but I think the fact that Obama haters appear to hate whatever imaginary bugaboo they're convinced without a shred of actual evidence, that Obama is guilty of setting up the very sort of intrusive government tentacles that were initially devised and set in place under the false flag attack whereby the government set-up by Bush and his cronies has purred along just fine with Bush-poser (Obama) at the helm of this corporate-centric, (fascist) government.
If Obama haters wanted to be taken seriously, perhaps they might do well to consider that all the things that Bush and his henchmen/women did while in power, were essentially given a pass during his dubious election-tampering "victories" during his time in office.
The disconnect that continues to play itself out in the corporate friendly right-wing dominant media mess, is the fact that Obama has allowed Bush policies to fester unaltered, unchanged, and few if any have been rescinded or eliminated.
If Obama haters could criticize regurgitated Bush policies adopted or barely touched by Obama, then they would have a legitimate gripe and I'd be in total agreement with them, but alas, Obama haters choose false narratives as their main argument against Obama.
It's really simple, choose anything Obama has screwed up on that is supported by facts or testable evidence, then I'd be forced to agree with you, but straw-man arguments only tend to lure the tin-foil hat crowd out into the open away from the safety of their end of the world Beck inspired, doomsday bunkers.
The only thing you attract when the right insists on using crazy conspiracy theories, is they attract crazy people, tea-baggers without a clue, I rest my case.