In case Haj subsidy and Fatwas are banned in India?
Mr. Putin
2009-06-05 02:35:23 UTC

Eleven answers:
mukul (still busy on a project)
2009-06-05 06:49:43 UTC
Personally i am not against HUJ subsidy, Muslims are generally poor in India, and for them going to HUJ is a supreme duty, if to help them in small gesture i do not mind it.

As far as fatwa is concerned, it is also alright, but providing the fatwa do not clashes with Indian laws &constitution,

Because for me law & Constitution Of India should be supreme , then any religious law.

Also banning it would may appease some nationalists but it will give fang to Muslim fundamentalist , who are always in forefront to raise NON ISSUES, and hence blocking the development of whole community form past 60 years.

And mr. constant stop giving distorted facts,Muslims are getting HAJ subsidy , if it by govt. airlines so what, do govt. plane flies on water.

i cannot understand your language properly, it seems that you want to say too much at one place,
2016-04-06 08:24:17 UTC
I'm sorry. I didn't read all of what you said. No, I won't hate you because I agree with you (and I don't know you.) Only Muslims who are financially capable of taking a Hajj should go. Simply relying on the state to get what you want is madness. The money that is used to pay for such meaningless things could be spent on eradicating poverty. Why is there so much appeasement going on in India? There are more reasonable ways to gain the Muslim community's trust- like not alienating them from society.
2009-06-05 06:46:06 UTC
For One thing India would gain some credibility as a Secular nation. The situation we have now is a case of blind leading the blind.

Those muslims who speak against this are infact helping destroy Democracy and will suffer in the long run themselves. Look at Pakistan where no Democratic laws are respected.

We as Individuals need to strengthen Democratic secular institutions in India and try to make the Judicial system to work independently.

These are the tests that western Democracies went through and evolved into relatively just and free societies, becase people stood up for what was right.

Muslims as citizens are also looted by this policy which serves to maintain a loss making public carrier too. Last year Air India made a 3000 crore deficit. The people's money needs to be divested from this and it should be privatised for efficiency.

Muslims can get competitive rates from private Airlines when they compete for customers for the Haj flights in India.

There is no room for two laws existing in a country. There should be uniform civil code and those that issue death threats through Fatwas should be arrested. Only a court of law can punish a person in a Democracy. We are destroying the judicial system if we allow seperate Islamic courts to run in the country.

Look at the Shah Bano case. Poor woman got stiffed out of Alimony when her husband dumped her after 35 years. The Supreme court awarded her alimony and the Rajiv Gandhi government succumbed to pressure from mullahs and overturned it. Is this what Congress calls secularism and justice, where the rights of Muslim women as individuals are not protected? Poor woman got dumped when she was old and no longer attractive. Her Husband not only remarried a younger woman but immediately through Sharia refused to give her alimony.

Religion should be a private belief. It should not interfere with government, law and order.

Secularism is the assertion that governmental practices or institutions should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs.

@ Mukul you want to help a muslim do Haj, pay from your own pocket directly to a muslim. The Government should not only be secular but also appear to be secular. It does not matter whether people want to give money to help one community's religious duty. It cannot be done through the government. That is against secularism. What we need are schools, hospitals for muslims not Haj subsidies. Even in Islam only those who can afford it are supposed to do Haj. India is a developing country and taxes should not be wasted on any one community's religious obligations. Those are personal obligations not public obligations that a government has to fulfill.
Ravikumar Vishwakarma
2009-06-05 02:43:17 UTC
Once again India will BURN. India is only country which provides subsidy to haj and still it is blamed for anti-muslim and that what is irritating others and reason they are demanding bans.

Because after giving so much also nothing India is gaining but just blame of being anti muslim.
2009-06-05 12:26:29 UTC
I can't understand that those Muslims are real follower of their prime religious granth "Kuran" where clearly stated that what type of money should be used for doing "Haj".After that how can they uses state money for "Haj" ?It is fundamental question for real Muslims who believe in only "Kuran".

A secular government playing religious card by providing subsidy to Muslims.It is not acceptable as secular step, if we believe in secularism than we should ban it.It will make Muslims more attached to his nation.India.They will feel their homeland is India not Muslim world.
Rang de basanti chola!
2009-06-05 04:42:54 UTC
If i give a kid chocolates everyday and after 2 months if i stop it suddenly, do you think the kid is going to be fine? It'll be aggressive. Same way, old and bad habits die hard. The concept of reservations and subsidies across religious/caste lines itself is wrong.

It creates massive inequality and sows the seeds of resentment. Liberties are snatched.

Imagine how india could have been, if favouring and partiality was removed. Imagine a place where i will be treated good for my intellectual abilities rather than my caste/religion. Imagine, the liberty which every human being will experience. Imagine, a place where law and justice is offered based on fairness rather than one's caste/religious influence. Imagine, a place where people dont just tolerate each other but embrace each other.

Alas! We are still way behind and that day might not come in my or your life time because our ancestors did not fight for whats right. Our sorrow of not experiencing liberty is a byproduct of their mistakes. They failed us.
2009-06-05 04:30:58 UTC
No. There is no Haj subsidy as it is actually publicised. On the contrary the govt of India increases sharply the air fares the moment the Haj date nears if you compare the fares in July - August period. Whatever the subsidy is announced for political gain too is NO subsidy at all b coz on group bookings on chartered flights people get discounts but the subsidy is less than that too. actually, by Haj through govt Haj Committee, using govt airlines, the govt hits up over Rs. 150 crore through corruption, exposed by Syed Shahabuddin & Urdu press of Mumbai(Bombay).Inquilab daily , Urdu Times daily, Akhbare Alam daily & Afkare Milli(monthly from Delhi ) all expose well. In Afkare Milli, a Muslim chartered accountant presented in detail the analysis & showed that the so called subsidy is a HOAX only.

Actually there is no standard rate of air fare & even the lowest fare too earns profit that's why Air Deccan charging less than railway fares too goes in profits. The so called subsidised fares charge much more than its fare. So , clearly, the subsidy is only for hoodwinking & attracting Haj Pilgrims. Three years ago, there was a press report that the air fare was Rs 22,000 on normal days but the moment Haj nears, govt airlines increase that to Rs 37,000 & then subsidy comes. Not only this, Haj Committeee staff takes care of most of the formalities much more efficiently than which come under airlines for passengers like their care, guiding, security, luggage managements, lunch & custom related matters. For that too, no rebate is given by airlines. For details, contact Urdu press of Mumbai. They have maximum info as haj Committee's headquarter is in Mumbai & they're in constant tough with them. People going independently on international passports observed that Pakistan sends more Haj passengers than India & all facilities arranged by that nation is much better, convenient & efficient than Indian. No 'Moallim' is provided for Indian passengers though Central Haj Committee charges Rs 1500 from every passeger. That goes in pockets of central govt. Is not that corruption ?

No govt has any right to ban any decree, jurisprudence or 'fatwa' as it is to be followed by people, not govt. If it is banned, it will be suppression of following Islam fully, violationg right to religion & secular fabric of Indian constitution. If any ban comes, immediately, press will react, TV media will hold heated group discussions & that will be revoked. If you notice any such thing , e-mail to : Repercussions will be quick.
2009-06-06 21:52:24 UTC
The notorious feature of skunks is their anal scent glands, which they can use as a defensive weapon. They are similar to, though much more developed than, the glands found in species of the Mustelidae family. Skunks have two glands, one on either side of the anus, that produce a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals (methyl and butyl thiols (mercaptans)) that have a highly offensive smell that has been described as a combination of the odors of rotten eggs, garlic and burnt rubber. The odor of the fluid is strong enough to ward off bears and other potential attackers, and can be difficult to remove from clothing. Muscles located next to the scent glands allow them to spray with high accuracy as far as 2 to 5 meters (7 to 15 ft). The smell aside, the spray can cause irritation and even temporary blindness, and is sufficiently powerful to be detected by even an insensitive human nose anywhere up to a mile downwind. Their chemical defense, though unusual, is effective, as illustrated by this extract from Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle:

We saw also a couple of Zorrillos, or skunks—odious animals, which are far from uncommon. In general appearance the Zorrillo resembles a polecat, but it is rather larger, and much thicker in proportion. Conscious of its power, it roams by day about the open plain, and fears neither dog nor man. If a dog is urged to the attack, its courage is instantly checked by a few drops of the fetid oil, which brings on violent sickness and running at the nose. Whatever is once polluted by it, is for ever useless. Azara says the smell can be perceived at a league distant; more than once, when entering the harbour of Monte Video, the wind being off shore, we have perceived the odour on board the Beagle. Certain it is, that every animal most willingly makes room for the Zorrillo.[3]

Skunks are reluctant to use their smelly weapon, as they carry just enough of the chemical for five or six uses—about 15 cc—and require some ten days to produce another supply. Their bold black and white coloring however serves to make the skunk's appearance memorable. Where practical, it is to a skunk's advantage simply to warn a threatening creature off without expending scent: the black and white warning color aside, threatened skunks will go through an elaborate routine of hisses, foot stamping, and tail-high threat postures before resorting to the spray. Interestingly, skunks will not spray other skunks (with the exception of males in the mating season); though they fight over den space in autumn, they do so with tooth and claw.

The singular musk-spraying ability of the skunk has not escaped the attention of biologists: the names of the family and the most common genus (Mephitidae, Mephitis) mean "stench", and Spilogale putorius means "stinking spotted weasel". The word skunk is a corruption of an Abenaki name for them, segongw or segonku, which means "one who squirts" in the Algonquian dialect.

Most predatory animals of the Americas, such as wolves, foxes and badgers, seldom attack skunks—presumably out of fear of being sprayed. The exception is the great horned owl, the animal's only serious predator, which, like most birds, has a poor-to-nonexistent sense of smell.

Skunk spray is composed mainly of low molecular weight thiol compounds,[4] namely (E)-2-butene-1-thiol, 3-methyl-1-butanethiol, and 2-quinolinemethanethiol, as well as acetate thioesters of each of these.[5][6] These compounds are detectable at concentrations of about 2 parts per million
2009-06-05 10:39:26 UTC
haj subsidy(jazia tax upon Hindoos) is like reservation benefits to muslims in India; fatwas are hidden laws of koran in use in India.

Since, the intention of the congress party and governments by congress is to harass Hindoos and destroy them in the names of reservations, haj subsidy and fatwas will be strengthened by finding out fresh justifications to continue to impose them upon Hindoos, even while Amarnath goers like pilgrims will be arranged to be attacked by mullas every where.

Also, haj subsidy and fatwas are the most gratifying measures for congress party and governments by congress party, since such ones are the indelible signs for congress,of extension of rule over Hindoos by muslim invaders, who imposed 'jazia' upon Hindoos and whose demise congress is always mourning and wanting to perpetuate.
2009-06-05 22:58:45 UTC
I hope they are banned.
2009-06-05 06:18:25 UTC
They r not going to do it.Muslims r their vote bank.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.