising who was Kurdish leader, was supported by Britain. so, Turkey lost Mosul because of this conflict.
•There are 2 stages for the occupation of Mosul. The English powers have been occupied Mosul from 3rd November. The report of Mr. Admund Slide who is the oil expert. This report declares that the oil needs increased. Therefore the oil resources at Mesopotamia, Iran and Mosul should be controlled. Lord Curzon said that Fırat is belongs to west Britain borders.
•The second occupation was completed after the Moundrous Treaty. So, Britain has been settled in this area
The Kurdish Problem At Lausanna Conference:
The public allocation:
Total allocation is 500.000.
263.000 – Kurdish
146.000 – Turkish
43.000 – Arabian
18.000 – yezidi
13.000 – non-muslim
As the result of the above allocation Kurdish and Turkish publics are living in Musul as a majority. Ismet Pasha said that Kurdis people are belongs to Turan race and they are willing to live each other with Turkish public although English were claming the opposite.
2-View of English:
a)They have not agreed on the public allocation which has been advised by Turkish side.
b)They refused the thesis of the common race
Both sides could not be find a common solution at Lausanne. The article of 3/2 of Lausenne: The border between Iraq and Turkey will be established after this conference in 9 months under a friendship solution. If they can not settle and agreement in this 9 month, they will bring this problem to Leauge of Nations. (Oct/1923 Haliç Conference: there was no solution.)
League of Nations
League of Nations have been made a border at 29/oct/1924 after the starting of the border fights. This border has been declared as Bruxelles Line.
a)The commissinon has been declared the report at 19/Jun/1925. They advised that Kurdish People are neither Turk nor Arab...
b)They claimed that Bruxelles line is the geographical border.
c)The public does not want to live neither with Turks nor with Iraq’.
d)The Sheiks and the leaders of tribes are willing to live under English mandate.
1-This country will be controlled by League of Nations for 25 years.
2-The Kurdish language will be the legal language.
Mosul has been given to Iraq as per Bruxelles Line at 16/Dec/1925.