Why do republicans think it’s important to become oil independent and not reliant in other countries for our oil?
2020-10-24 14:14:31 UTC
Why do republicans think it’s important to become oil independent and not reliant in other countries for our oil?
139 answers:
2020-10-25 16:57:22 UTC
How about we become dependent on other countries for our water?  What do you think would happen to the supply and cost of water?  So long as we are water independent we are safe from other countries manipulations of the supply and cost of water.  I'm guessing you're to young to remember the oil embargoes of the early and mid 1970s.  I'm also guessing you want to government schools so you were never taught anything about them.
Stop This Chaos
2020-10-28 18:29:30 UTC
So their major political donors, can rip off the American public by gaining further control of oil prices in the United States and keeping profits escalated. 
Not Applicable
2020-10-26 16:38:42 UTC
Becoming oil independent is a bit like becoming the best horse-drawn buggy manufacturer in the world, circa 1900. 
2020-10-26 14:21:11 UTC
We stopped being dependent on other countries for oil for a long time now. At this point we have so much oil we're not pumping it and we're not exporting as much but pre-pandemic Syria & Russia were doing a race to the bottom in terms of oil price. So no matter what we were going to lose out on exporting oil sales.
Warren T
2020-10-25 18:09:18 UTC
2020-10-25 18:04:28 UTC
They had invaded countries just for oil and you naively think they don't know... that if we keep our oil reserves and invest in other energy sources we will get energy and oil surplus over other countries when the oil global tank will be empty... Republicans just tell you that lie to keep you thinking they do care in reality they don't care is like the old Republican Deficit hypocrisy GOP will make America's debt problems much harder to solve although the GOP spent the better part of Barack Obama's presidency complaining bitterly about the trillion-dollar budget gaps the country ran during his first term, and President Trump promised on the campaign trail to eliminate all federal debt, deficits have increased even faster than expected under his watch, and total federal debt has risen accordingly.
2020-10-25 17:16:37 UTC
Because if you are dependent on other countries oil you end up propping up dictators in the Middle East and Russia, and open yourself up to their influence.
2020-10-25 15:55:44 UTC
Because then those other countries can control us. They can charge ridiculously high prices or they could just stop selling to us at all. You don't remember the gas lines in the 70s when OPEC decided to do that. There was no gas.
2020-10-25 15:27:00 UTC
i thought the USA has loads of oil waiting until the worlds oil runs out. 

And fracking giving loads of  shale gas .

yes, we said a few years ago they the USA  be able to keep up a modern economy  while the rest of the world is  back in the stone age.

Anyway , the wind has been blowing all over the summer and on my bike ride today i was riding into a gale force wind has per usual  and if they build wind turbines  in the fields near us we can have cheap power for ever.
The Oracle of Omigod
2020-10-25 14:22:53 UTC
Our world runs on oil.  Many thousands of young American men and women have died to protect our supply of oil to America.  Do you know that Hussein of Iraq conquered, raped and pillaged Kuwait and was massing on the border to overpower Saudi Arabia and control the Straits of Hormuz?  If he had succeeded he would have controlled 45% of the world's oil supply and would have plunged us into darkness forever.
2020-10-27 18:10:55 UTC
So America can be wealthy - NOT foreign countries.  Simple and Common Sense.
2020-10-26 17:57:44 UTC
If we produce our own oil then the Trade issue will drope quite a bit, the cost of oil drives the Trade defasite up yearly; just watch the price at the pumps, in the 1960's gas was around 35 cents a gallon, now it is over two dollars. Now do you understand? Also if we are self relent no one can use oil as an leverage against America.
2020-10-26 16:14:39 UTC
Because when we rely on foreign regions for oil, we get caught up in their personal battles and wars with their enemies and it destabilizes the world, notice were not fighting any wars right now and were oil independent and were signing many peace treaties with Arab countries? Oil is backed by the U.S. Dollar on foreign markets, don't you think we should be steering our own economy rather than foreign investors like China ? yeah Wall Street  was playing a game at predicting future oil prices due to instabilities around the world, but now our stock market is reacting positively to policy changes and softening of restrictions on U.S. businesses, so were not 100% on Oil to boost Wall Street, Biden would absolutely Kill our economy and businesses across the board, China, Russia and India would be the greatest benefactors of a Biden presidency.

2020-10-26 11:17:59 UTC
The control of oil has created more wars and more deaths than nearly Any other reason. The US has enough oil to support itself-it just has to be dug up and processed. 

No one that was of a driving age in the 1970's wants to go through yet another OPEC temper tantrum, that nearly strangled the US economy and created gas lines. 

Just think of having to sit on a gas line for 2-3 hours, every other day, to get 5 gallons of gas that wouldn't last till the end of the week. 
2020-10-26 08:41:04 UTC
Because they are stupid. They really think they can wall themselves off from the rest of the world and not end up poor and backward.
2020-10-26 07:42:40 UTC
So that they can look important and feel BRAVADDDDDOOOOOO!!!

2020-10-25 21:36:17 UTC
I think the original idea was to run them dry of oil so we are the only ones left with oil in the end. But, we are going electric and green, so we may need oil less. Still better that we have the oil when it runs out in other places. 
2020-10-25 16:50:04 UTC
because, they own the oil and you heard Trump, they have all the oil and of course they have no vision.
2020-10-25 16:13:41 UTC
That is one of those questions it is so obvious if you don't know the answer it is left best unsaid.
2020-10-25 15:42:00 UTC
I grew up in the 70's when you had to wait in line for hours because of the Arab countries controlled our petrol....
2020-10-25 15:02:23 UTC
Because if we depend on other countries those countries can get away with things like Anti-Women policies, Anti-American Policies and so many more things. By supplying our own oil, we can make a stand against those bad policies from other countries. 
2020-10-25 14:10:14 UTC
I live in Texas with oil all under the ground I walk on, but in 1973 I was in a long line at the gas station waiting to fill up my car and in 1979 the price of gasoline shot up all because of dependence on foreign oil.  For years, my state tax was 2% when other states without oil were higher and Texas enjoyed the prosperity of oil.  I love being Oil Independent so TRUMP/PENCE 2020.
2020-10-25 11:28:59 UTC
In a perfect world wherein everybody did what they're supposed to and nothing that they're not everything would just be a big global pot-party & everybody would solve all the worlds problems in typical pipe-dream fashion importing & exporting all their s#it at bargain prices all the time Dude..

But who's kidd'n who,,, putting it quite  Bluntly, all it takes is for some doobyous dipshit in the middle east  to start bogarting something & before you know it oops! the price of oil goes up & so does the cost of your gasoline & pretty much everything else as diesel goes up with the cost of shipping, cost of travel ect ect and the U.S.A. ends up having whore to itself with heathens & all their ugly gnarly wars & s#it  just to get a little bogus advantage without any real stable energy source or economic security,,, 

And independent domestic oil & energy source production just makes all that totally bogus bulls#it go away so Americans won't have to go all the way to the frkn 7/11-zone & pay convenient store prices for all their gas & munchies.
Sandra S.
2020-10-25 01:35:26 UTC
The conception that our oil is on their land has ended. 
2020-10-25 01:05:16 UTC
Many major oil reserved are in countries we like to bomb. Would you like to have a conversation with a president asking for oil after you invaded them?
2020-10-24 21:34:47 UTC
Oil independence means no bu tt  kissing To get oil for the country, joes good at that and likes to be dependent on others because he never has paid his own way the taxpayer has made him rich and now he wants more
2020-10-24 20:21:13 UTC
EVERY sane person thinks this.
2020-10-24 14:31:15 UTC
The $5.56 price for a gallon of gas in France vs the $2.25 I paid yesterday has a lot to do with it.

- and Winter is Coming... affordable Heating Bills so the Tax Payers don't have to subsidize other people's Heat is kind of an important factor too.
2020-10-24 14:20:52 UTC
2020-10-24 14:16:18 UTC
The reason should be obvious.
2020-10-30 18:18:09 UTC
Because we are a long way from electric vehicles being the staple in this nation we do not have the  needed roads or electric stations for the masses of cars that we have in this country so  gas would  go up to   10 dollars or more a gal  and that  is not a good thing. We must remain in the  gas business for quite some time.
2020-10-27 19:27:46 UTC
We are depending on too much money. Its to expensive. Its a lot for the oil for the way its made. 
Proud Deplorable
2020-10-27 16:22:36 UTC
Let's turn the question around. Why do you think it's important to be dependent on other countries in regards to oil production? Why do you want other countries to have the power to rip you off?
pappa hines
2020-10-27 08:32:42 UTC
do you want to rely on your next door neighbor for your dinner?how about your uncle who lives in the next county for a ride to work everyday.... maybe some other team to win a ball game so you can make the's an about we get up and do some things for ourselfs....instead of being dependent on others all the time..and maybe put down your smartphone and try to do some of your own thinking.......
2020-10-27 07:47:17 UTC
Because we can have oil too. 
Sir Studley Smugley
2020-10-26 04:56:38 UTC
They've been bleating about "energy self-sufficiency" for literally decades. It started in the 1970s. It's nothing more than another "issue" that they pull out every election, but they never actually do anything about it.
2020-10-26 02:53:05 UTC
Lol then you don't have to relie on other country's.. You get oil for what you wsnt
2020-10-26 02:42:06 UTC
So that oil prices do not rise and that affect the nation. For example after the Iranian bombardment of the Arabian wells.
2020-10-25 22:46:17 UTC
That is one of those questions it is so obvious if you don't know the answer it is left best unsaid.
2020-10-25 21:29:25 UTC
"Why"?  I was raised to believe that self reliance was next to godliness in terms of personal responsibility and that those that were not self reliant were evil patrons of vulgarity of conduct.    
2020-10-25 21:24:17 UTC
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░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░ ░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░ ░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░ ░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░ ░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

░҉░̓░҉░͝░҉░͐░҉░̡░҉░ͅ░҉░ ░҉░̷░҉░͋░҉░̣░҉░̯░҉░̖░҉░

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2020-10-25 18:40:09 UTC
The Devil
2020-10-25 17:21:06 UTC
To keep oil prices low, and increase oil reserves here. I grew up when the cheapest gasoline was 27 cents/gallon and the best 100+ octane gas was 47 cents/gallon, and rent was around $100/month or less and college was cheap as public school and amusement WASN'T the most important industry in America. BUT, the situation for most Americans today is almost the same as it was in 1968. Stuff costs too much because the stock values were bid too high and the dollar is very unstable, not having anything but an IDEA to back it up.
2020-10-25 15:50:51 UTC
Independence for any critical resource, including energy, is valued by both parties.  If you look at how Ukraine depends on Russia significantly for natural gas, you can see how Russia could bully them by just cutting it off.

The only difference between liberals and conservatives is how to achieve independence.  Conservatives lean towards tried-and-true expansion of fossil fuel extraction, reducing regulation in order to get more energy now, regardless of long term effects.  Liberals lean towards alternate energy sources and efficiency.  Only one of those strategies can be kept up for a long time.
2020-10-25 13:54:20 UTC
Actually the thought by Americans used to be to use the cheap Middle Eastern Oil and save ours.   

When the rest of the world runs out, we still have ours in reserve. 

Fossil fuel is not infinite, it will be depleted and we should be thinking of alternatives. But at least we would have some oil, if we don't use up all of our petroleum reserves. 

I personally think it was a pretty smart move to use the cheaper oil from other parts of the world and save ours as much as possible..   

I don't know where Trumps head is at, but I'm sure it's about making money without regard for the cost to America. 
2020-10-25 08:51:23 UTC
do you know why the war in iraq started ?  OIL.

everything bad is always because of OIL OIL OIL.

how to solve this ?  become oil independent.    simple:  no more 'war for oil'.

BTW,  biden is promising jobs for people who know oil.  no one will hire them if they work for oil tech and not clean tech. its a different job requires different skills..
2020-10-25 08:10:59 UTC
maybe the cost of electric car might effect them .. or can you affords $60,000 for a car that doesnt travel as far on a charge .
2020-10-24 21:04:57 UTC
Well, it's nice to be independent. America prides itself on independence. That said, Joe has the right idea. Regardless of what those that want to bury their heads in the sand think, too much carbon dioxide in the air, which is a result of burning fossil fuels, is causing climate change. THIS MUST BE STOPPED. But of course we cannot cease using oil right away. Most of our cars run on gasoline. As Joe says, we must transition. In the meantime, if we can be independent of foreign oil, I have to say I think that's a good thing.
2020-10-24 14:49:22 UTC
Let me guess you weren't here in the 1970's.  Perhaps instead of getting all of your information from Social Media, you may want to actually think for yourself.

Research the 1970's energy crisis and you will have your answer as to why the US needs to not be reliant on other Countries for their energy resources.

Those that try to erase history are doomed to repeat it.
2020-10-24 14:18:57 UTC
They're idiots. There's no such a thing as oil dependent. It's not something you can create. It's either here or not here. Some countries like norway have made the conscious decision to not touch their oil reserves until the price goes up and they sell it for an ungodly amount of money to the backward countries with no alternative sources of energy. Like saudi arabia and america if the republicans have it their way. 
2020-10-27 10:07:59 UTC
Im not overly politically inclined, but I think the idea basically comes down to not beholding to other countries. Because when you're beholding to others, it essentially makes you their slave.

Just like when someone is financing you, or paying your way, they then have a certain amount of right - legally, ethically, and morally speaking, to say how you spend the money they give you. And if you violate their wishes, they're well within their rights to cut you off.

And I think that's the situation Republicans are trying to avoid, and since oil is such a hot commodity, with people literally going to war over it, such a thing would help to avoid conflicts down the road, not to mention give the United States greater financial power, at least over that particular issue.
2020-10-26 07:42:08 UTC
it's necessary for US to trim its reliance on oil import ,because in times of future conflict ,if oil-rich country stop supplying oil to US ,it will bring economic uncertainty for US ,the worst -case Scenario is that the influence of this on various industry will be felt by a large number of American worker,

because the absence of oil supply can cause many problems ,such as heavy industry standstill ,
2020-10-26 06:52:21 UTC
If we rely on other nations for oil, they can charge what they want. Without fracking and more drilling, the price of a barrel of oil could triple. Pump price would be between 5 and 7 dollars a gallon.
2020-10-26 03:39:51 UTC
Because dependencies means you give yourself up to another's control, manipulation, & influence. How do you think Europids got Saudi Arabia to abolish slavery under the law, though its lack of enforcement & continued practice secretly has to do with Islam's culture. Dependency leads to depression, inactivity, unproductivity, irresponsibility, & corruption.

Biden 's interest in foreign oil dependencies revolves around the business of receiving a 10% commission from foreign oil. Bernie & the Squad are likely no different like Venezuelan officials are raiding their domestic oil industries. AOC says the world will end in 2030, so they'll push to pass the Green New Deal as soon as possible, if Biden get elected so that after they shut down the economy with their Green New Deal, take control & prevent future president from re-opening the economy back up with fossil fuels. Solar Panels & Wind Mills are made from fossil fuel by products. Medical equipment, supplies, hygiene products, make up, & containers are made from fossil fuels. Heavy Metals in Batteries & Solar Panel Circuitries are very toxic to the environment. The methods of mining (pit mines) rare earths used in solar power are very damaging to the forest, wild life, & water sources.

The Green New Deal is designed to destroy America from within & the intent of 3rd world socialist countries to prosper, but only 2nd - 8th largest adversarial or rival countries will. The military will become very ineffective so the US can't be SAVIORS or police of the world. The United States would be ripe for the Taking or break apart into 50 or 10 separate independent countries as its defensive arsenals of carbon emitting internal combustion engines, rocket engines, Jet engines, bombs, missiles, cannon powder... would be out of commission. AOC want to dissolve Homeland Security & the Military so that customs, Coast Guard, Navy, Army, & Airforce can't defend against Drug Cartels, Drug Mules, Drug Dealers, Human Traffickers, Criminal Gangs, Common Criminals, ISIS or Al Qaeda operatives like the Boston Marathon Bomber (Tsarnaev), San Bernardino shooter (Farook), & Florida gay bar shooter (Mateen). Criminals will have free range without fear of prosecution & punishment, just like Venezuela where criminal gangs (Colectivos) intimidates & enforces socialist propaganda like ANTIFA & Mussolini's Black Shirts.

The world is drowning in plastics (upholstery, utensils, auto parts, aircraft parts, pipes, cushions, insulations, cups, plates, crates, syringes, medicine bottles, packaging, trash bags...) & all kind's of pollution (batteries, electronics, toxic heavy metals, drugs, chemicals...) due population overload which is a much greater treat than CO2 that helps green the planet. The more people there are the more consumption of all resources, the more manufacturing, the more waste, the more pollution of all kinds, the more vulnerable or endangered nature, fauna & flora are from extinction. Before the Industrial Revolution, Mankind was less than half a Billion in population throughout the world, now Mankind is 7.5 Billion & growing ever so fast (mostly 3rd world countries) since the 1930s as food preservation (canning/refrigeration), automated transportation (vehicles of all types: Land, Rail, Air, & Sea), electronics, plastic & breakthroughs in modern medicines became abundant & common.

According to NASA the world has been greening for 35 years when their research began. For 4 Decades, China has been taking advantage of the Warming to reforest the Loess Plateau. According Dr. Patrick Moore the climate is still in a little Ice age. A 1,000 years ago the climate was warmer & when Eric the Red landed there greener pastures to farm. Most deforested areas (75 percent) have been converted for human use (farm, villages, towns, cities, stadiums, golf course..). Degraded areas that's become a baron desert is possible to terraform again such as Saihanba forest. China has done it in the Loess Plateau for 4 decades by preventing the sand from shifting with the wind using checkered straw (sticks or grass straws) pattern buried halfway and planting saplings with barriers that retains water.

The US & Mexico needs a 10 mile wide Great Green wall on both side of the border. The border towns, homes, or homestead at the vicinity of the border wall needs to be relocated as cabin homesteads 9-10 miles away from the border on both side. Let the Great Green Wall of America be a wild life sanctuary for indigenous Wildlife such as the Ocelot, Bobcat, Jaguar, Mexican Crocodiles, Buffalos, Foghorns, Elk, California Grizzly & Mexican Brown Bear.

Urban & Suburban cities needs lungs by planting pocket forest & build vertical forest. There should be a 7 acre forest park with an acre or 3 acre wide farms surrounding it at every 10 miles radius at 4 points of the Compass in urban & sub-urban cities.

Despite how American socialists (Sanders & AOC) brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to mask their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialist state control of the economy, industry, property & public by bureaucratic regulations. Everything they propose such as public education (free & mediocre) & universal single payer healthcare (rationed) is straight up USSR, Cuba & Venezuela's play book which Sanders lauds & defends. (Venezuela praised as Democratic Socialist was actually Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals & Cadillac Gov. Assist. for all (only 0.0001%) because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industries, housing, farms, people, long working hours, & NO: dissenting free speech, entrepreneurship, competition, varieties in brands or materials with very little individuality, motivation, & productivity.

In a Socialist country it is very hard to impossible to be a Millionaire when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden (less densely populated homogenous country) as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives from the middle class & the working poor being the ones funding most gov. assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC will use every means of pressure & influence in advancing the Green New Deal's socialist agenda funded by the top 21% ($Millionaires/$Billionaires) turning that into the top 0.0001% for the US economy & society to permanently mirror Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea eliminating most of the rich (except elites in government) & all middle class to exist as income among the rich, middle & poor are flattened to the lowest level.

Lesson for America: Sweden is not Socialist

A nationwide 80% economic shutdown is a communist model economy from a pandemic or warfare that plunges 1st world economies into a depression is when socialism takes hold & eventually take over that'll be permanent under the Green New Deal (New Communist Manifesto). Anyone who has lived in or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.

Sweden's homogeneous Social welfare system works because there aren't that many people to feed with the poor, middle class, and rich paying for their welfare system with their salaries, but the rich don't get over burned with extra or additional taxes totalling to 70%-99% 3.5-4.5+ times more than the 20% max required by Sweden's Capitalist System. Sweden's working poor  earned and worked for their socialized welfare and are proud of it, even if they paid a little more than the Job producing entrepreneurs (middle class/rich). They can't make more pies, if they are over burdened with regulations and taxes killing their incentives to earn wealth through commerce, unlike the DNC's Collectivos, ANTIFA, BLM and Criminals who just want a handout without earning it through work and sacrifices.
2020-10-26 03:30:14 UTC
Currency valuation (debt) and jobs.
2020-10-26 02:51:22 UTC
You should be able to figure that out on your own . The value of being independent  is self evident 
2020-10-26 00:54:41 UTC
they are not too smart is why.
2020-10-25 20:19:25 UTC
Why should we buy oil from other countries? we should be getting it from our OWN AMERICAN SOIL. ~~ TRUMP 2020 ~~
L. E. Gant
2020-10-25 20:10:52 UTC
Strange --- the USA decided that it would rather use up everyone else's supply of fossil fuels, and keep its own for itself in the future...
2020-10-25 18:06:22 UTC
Tell me this is a troll question
2020-10-25 17:19:36 UTC
Because the previous administrations of G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush had to do some begging to get other countries to sell the U.S. oil and we interfered with their countries and hurt their citizenry by invading these countries.
2020-10-25 16:52:53 UTC
Because they own the oil in the United States and they would rather cheat the American people with homeland oil then allow the Middle East to prosper
2020-10-25 14:48:35 UTC
For the same reason that no able-bodied person one wants to live on welfare.

Borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor because you suddenly run out is different than relying on that neighbor to keep you supplied with sugar.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach that man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Conversely, you could say, "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime; give a man a fish and he becomes a Socialist who demands that you continue feeding him for the rest of his life."
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-10-25 10:03:15 UTC
Well I wish they had told Trump that before he let Putin and MBS corner the Oil Market. 
2020-10-25 01:26:51 UTC
Just like for individuals, self sufficiency and self reliance put you in a powerful position.

Being too dependent on others gives them leverage over you. That can be exploited and abused. Ever had an idiot boss that you had to put up with because you needed a paycheck? Put that on a global scale.

For the first time, the US is “energy independent” and a net exporter of oil. Who could’ve imagined that 20 or 30 years ago?

In a world of dictators and terrorists, dependency on foreign oil was a direct threat to every individual American. And it’s why we should be very grateful to Trump administration efforts in this area.
2020-10-24 22:10:01 UTC
Actually everyone wants to be independent from foreign anything, especially oil. One of the goals of democrats is to shift to renewable energy reducing the need for foreign oil. Unfortunately the move will reduce jobs in fossil fuels but the increase in clean energy jobs will more than make up for that loss. We produce plenty of oil now to cover all other uses for oil besides gasoline. The change is inevitable, fighting it futile. Electric cars are already becoming the norm. There is plenty of other trade with other countries to keep America connected to the world.
2020-10-24 21:21:54 UTC
Because libtarded dimocraps are busy getting kickbacks from corrupt countries.
2020-10-24 14:44:12 UTC
He who hath oil controleth the one who hath none. 
paul c
2020-10-24 14:23:47 UTC
Everyone believes that, so we only rely on Canada for crude oil these days. If Trump doesn't insult Canada,  and ruin our long term good relationship with them. We shouldn't have energy problems like we did when we bought oil from the middle east. 
2020-10-24 14:18:09 UTC
Do you want to get your virus medical supplies from Wuhan ?? DO YOU ? 
2020-10-27 04:56:48 UTC
Well for one it boosts the economy, aka GDP and supports american oil jobs at home and related industries.
2020-10-27 02:12:51 UTC
when we produce more of our own oil you moron it keeps the market flooded and the price of oil low. other countries are forced to keep their prices low. bring in that idiot biden and the price of gas will go back to 4 dollars a gallon and the cost of northerners to keep their houses warm during the winter will also pay through the nose.
2020-10-27 00:12:55 UTC
Maybe you don't remember the long lines waiting at the gas station during the periodic "rationing" of oil production when we were dependent on such people as the Saudis, Venezuela, Russia and other manipulators of the oil supply.
2020-10-26 19:23:00 UTC
You are not at the mercy of oil embargos, foreign turmoil in the region that will all effect oil delivery. Then there are the American jobs producing, drilling for and delivering the oil and the money kept in the US.
2020-10-26 17:04:56 UTC
I seriously don't know how to answer you if you cannot already start to figure this out yourself.

Your attempts at polarizing this are quite naive. You really think no Democrat wants America to be self sufficient and energy independent?
2020-10-26 15:38:06 UTC
It is not just Republicans who think that, the difference is that Democrats think that the US should lead the world in all forms of renewable energy as well as petroleum based products.  Trump on the other hand longs for a day when carbon based fuels were the only option allowing big oil to basically run parts of the country as the unelected leaders.  Since his election the US has fallen farther and farther behind in this area which has actually cost the US jobs as they are unable to compete in foreign markets.

The much condemned Green New Deal does not get rid of petroleum based products nor does it ban airplanes and other forms of transportation.  It rather encourages the US to get back in the renewable energy field which has the potential to create at least 2 jobs for every job lost in the petroleum and coal industries.
2020-10-26 05:05:37 UTC
If you don't depend on foreign oil, you won't depend on Islamic or communist countries like Venezuela.
2020-10-26 03:35:37 UTC
Because if US becomes Oil independent with never ending fracking, most of US becomes unlivable, the very people voting for them are voting for their own demise.
2020-10-26 01:09:11 UTC
Why do republicans think it’s important to become oil
My Clone Did it Not me
2020-10-25 17:43:19 UTC
They learned after the oil embargo of the 70s I hope. 
2020-10-25 14:06:14 UTC
Probably because dependence inherently makes a country weaker.  

I mean just consider the havoc that OAPEC wreaked in 1973 as a punitive measure to punish certain Western nations (including the USA, UK, Japan, Canada and the Netherlands) for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

If the USA becomes oil independent, it takes away the power of groups like OPEC to resort to embargos in order to punish the USA for the political stands it takes.  
2020-10-25 13:12:24 UTC
Republicans want to keep the USA dependent on fossil fuel. Democrats want Americans to transition to renewable energy such as wind and solar energy.
2020-10-25 13:06:12 UTC
Because Republican policy has always been to invade, occupy or overthrow leaders of countries with oil reserves, and they've realised that this is costing too much money.
2020-10-25 12:03:08 UTC
Because we know history of oil embargoes, wars to protect foreign oil, sudden price shocks.

Its important that we be the most important energy supplier in the world to maintain peace, stable supply and demand and therefore price.

Face it.  Billions of people want to live in modernity not their third world existence.  Oil, is the path to a better quality of life world wide.  Best America control it, not Russia, not the Middle east, not China.
2020-10-25 12:02:23 UTC
Sorry but this is only loosely linked to the question.

In an ideal world all countries would share those things, of which they have plenty (not just oil), with those that have little but this is NOT an ideal world.  It is filled with greed and envy and nastiness.  Some countries have little or nothing to offer us but others have plenty 'full and overflowing' but would rather throw it away than GIVE it away.  In addition to that there are some countries that have corrupt governments who ensure that THEY themselves and their families have plenty yet allow their fellow citizens to go hungry and without many basic necessities.Whatever our own personal situation, and regardless of whether we have little or much, we should always be prepared to help others in need but, sadly, it is often those with little who help others in the same situation as themselves whilst the wealthy wish to remain wealthy and give very little away.  That, sadly, is human nature and is unlikely to change this side of JUDGEMENT DAY.Wouldn't it be wonderful if very many people decided that they could live without their vehicles (or would use them FAR less frequently) thus bringing about far less reliance on oil FROM ANYWHERE? One day the oil might be depleted for ever.
2020-10-25 05:56:44 UTC
When Saddam Stopped the Flow of Oil the USA used WMD to go to war to stabilise the Fuel flow
2020-10-25 01:58:06 UTC
Many in the government still remember the OPEC oil crisis of the 70's, and don't want a repeat of that mess. I'm old enough to remember only being allowed to fill up your tank on days of the week based on the last number of my cars license plate (either even or odd number days). There has always been a push for this country to be energy independent and techniques like oil shale fracking is one of those things that many believe is a great alternative. However, it it's been recently found out that fracking is not the best for the environment so now there is a push to cut back it that technique, or to outright ban it. But oil is also big business, with powerful people and government public officials still backing it, and that undercuts the search for "alternative" energy sources. Progress in wind, solar, bio fuels and thermo-geological technology has made it difficult for the oil industry lately, especially when the gen x, y and z's realize that oil is not the only game in town when it comes to energy. They have also noticed that so far as social acceptance of alternative energy, we as Americans are way behind many other counties which have embraced these technologies.
2020-10-24 21:46:52 UTC
Why would you ask? Are you a naive child? What do you think Iran would demand from us?Do you want $15 a gallon gasoline? Believe me, your bus ride would no longer be a buck - if you could even find one. How about paying an additional $100 a month to heat your home & cook your food?

Please, don't act so innocent.
2020-10-24 19:54:12 UTC
2020-10-24 14:19:11 UTC
That's the problem with oil.  Never heard of any country anywhere importing sunshine or wind though.
2020-10-29 07:37:42 UTC
Because we finally figured out that we are competitors in this world!

Thank you President Trump!
2020-10-27 23:25:27 UTC
President Obama made us Oil independent.


ecoming independent of oil does mean reliance on other countries. It means we use solar power, geo power, and wind. This is better because all of the work and the engineers are American Workers, spread all over the country. Imagine once you buy your house, you never have an electric or gas bill because your road and your driveway is are solar cells.

Trump is treating us like idiots as if we can't handle change. We will never leave oil because our military uses oil, we make plastic, rubber, batteries, and polymers. But we must give the planet a fight chance against climate change that will cost America more in weather disasters. We must make changes with a changing planet.
2020-10-27 14:58:09 UTC
because it is, instead of importing it we'll be exporting it and make more money, also by the way look at california run by solar and wind all the blackouts caused by it dumbasses
2020-10-27 03:53:58 UTC
I agree with that! Isn’t that is why the USA attacked and invaded Iraq?! Iraq NEVER had any weapons of mass destruction! It was ALL a lame excuse to invade Iraq for oil. You Americans NEVER admit it because it makes your country look bad, but THAT IS THE TRUTH! 
Uncle Pennybags
2020-10-27 00:06:55 UTC
Because we learned from history.

Back in the 1970s, we saw what happened when politically unstable or hostile regimes cut off our oil.  Prices skyrocketed, our economy took a hit, and all Americans were hurt.
Country Boy
2020-10-26 19:23:52 UTC
Presently, 63% of the electricity in the USA is produced with *fossil fuels. If we were dependent on foreign countries for the wide spectrum of fossil fuels, electrical costs as well as gasoline and diesel fuel prices would be in the hands of foreign dictators.

Slow Joe wants everyone to be driving electric cars by 2035. It's going to take a horrid amount of electricity to charge cars, trucks, over the road tractors, farm tractors etc. to keep the wheels turning in the USA
2020-10-26 13:00:23 UTC
It's just graft to them, they don't care from whom.   Last time, Trump was all about coal, remember that?  He has no morals and they have no morals.  He flipped them off, and they let him, but only for 4 years.
2020-10-26 11:28:03 UTC
Your question is so stupid that only a newbie could ask it. It is about at the same level of "if I really stick the tweezers in the electrical outlet, I will get a shock?"
2020-10-26 06:17:41 UTC
Because Republicans care about oil. They don’t care about excessive burning of oil, pollution or looking at alternative energy sources. They’re focused on short term gain. To hell with the problems future generations will face...
2020-10-25 22:53:31 UTC
Really dumb question! How much are you willing to pay for gas and fuel oil?
2020-10-25 20:58:45 UTC
The US is Oil Independent and the number one producer of oil in the world.  We are no longer reliant on other oil producing nations however it is in our interest that other oil producers slow production to reduce supply and raise oil prices.  We are kinda like the middle east and produce more now.  Personally, I like going to the gas pump and pumping cheap gas.  When Bush was president, we paid the highest at the pump.  
2020-10-25 16:02:23 UTC
Puts the US in the drivers seat of any and all deals being done on Crude

and Natural gas.
Kazoo M
2020-10-25 15:03:15 UTC
The United States must return to using our own resources.

When we import any item we become dependant on the latter.

After a short period of time, the foreign countries raise the price knowing our cry for help will become their advantage.

The Clinton and Obama administration made us look helpless, Biden will follow the same exact method of weakness.
2020-10-25 13:54:46 UTC
A few years ago the United States became an oil exporter for the first time in U.S. history.
Jake No Chat
2020-10-25 13:48:52 UTC
Oil independence makes us less likely to be controlled by others. That is a good thing.  We also should greatly reduce our debt for the same reason.
2020-10-25 00:07:23 UTC
A better question is why do you have to ask such a silly ridiculous question with such a in your face obvious answer? If you don't know the answer to this yet, you obviously don't know much to begin with.
2020-10-24 22:16:18 UTC
Really?  Only Republicans want to be oil independent?  One would think after this COVID-19 pandemic fiasco seeing up close and personal what can happen when our nation is too reliant upon another nation(s) for resources, manufacturing, or products can really leave us staring at empty market shelves and waiting/rationing everyday necessities.  Not to mention not having to think we must enter into conflicts we don't understand to make sure we get our slice of the oil pie.  By the way everyone who is passing off wind and solar only as viable resources of carbon free energy is foolish because there is also hydroelectric, geothermal, and nuclear resources that our nation can tap.  Frankly, I like the idea of using a little bit of everything.
2020-10-24 19:36:41 UTC
When the U.S. is a net oil exporter instead of an oil importer, we are much less susceptible to an oil embargo from a hostile nation. That was a big concern over the last few decades (especially the 70s), Trump remembers it well, and he wants to ensure it can't happen again.
2020-10-24 14:17:51 UTC
Why do you play these games of mocking the other side. You don’t even have their argument right 

I don’t get questions like these. Serious, what do you gain out of this??,
2020-10-24 14:17:48 UTC
Because other countries will take advantage of us, AND we are cleaner about what we do to the environment than other countries are. We control the price better, and the volume. OUr country is more stable than it otherwise would be. 
2020-10-29 12:33:41 UTC
Remember 1973 and the Oil Embargo.
Nathan H
2020-10-28 05:32:57 UTC
It’s called the Declaration of Independence, not the Declaration of Dependence. Asking why we don’t want to be dependent on foreign oil is like asking why we don’t want to be dependent on England.
2020-10-28 02:04:55 UTC
becuase other countries just love to price gouge us making us pay more at the pump
2020-10-27 03:07:20 UTC
Not just oil independent, but also other products as well. Look at us in the beginning of the Covid. We didn't have enough supplies for ourselves and depended so much on China, and their products didn't even meet minimum standards. We need to stop using cheap craps "made in China". Americans need to use American products. We need to bring those companies back because Americans need jobs to feed their family!!! We have given China jobs and been laughed by them and other third world countries that our leaders were so stupid for letting them feed on our resources. Whatttt????? I couldn't defend for America because what they said was so true...until Trump ran for presidency. 

People keep blaming Trump on always thinking about jobs and economy. America is a business country. We cannot take a chance of letting this country collapse. One business suffers, it will lead to the failure of other business as well. Look at how many businesses have been closing since this Covid? This is a domino effect. When a business loses their money, they have no choice but lay off their employees. Who is gonna pay bills for these employees and where are these employees and their family gonna live? On the street? Or under bridges? This is soo heartbroken!!!

Democrats must take a backseat right now. This is not a good time for them to spend our taxes on the non-senses. After America recovers, it's ok for them to take their turn to play...for a few years though.

When we are independent, nobody is able to touch us. Let make America strong and great again!!! We need our golden old days back!!!!!!!!!
2020-10-27 00:20:45 UTC
Because we don't like paying $4.00 or more for a gallon for one.  But it is also a matter of national security.  What do you think the military uses to fuel it's tanks, planes, transport vehicles among other equipment?
2020-10-26 20:23:31 UTC
Least you forget $6.00 a gallon gas.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-10-26 13:23:39 UTC
If you actually study the nation-saving Obama/Biden administration, anonymous, you will discover that the United States actually began producing more oil domestically than we imported---first time that happened in many years.  The increased off-shore drilling authorized by the Obama/Biden team was eco-friendly, too---they required "impact statements" prior to authorizing the drilling, and also removed all oil-industry lobbyists from key power positions in their ethically-sound Recession-reversing administration.

The Republic National Committee (RNC) has aligned itself historically since at least the Alzheimer's-afflicted Reagan days on through to now with the ever-evil and greed-driven Koch oil barons Charles and David and the brothers' secretive corrupt and corrupting KOCH DONOR NETWORK of power-lusting anti-democracy and anti-government multibillionaires ("DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" by Jane Mayer, 2017), and as the oil industry lobbied so went the GOP-controlled Congresses from 2001.  Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney, if you recall, owned Halliburton and its oil-tied subsidiary KBR, which is why we ended up ILLEGALLY invading oil-rich Iraq under the lawless Bush/Cheney regime---Cheney and Netanyahu were corruptly determined to get themselves a foothold in the Middle East in order to next target even-oil-richer Iran, and they set up Saddam Hussein to be our CIA dupe and scapegoat, even hiring a right-leaning PR firm Hill & Knowlton in D.C. to peddle the wrong image of Saddam (uncovered by "60 Minutes" during the Bush/Quayle days) to further their oil baron interests.  

Greedy is the answer to your question, Anonymous.  The GOP money sources want unlimited no-oversight nonregulated oil that they control---to hell with the environmental effects...and they want BOTH foreign and domestic profits for " Big Oil".  
2020-10-26 03:36:29 UTC
It puts us in a great spot to not be reliant on the middle east.  Trump has done all that.  We now EXPORT the most oil to other countries.  So much better than to have to worry about oil rigs being bombed in the middle east, too.
2020-10-25 23:37:01 UTC
It was called The 1970 Oil Embargo between The United States and The Middle East. Gas shortages and Super high prices. Let's not return to that. 
2020-10-25 14:10:23 UTC
Many Americans think it's much more important to develop clean, renewable energy and stop ruining the planet by burning fossil fuels.  

Nevertheless, meanwhile, US oil production had the largest gain under President Obama.  We have to deal with our current needs first and establish reasonable self-reliance.  Democrats understand that.  The Democratic record on energy shows that.  
2020-10-25 11:44:26 UTC
It’s a distraction created (again) by traitor trump.   He doesn’t want us to think about the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died from COVID19.  
2020-10-25 11:30:12 UTC
For the same reason we think it's idiotic of our military to depend upon our Chinese enemies for their electronics and some weapons systems.  What you own outright is more secure that what you need to bargain and beg for. 

The thing is, we should not export American oil.  Not one drop that would strengthen our enemies reserves and deplete our own.  We should continue to buy foreign oil to strengthen our reserves knowing we can fall back upon our own production in a pinch.
2020-10-25 09:52:19 UTC
Oil  will be ancient technology very soon indeed.
Liam Brown
2020-10-25 09:51:55 UTC
Short answer: Republican politicians make money from the US oil industry, and try to convince their voters that the oil industry is positive. 

In reality, America actually imports most of its oil from Canada, and both countries make billions of dollars off of the trading. There is nothing inherently wrong with trading oil with foreign countries so long as the supply is stable. 

In the long run, anybody who cares about the future of the United States and the world would want to invest in green energy, and the high-tech jobs and workforce of the future. The point in America's history where the economy was the strongest was in the post-second world war boom. At that time, the US had one of the largest, healthiest, best educated, and reliable work forces in the world. All of that went downhill during and after the Nixon and Reagan eras. People who are serious about, "making America great again," would invest in getting every American healthcare, education, and strong high-tech jobs for the next generation. The oil industry is shrinking year by year as oil demand in the US falls slowly, if the US becomes a world leader in green energy, and high-tech manufacturing, it can become the world's dominant economy again. Innovation is where the US can beat China, but it's not going to happen under the current government.
2020-10-25 00:28:48 UTC
Only a dumbocrat would ask such a stupid ******* question.
2020-10-24 22:21:13 UTC
We think it’s better to pay $1.30 a gallon then $4

dollars a gallon ,for gas. 

 Did you like the gas prices during The Obama administration.

 When the politicians were getting rich and we were buying our oil from other countries on deals they made?
2020-10-24 14:25:13 UTC
They don't troll, Republicans have been actively pursuing oil deals around the world. Democrats have suggested oil independence through alternative energy...but you knew that didn't you...
2020-10-24 14:25:00 UTC
According to Democrats the plan is to get out of the middle east and other oil rich nations, then have China use Middle East oil,, North Korean and American coal to fuel the building of millions of windmills for us that they will give to us on credit since we don't have any fuel to build them as we quit producing our own fuel and sanctioned every other oil producing nation. 

We can't even use oxen or horses to plow because that is to many carbon credits when they pass gas. We will have to rely on the 10's of millions of illegal immigrants as oppressively underpaid labor and try to pay for these windmills with almonds and orange juice. 
2020-10-24 14:19:59 UTC
This pandemic has shown our vulnerability when we are not self sufficient.  Medical supplies are made in other countries. When the pandemic hit those countries kept all the supplies for themselves and we were scrambling to try to make supplies here.  Supplies can be used as bargaining chips, and the country with needed supplies holds the power over other countries.  This is why we need fair trade deals to bring all the manufacturing,  that we’d lost, back to our country. 
2020-10-24 14:17:18 UTC
Don't know much about economics, huh?
2020-10-27 22:29:39 UTC
What? Just look at the mess your country just recently caused in Venezuela because of oil
2020-10-26 13:42:36 UTC
If you are absolutely dependent on another nation for your oil and gas needs then that nation can charge you anything they want for their oil....... and you WILL pay it or do without.
2020-10-26 12:44:07 UTC
Cheaper gasoline prices.
2020-10-26 10:00:54 UTC
Because they're not thinking.  With 200 years of oil right next door in Canada the US is already oil independent because for all intents & purposes the oil & gas in Canada can be considered to be domestic supplies.  
2020-10-26 05:38:09 UTC
1980’s. Go read a book and you will understand. We’re you taught  anything in school?

The longest I had to wait in line was about 45 minutes. 

License plates ending in odd numbers could only buy gas on odd numbered days.

 Even numbers on even numbered days. 

Max allowed was 10 gallons. 

Why because the Arabs turned off the tap. The US was totally dependent on OPEC. 

If Democrats can set up America for failure once they can set it up twice. 
2020-10-25 02:18:36 UTC
Why do Democrats think it is important to not rely on dirty fossil fuels for our energy?
2020-10-25 00:12:57 UTC
First of all we are NOT independent like Trump claims............Where The U.S. Gets Its Oil. America is one of the world's largest oil producers, and close to 40 percent of U.S. oil needs are met at home. Most of the imports currently come from five countries: Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria.

big daddy
2020-10-24 23:55:28 UTC
it is protectionism.  Having the ability to be oil independant  really is good for us, doesn't it is smart to act on it if their oil is cheaper for the american public to consume.
2020-10-24 14:20:14 UTC
The $5.50/gl gas in Europe for starters.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.