Why do liberals refuse to hold China responsible for spreading the Coronavirus?
2020-04-13 10:11:10 UTC
My friend died in Italy from this virus.

All because of China.

They lied .they covered up information that could be helpful. And China propaganda outlet the who helped them.
88 answers:
2020-04-17 15:34:39 UTC
Because liberals are communist and China happens to be communist as well.
2020-04-16 10:08:13 UTC
Give it a rest. “Liberals” here and around the world are dying from it too.

 “Liberals” have brains unlike you and are aware this virus escaped from a Level 4 virus research facility in Wuhan near the “wet market” the communist propaganda machine in China is trying to blame for it instead. 

Another SARS virus escaped from this same lab in 2003. This lab is conducting research into the use of viruses as bioweapons for the Chinese government.

It was not spread by “disgusting, dirty Chinese people who eat bat soup”.

Why don’t you honor your friend’s memory by trying to use your brain and stop acting like a two-year-old. You and your “liberals” bulls hit. 

Why would “liberals” support an oppressive regime like communist China’s when the ideology of a typical “liberal” includes not  supporting oppressive regimes in general... INCLUDING  the one currently installed here in 2016 by the electoral college...a proud dictator wannabe who looks up to other dictators around the world,  while trashing our historical allies. 

Again, you need to try to grow up. Yeah, we know it’s not easy. Do it for your friend.
Warren T
2020-04-15 20:39:42 UTC
Not Applicable
2020-04-15 15:40:43 UTC
Sorry about your friend. Yes, I believe we will find it was due to poor protocol practices in China and a Chinese government trying to hide incompetence. We often speak of China as this advanced up and coming economy, and in many ways they are, but in other ways they are still a third world country. 
2020-04-15 04:59:57 UTC
The disease came from infected bats, not the Chinese. 
2020-04-14 16:04:43 UTC
The US is currently leading the world in cases and deaths thanks to the ineptitude of Republicans who are in charge of a country that spends the most per capita on healthcare of any country in the world—but only for the very rich. 
2020-04-13 22:15:18 UTC
Trump downplayed the threat of the virus on January 22 before any infections were reported here!

His own words!

"Jan. 22: On whether he was worried about a pandemic: “No, we’re not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”  Donald Trump
Christopher W
2020-04-13 18:46:25 UTC
Simple, it's President Trumps fault---like everything else bad in the world is, also---just ask any braindead America hating liberal---
2020-04-13 10:19:47 UTC
Why do conservatives ignore Trump's failure to lead during this crisis?
2020-04-13 10:12:11 UTC
Because liberals look for reasons to blame Trump. China propaganda and CNN are the same.
2020-06-16 14:23:20 UTC
Because China didn't. It's far away. Check a map.  Trump neglected to act. Every death in America is his fault and his supporters are accomplices to the crime.
2020-04-17 03:56:19 UTC
Because, when it is appropriate, it has to come from the persons in government offices. If there is help inside the states, then the government is responsible for resolving that problem, too.
2020-04-16 17:52:28 UTC
China is attempting to kill us . Next is nuclear weapons .
2020-04-16 17:45:00 UTC
Where is the evidence that all or most liberals do refuse that?
2020-04-16 17:12:38 UTC
It is time to boycott Chinese products. I have had enough of these bastar*s.
2020-04-16 16:59:31 UTC
I think not all liberals are refusing to hold China responsible.
Andrew S
2020-04-16 00:45:22 UTC
Same reason they defend all of Obama and Hilarys lies and fraud.
2020-04-15 22:33:33 UTC
Because many elected Democrats LOVE Communism and Socialism.
2020-04-15 18:53:44 UTC

republicans are fools
2020-04-15 08:18:16 UTC
The Chinese government does hold responsibility for covering up information during December. It's fair to blame them for the spread to Italy (and Iran). 

It is of course NOT fair to blame the Chinese citizens as a whole for spreading a disease they didn't know existed. Once they knew about the virus they actually got it under control very quickly as a result of everyone obeying the quarantine orders.For everyone dying in the USA, far more responsibility lies with the US government. China did warn the world about the virus on January 3, about one month after they identified it. The US government covered up information for the next TWO months. In that time they did absolutely nothing to quarantine infected travelers, to warn the public, to manufacture more hospital equipment, or to start working on a vaccine. Even now, it's state governments rather than federal who are managing the crisis.Oh, and then there's the fact that Trump reduced CDC funding, cut the pandemic response team, and fired the epidemiologist who had been embedded in the Chinese health agency (to advise them but also to leak any information they were trying to cover up).
2020-04-15 06:55:01 UTC
china ownsem

like they own harvard
2020-04-14 22:15:28 UTC
I am liberal commie I hold China responsible I also hold usa responsible. I have a feeling usa is involved but that’s red tape we will never know
2020-04-14 20:12:51 UTC
Because they favor any country that is Socialist or Communist.
2020-04-14 04:05:50 UTC
Why not ask yourself when your friend died. And if the the usa had kept the pandemic team in place  so they can react in December.  Then blame china ... in between  the time frame .. what idiot ignore......
2020-04-14 02:20:36 UTC
Maybe you should read a little more,and then you will find that China expressly told every country to leave in Wuhan every citizen thay had there,that they could treat them and stop the spread.Some countries listened to them, Cuba for exemple (in over four months not a single cuban has been infected in China), but other countries took all of their people out,spreding the virus all over the world.China did not decided to infect the whole world with the virus and,in fact has done a lot more to comtrol the disease than most countries have. If not,how ccan China have only 3000 deaths whitin over 4 months of the infection, and other like China,Italy , Spain or France have  lot more in a smaller period of time.You should be wondering why are there countries that are doing so little to protect their citizens, and not trying to blame the first country to be affected and the one who almost every other state turned its back at, and even woth that has been able to handle it better than greater economies.
2020-04-14 02:12:35 UTC
Stupid uneducated and imbecile fellow  ! 
2020-04-13 21:59:32 UTC
Simple, it's President Trumps fault---like everything else bad in the world is, also---just ask any braindead America hating liberal---
2020-04-13 17:29:49 UTC
Because China is a communist country and the liberals are blinded by the love light that shines from their creepy adoration of Socialism. They have to change their shorts every time they fantasize about America becoming Communist. 
2020-04-13 13:30:24 UTC
It may not be their fault of course.

There are people who like wars because they usually make lots of money from them. From the days of Napoleon, financiers have been willing to finance both sides in any war. They make money whatever happens.

That is partly why people in the US are told that Russia is the enemy and Putin is a bogeyman. A war between Russia and America would be very lucrative.

They always had Afghanistan and all the Middle East as pot boilers. Then there was an attempt to talk up the threat from North Korea and Iran.

Now President Trump is in charge he wants to stop these conflicts. That is not what those really in charge want. A war with China would be brilliant. So, how might we engineer one?

Why not create a man-made virus in the US - we won't mention it to the official government, though. We could then allow that to fall into the hands of the Chinese. After a short while we could take a copy of the virus to Wuhan, near the Chinese laboratory that has a copy of the virus, and release it at an international event like the World Military Games.

Now look: We have the Chinese who think they may have had an accidental release of their virus. We have the Americans who think that it is a Chinese virus while the Chinese know that it came from America. Brilliant!

Mass murder has been committed and the biggest super powers in the world will be pointing fingers at each other.

The patent owners like Dr Fauci will be rubbing his hands together. Bill Gates will be pushing vaccines for all he is worth - because he will be worth much more if his plan succeeds. He might also have a chance to further his father's eugenics work along the way. There are far too many people anyway.

Big Pharma wins. Big Finance wins. We the People might face draconian restrictions on our lives: compulsory vaccinations, digital vaccination IDS (definitely not for voting, though!) - you won't be allowed to travel without one.

The list of benefits to the elite is huge.
2020-04-13 10:17:12 UTC
Because it's a transparent deflection by Donald Trump, who is desperately trying not to take his responsibilities, as usual.

''The buck stops anywhere but here!'' Alpha male, my foot.

China is responsible for China.

Trump is responsible for America and he is a miserable failure. Period.
2020-04-17 19:52:59 UTC
So sorry for the loss of your friend. US is the country that is standing up to WHO and investigating China numbers and where in China this Covid-19 came from. Currently we have to do everything we can to help save the USA. Keep in mind China is pur vile communism with brainwashed people who are now demanding free speech. Worry about your family, country and China will pay for what they've done. China threatened the USA with withholding medicines and pain killers. The whole world needs to learn a huge lesson hat many of us have known all of our lives, Never trust China or any communist country.
2020-04-17 15:22:15 UTC
What good would that do? America supports WHO & many other international efforts. How much does China give? China is not going to change.
2020-04-17 14:25:40 UTC
Because they want to Blame Trump. 
2020-04-17 11:52:54 UTC
It's not a Liberal ,or Democratic or Republican thing, it's the human desire of conquest. Anybody but an idiot would've known that this virus just didn't jump out of someone's appetite for bat soup. This virus is a germwarfare weapon that was mishandled and got out from the faculty that was designing it. But it go out before they could design a cure for it. Something like the AIDS Virus. But strangely enough the same guy that supposedly discovered that virus strangely came up with a formula to keep the victim alive just to keep them paying for the medication for the rest of their lives. Seems like germwarfare is becoming big business now. What do you think those sick twisted geneticist is doing all day?
2020-04-17 02:21:46 UTC
Well first, my condolences, really, and second it's hard to hold individual people accountable when it is a global pandemic. I'm going to assume this post is made in at least partial-regards to people being upset with those who are against the use of the "China virus," as I have heard no one who claims that the Chinese government shouldn't be held liable... Anyways, allow me to explain why liberals are against saying the "China virus."

 It is not the Chinese people who are at fault for the spread of the disease, they are just as much victims as everyone else as their government tried hide the virus from them at the beginning. The government did not take the necessary precautions for the virus, and regular people paid. Just as we Americans are not responsible for everything our government does, neither are Chinese people. When we call COVID-19 the "China Virus," well, it propagates stigma against Chinese people who had nothing to do with the spread, and honestly it probably has averse affects on all Asian people as people who are prejudice are so quick to judge, they forget Asia doesn't mean China. I think we should hold our world leaders accountable for the spread of the pandemic. The Chinese government should be held accountable for not taking action sooner, and those governments that did little to prepare even as COVID-19 spread should also be held accountable. But a nation's government is not the same thing as a national peoples. I know we progressives and conservatives don't often see eye to eye on things, but progressives really do want what's best for people, and this means preventing blame falling on the shoulders of people who did nothing wrong. It is not their fault they got sick. We don't want people who are angry with the virus taking it out on people who have nothing to do with it because of a targeting label that was stuck on it such as the "China virus." 
2020-04-17 01:02:21 UTC
it was not Democrats that screamed Free trade Free trade with China, it was Reagan Liberals in the GOP ! Limbaugh, Hannity and Mark levin still Adore Communist China.  Limbaugh calls them Chicoms , and yes they are Liberalsd they support deficit spending and crushing state rights these days
2020-04-16 15:58:26 UTC
This event has already been planned and manufactured by the elite to bring about the new World Order. 
2020-04-16 14:07:09 UTC
As the U.S. was not held accountable for the Spainish Flu of 1918.  Don't let the name fool you because Spain was the only country not fighting in WW1 so they did not censor their medical reporting so were the first to report it.(ergo the name)  It can be traced back to a U.S. military camp in the U.S..  The troops brought that over to Spain.

. Yet, no one is blaming the U.S.

I Google stuff and it is easy to find this out.
2020-04-16 13:36:27 UTC
China is a communist country and Liberals are commies. They see China as an impeccable idol to look up to. Big Brother China loves us and can fo no wrong. 
2020-04-16 04:37:00 UTC
You are right.  China lies ALMOST as much as Dementia Donnie does about COVID 19. 
2020-04-16 03:35:46 UTC
It came from animals you racist idiot
2020-04-15 17:22:07 UTC
We just don't like that Asians are being attacked for no reason... We can acknowledge the origin of the disease without the racism.
2020-04-14 22:50:02 UTC
Because China isn't to blame for a virus someone released in their country during the World Military Games they hosted in Wuhan
2020-04-14 22:17:12 UTC
Ive noticed the same thing.
2020-04-14 18:22:17 UTC
trump created the virus to kill us all
2020-04-14 08:10:54 UTC
China's outmost concern about its image is somehow backfiring on them by the onslaught of conspiracy theorist suspicious & critical of the Communist Government's handling of suppressing panic onto the Chinese public. Dr. Fauci & CJ Peters "Virus Hunter" have confirmed the COVID-19 is a natural virus that no country in the world can  conceivably prevent, but can only brace from regardless of where the outbreak started from. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious & unnoticeable the virus was with people not having symptoms, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining people having symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.

There was an Africanized swine flu happening at the same time that started a couple of months earlier. China was under siege by two outbreaks, trying to control the outbreak on their own & keeping it to themselves than risk embarrassment by receiving help from an adversary making them look bad to people suspicious of Communist China's Gov. China did a good job containing SARS, but COVID-19 is 3-5 times more contagious than the seasonal flu & 2/3 less lethal. COVID-19 may be impossible to contain in a world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity where COVID-19 air droplets can easily spread & infect in which the whole world was not prepared for.

American virologists revealed that COVID-19 is a natural virus & that the Obama Administration funded the virology lab in Wuhan to research corona virus in bats. An Obama affiliate or CIA holdover probably bribed an underpaid personnel in the lab to release it. Peter Strokz did text to Liza Page that they have an insurance policy. Bill Maher, SJWs, & (D)wTDS were dreaming of this scenario before the second Impeachment inquiry began over a year ago. An Obama holdover most likely thought this was a good plan since all (D) cares about is power & sheeples are just tools to manipulate in the pursuit of power.

The 2nd & 5th sentence of the above paragraph is just a theory, a probable theory seeing what great lengths the Obama FBI, CIA, & NDI will conspire with FUSION GPS & FISA court to attempt an espionage coupe to get the POTUS impeached.

(D)wTDS thinks the CDC was perfect under Obama to elevate Obama & vilify his successor, when it's the same CDC & personnel running it for 3-4 decades. There are certain situation that no amount of preparation can prepare for. Anthony Fauci wasn't prepared for what was coming, though he is an expert & has served since the early 80s, he & most of the scientist on disease control just didn't know what they were dealing with. CDC had no choice but to copy how China & the rest of  Asia handles this new COVID-19 Virus that is relatively unknown along with the data China release upon who are the most vulnerable, what pre-existing condition & blood type will likely gets seriously ill & dies... Without known vivid details about how seriously contagious the disease is, he & many other (lib) experts concluded that the Wuhan Flu is less of a threat than the seasonal flu. In Jan. 21st, Dr. Fauci assured the public on NEWSMAX that the Wuhan Virus is not a threat to America. In Feb. 17th, he again said on air that the danger from the Wuhan Virus was miniscule. As the 15 days guidelines was near its end in late March, Fauci contemplated in quarantine up to a year. In early April, the computer projection model was found over estimated.

Dr. Fauci & Dr. Birx have served for 4 decades, but didn't know a thing about a new corona virus they haven't observed & studied. Dr. Fauci studied Ebola for 3 1/2 decades before a dent of 1%-5% survival rate was possible from a 100% mortality with no vaccine yet developed. Unlike COVID-19 prevention of Ebola even HIV is not to get bitten, licked, or raped by Gorillas, Chimps, Mandrills, Capuchins, or any African Simian species by simply cooking & eating the bush meat very well done. Melanesians of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea & Austronesians of Indonesia hunt & eat wild bats very well done. Americans eat Black & Brown Bears, Racoons, Nutria, Porcupines, even mountain lion to not waste the meat, but if Koreans, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Indonesian, Nigerians, Congolese, Kenyans, & tribal indigenous South American natives eat dogs, bats & tarantulas its a crime of the century. Even eating Spectacled, Sun, & Moon Bears are a taboo for snooty European descent. Africa, S/E Asia, Oceana, Central & South America still have lots of wet Market. The US had lots of wet markets up until after WWII when Birds Eye's frozen food took off. Obtaining fresh meat in the US now days is mostly harvested directly from the wilderness or livestock in farms. Despite the war cries against Chinese Wet Markets, there doesn't seem to be much vitriol in African bush meat markets where Ebola & HIV were unleashed by under cooked primate/monkey meat. Is America & the world Angry at Sub Sahara Africa? Small pox originated in North Africa Egypt, the Black Plague originated in central Asia through fleas, Malaria, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Syphilis originated in Tropical Humid Climates, should there be anger directed at tropical countries? 

There's a Chimpanzee Island in a river in Liberia Africa to keep chimpanzees confined in the Island, until they die out or develop an immunity, experimented upon by US disease scientist to study Syphilis in Chimps & create a cure. The US failed in creating a cure for syphilis in the Tuskegee experiments that gathered infected Sub Saharan descent with Syphilis in a controlled environment where the participants thought they were being treated for the disease, but they weren't being treated nor were they told they were being studied. After the Tuskegee scandal US disease scientist resorted with studying Syphilis in chimpanzees in which scientist also failed in a cure. Anthrax are most likely being brewed & locked up in Montauk Island & Tuskegee bio labs, if not Tulane Univ., not to mention Unit 731 experiments data turned over by Imperial Japan's Unit 731 scientists. Syphilis is an American Tropical disease.

Once in a hundred years there's a pandemic that mankind can't prevent or control anytime. Micro plastic, Trans Fat, Hard Narcotics, Tobacco, THC Vaping, Weed, Sugars, & MSG (Ajinomoto) are somehow weakening our immunity from Single Cell Bacterial Viruses that mutate all the time allowing evolution to occur for billions of years & led to multi-cell organisms such as humans to dominate the word. Viral outbreak seems to pop up where large flocks, herds, & communities are densely packed. Every living thing (Animal, Plant, Fungi) on the planet has some sort of disease for billions of years. As mankind converts 85% of the planet's forest cover for human use: cultivation, roads, & development: entertainment, settlement, warehouse, airports... diseases have nowhere to go but where humans are to survive.

At some point the US & the world would need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are more lethal such as HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), & Syphilis that have no vaccine yet, COVID-19  is not a Doomsday bug. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shut down is more than enough. 85% infected with COVID-19 (0.05% Mortality) don't get ill or need hospitalization. Shutting down the Economy for more than a few of months or a year will put 280 to 320 Million people in the US into poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism. More deaths will occur from poverty in starvation, suicide, domestic violence, & capital crimes.
2020-04-14 03:44:06 UTC
What does it matter if China was "responsible" for it or not? It's a virus, so technically no one is responsible for it. Now it's all of our responsibility because it's affecting the entire world. What does it matter to point blame at people?
2020-04-13 23:09:42 UTC
Although China has made it spread worse, it wasn’t their intention to make it spread this fast. China has so many things going on in their country.....but the first thing they worked on was this whole coronavirus thing. It was difficult, a lot of people died. Donald trump said: “I am not mad at them, I just wish they would’ve told us sooner” I do agree that they didn’t give us all the information. If they would’ve told us all the information, less people would die. Being that they didn’t, more people are dying. Donald trump just wants them to open up, and tell us what is happening in their country. people are dying, the coronavirus situation is spreading.we just need a little bit of their time to tell us.....I agree, they should be responsible. Although they didn’t know how big it was gonna get.
2020-04-13 22:54:15 UTC
Because Dump told people that they could go to work with it. He called it a hoax. It is 100% dump's fault that the virus has spread this badly 
2020-04-13 10:13:17 UTC
Why do you care what liberals do?
2020-04-17 17:55:46 UTC
Why did Bill Clinton take major money from China to be elected? Why does Bloomburg & CNN have so much invested in China & make money from those investments? & why & why & what does China own I America or who. 
2020-04-17 17:53:01 UTC
It's not about China... it's all about hurting Trump at all cost... even if it means Americans have to die by hiding ventilators in the basement.
2020-04-17 16:05:02 UTC
Because of common sense, they had or have no idea what the story of this virus is or was, nor do we.
2020-04-17 10:49:11 UTC
Because they're not responsible for that,over population in china makes social distanceing nearly impossible and one can't be blamed for the spread of a virus with no cure
2020-04-17 05:34:17 UTC
2020-04-16 16:20:26 UTC
Anything you do not like is blamed on the opposite political party.  How does that help? 
2020-04-16 15:10:10 UTC
Collusion investigated four times (FBI, Congress, Senate, Special Counsel) and zero indictments on Pres. Trump or on anyone pertaining to the crimes being alleged and investigated. Let's not forget extortion, bribery, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power which isn't even a legitimate crimes but rather a broad accusation of doing "something". Try to imagine the prosecution telling the judge that about you.

The answer to your question is because they need more allegations and individuals, associated with Donald Trump to investigate ,because all the people they have managed to indict (for something irrelevant to the investigations) have not given them what they want, which is someone to bear false witness against Donald Trump to avoid a prison sentence that's 3 to 5 years longer than there expected to live.

If this disease started in China and spread (the way it did) primarily because of them they can't blame Donald Trump and can't investigate others associated with him for something they may have committed in the past and don't want to serve the rest of their life in prison for. This is also why the liberal media deflects the idea that this is China's fault. It's the left being more concerned with power than they are with justice and they won't just wrongfully blame others so to protect China, they will outright use the media to persecute those who dare blame anyone else who doesn't fit the narrative the media reports on.

Lastly, liberals are authoritarian sympathizers because they are authoritarians themselves or at least have a desire to be so. Unfortunately many politicians these days are, both conservative and liberal, and this is why administrations before Donald Trump have only empowers China. We have become dependent on them intentionally and by design.
2020-04-16 15:04:56 UTC
It came from China. Nobody denies this, but we won’t blame all the “nasty Chinese people” for it.
2020-04-16 09:36:24 UTC
I am not communist but the power of asia agianst vietnam and north korea is in the hands of china .if they attack westerners china will punish them.I went to china and i was proud to see chinese people we in the west need china and germany .bmw riders are not poofters riding german cars french and other country need each other .i like french 
2020-04-16 05:56:52 UTC
China warned the USA back in January. Trump called it a "Chinese Hoax". And didn't do anything until mid March. Don't blame the dems, they warned Trump after China mentioned something. His slow response is his fault not the dems. Funny how now you Republicans all the sudden don't think it's a "Chinese Hoax". We have a 3 year old as president....i should know, I work with 3 year olds daily for 5 years +
2020-04-16 03:16:09 UTC
Why does Trump refuse to hold Russia responsible for the 2016 loss of Hillary Clinton?  Sex.  Trump get's it sodom style from Putin and he likes it like that.
2020-04-15 21:35:00 UTC
Apparently, the abortion industry isn't killing people fast enough.
2020-04-15 18:21:28 UTC
A liberal myself, I fully recognize that the Chinese are at FULL FAULT for this universal problem. Not only because they hid the info but because of their insane abuse of animals! FOR DECADES the world was warning them TO STOP ANIMAL ABUSE and STOP EATING ANYTHING THAT MOVES! Did they listen? NO! They continued being the biggest stain on human history and ARE STILL ABUSING both urban and feral animals with whatever the **** pathetic excuse they got! I have no mercy for animal abusers and fully believe any pathetic coward that can harm an animal is the lowest of all beings that will be harming everyone else as well and I honestly couldn't be happier to see China get hit by karma of all they do HARD and MERCILESSLY. In that regard I hand it to Trump since he seems to be firm and merciless enough to paralyze the Chinese. Matter of China is not about Lib or Rep, it's a matter of the world. Anyone who'd be fair and sane would want justice and will condemn the Chinese. Anyone as cowardly as those animal abusing Chinese will use pathetic "racist, blu blu blu" cards or other pathetic nonsense and take side with those Chinese cowards. Only because I want to see the Chinese get stopped, I do hope Trump gets re-elected. China will never be able to make up for the number of people and animals it tortured and murdered so the least it can do is STOP forever.

Also, I'm not sure who you are referring to because the only ones I see now who take side with the coward Chinese are the Chinese or their descendents abroad. Don't be fooled if they claim not to be. Like I said nothing is lower than an animal abuser, so they lie A LOT and many of them are badly affected by schizophrenia and talk of some made up things that any sane person goes like "wtf" when they hear it. So don't believe it if some Chinese coward defend the Chinese and claim to be "non-chinese liberal". THAT's how cowardly they are. The Chinese as you see never took any responsibility about how aweful they have been. Also don't be surprised if as soon as you talk facts they try to distract you by attacking you as a person and mumbling their swear words (also another aspect of them being utter coward human-stains). All Liberals and even non-americans I talk to have strongly condemned China and want China to be stopped.

Also on this one matter there was nothing Trump could do more than this. You can see in other countries too. Countries with amazing healthcare and caring governments also lost thousands. Once the virus started spreading it is killing anyone it wants. AGAIN the full responsibility and fault is with the Chinese. They had no right to abuse any living beings nor take a life and then hiding info and then talking back instead of stopping and apologizing. Period. I sincerely hope the Chinese pay with karma hitting them hard and cause them the same amount of pain and misery that they caused for other living beings both animals and humans and I hope the world doesn't stop condemning and penalizing China and its people. That's why despite really hating who Trump is, I really hope he will be re-elected. I believe he will be more consistent and firm in attacking China in whatever way he can than Joe Biden.


My deepest condolences and sympathy to any non-chinese who have lost a loved one due to the virus.
2020-04-15 06:39:39 UTC
Just worry about yourself.
2020-04-15 01:13:30 UTC
Because they favor any country that is Socialist or Communist.
2020-04-15 01:10:39 UTC
Because they favor any country that is Socialist or Communist.
2020-04-14 15:20:09 UTC
Because at the moment we are more concerned with how to keep it from spreading over here, and how to keep this idiot Trump who now thinks he is a f*****g King and has total power, from causing even more death and destruction by simply opening his ignoramus frigging mouth! Giving China the full extent of the blame which YOU have obviously swallowed in order to deflect his responsibility is just one many instances of his poor leadership! 

Our healthcare is soon going to be totally inept because it operates on a “for profit” basis and no one is having elective surgery, and healthcare workers are already being furloughed!

The time for finger pointing will come soon enough, and it is NOT absolutely clear at this moment how this thing was started in China, or if it was an accident of nature through carelessness or on purpose by malicious intent, and I am pretty certain the Chinese relatives of those that died want answer to that question as well!
2020-04-13 22:00:54 UTC
I'm with you but I believe this is a weaponized virus and they go so far as to say they have 5 more similar bat dropping viruses.
Shinnyuu R
2020-04-13 13:26:00 UTC
Because we focus more on finding a solution than finding someone to blame. It’s an act of nature. It could have happened to any country. You need to let go of that anger, buddy, it’ll kill you. Now is not the time to fight. It’s time to work together as humans. 
2020-04-13 11:21:13 UTC
China wasnt responsible for the virus. Itz a f*cking virus. These things are spreading all the time. Its not any one country's fault or responsibility. The only responsibility any country has is to the health and safety od their own people. Italy is responsible for italian citizens, america is responsible for american citizens. China has no right, duty or authority to treat citizens from other countries.
2020-04-20 21:50:39 UTC
They wan't to blame it all on Trump no matter what.
2020-04-17 19:59:32 UTC
Please respect all people. 
2020-04-17 03:17:32 UTC
If they blame china then they can't blame Trump.  The media is perpetuating hate  just so that  undecided voters will vote for Biden.  that is how pathetic the media is 
2020-04-16 17:49:58 UTC
Because my chinese fortune cookie said "Liberals, no blame China."
2020-04-16 12:29:09 UTC
Because China is run by the communist doves in the Chinese Communist Party while the U.S. is being "led" by not my president currently who is a racist con you Nazi scum!
2020-04-16 02:27:58 UTC
 With so many things going on in their country.....the first thing China worked on was this whole coronavirus thing, a lot of people died in china. Donald trump said: “I am not mad at them, I just wish they would’ve told us sooner”, less people would've died. They have some responsibility on this, though they didn’t know how big it was gonna get.
2020-04-15 18:43:29 UTC
Because liberals kiss *** that's why 
2020-04-15 17:08:00 UTC
Same reason we don’t hold the US accountable for any of the horrors they have committed in the last 100 years like; Spreading Spanish Flu

Invading the Middle East twice

Destabilizing several Middle eastern countries

Refusing the Paris agreement and being thee largest cause fo climate change outside of India and China

Not to mention walking into a World War two years after it started only so they could extort allied countries with the Lend Lease Act.
2020-04-15 13:00:48 UTC
Why do conservatives refuse to hold themselves responsible for climate change, or even pollution?
2020-04-15 10:12:54 UTC
Usa is also an increased number by imigration for hiring by ownership.I guess they feel with the fly on their hat.

Usa also made 4 kids as if gaining money from.this while masons used comunist ideologies 40% hired at state in usa while we let starving by them.after revolution with 5%.and masons must be arrested i ve been raped by Hollywood hiding the spyes are raping without gun and car and food kill babies and women 
2020-04-15 06:16:31 UTC
Cuz libtards like communism
2020-04-15 04:41:40 UTC
Why do conservatives refuse to tell the truth is a better question.
2020-04-14 20:11:13 UTC
Because they've drank to much of the Koolaid. 
2020-04-14 00:27:41 UTC
Why do you generalize people? Not all liberals think alike and not all conservatives think alike. I wholeheartedly blame China.
2020-04-13 22:51:58 UTC
I do not think this is a question of politics or incompetence. The first thing you mention is that your friend died. Based off your question, I believe you are in the 2nd stage of grief: anger. You obviously must have lost someone close to you and are therefor coping by finding someone to blame. Maybe in your mind, blaming the virus is not enough so instead you blame the origin of it? 

Even if China did their absolute best at controlling this, (and as others have mentioned, Europe and America have not been as brisk as China was, due to their previous experience with SARS) covid-19 would have still spread to Italy. And arguably, would’ve still taken your friend. My best suggestion is to stop thinking of what you can’t control. You could never control China’s actions, Italy’s actions, or the death of your friend. What you can control? How you grieve. Reach out (virtually, or 6ft apart) to those in your life that care. 

I’m sorry for your loss.
2020-04-13 10:19:38 UTC
China's at fault, for sure. So is Trump, who has failed us as a leader.
2020-04-13 10:17:53 UTC
Really, it's not complicated. Liberals HATE white people. Anything else they tell you is a LIE. 

Can you imagine being a black man and voting for the same group of people who openly praise and cheer your extinction? No, blacks wouldn't vote for a nazi party. Yet white liberals side with those minorities who vote democrat who openly and freely say they want open borders. Democrats want you REPLACED and they are your ENEMY.  You can thumb me down all you want. 
2020-04-13 10:14:33 UTC
Because all they can see in their seething rage over 2016 is Trump.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.