A few facts about Harper's economic record:
Harper has added $150B to the national debt. He alone has generated over a fifth of Canada's federal debt. Harper blew an inherited Liberal surplus during economic boom years and created his first deficit months before the recession. When the recession hit he denied any recession was happening or would happen in North America. Although Harper has downloaded more costs to the provinces under the guise of being fiscally prudent, he managed to inflate the debt anyway, largely through egregiously wasteful spending and using the Treasury as the CPC's personal line of credit (with no repayment plan). Gazebos, fake lakes, partisan advertising, panda rentals, jacking his own salary so that he's the sixth highest paid leader in the world, and billions in corporate handouts do add up.
Harper has never met a single budget target, never "balanced a budget" and this election year's attempt is merely a gimmick. Once elected he'll be riding the gravy train again while gutting services to Canadians. He's hoping the cheap beads he's throwing you will distract you from the $36B cut he's planning to health care. Oh sure, you can get more bang for your buck in an RRIF (if you're able to save) but that will be eaten up by the health services you'll be paying for when the govt no longer does.
Harper & Flaherty promoted the same financial deregulation that brought down the world economy.
As of March 2015, Canadian job quality has sunk to a record low, low-paying jobs are becoming the norm and Canada is seeing the slowest job growth in 35 years: http://www.newswire.ca/en/stor...
Canada posts weakest annual job growth since 2009: http://m.theglobeandmail.com/r...
After 8+ years of Harper: "Canada is now among the most vulnerable large economies in the world." http://www.pbs.org/newshour/ma...
The Harper government’s fraudulent attempt to look tough on tax havens: Rules are so poorly designed they’ve been useless in making it harder for Canadians to hide money offshore.
Additional Links:
Generating debt: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/...
Denying the recession: http://uk.reuters.com/article/...
Harper's abysmal economic record: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/...
Promoting financial deregulation: http://thetyee.ca/Views/2008/1..
Note: Someone posted this comment on a Facebook (Global and Mail or CBC news) post regarding the Federal Elections. Couldn't share her comment so I had to copy