What drives your vote for President?
Abdul Jones
17 years ago
a. Party affiliation.
b. Platform.
c. Appearance.
d. Religion.
e. Other.

Feel free to elaborate or attempt to justify your answer.
71 answers:
17 years ago
The President is the Chief Executive. The choice of Chief Executive should be based on the ability of the candidate to run the executive branch. Our Constitution, Article 2, describes the qualifications, powers, and responsibilities of the Executive. The qualifications are minimal:

- natural born Citizen

- thirty-five Years old

- fourteen Years a Resident within the United States

- swear the oath of office

The responsibilities are huge. The President has responsibility over the Military and the cabinet. The president may grant pardons, make treaties, appoint ambassadors, public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the united states. The President receives ambassadors and other public ministers.

The President must give a state of the union report to Congress, recommending to their consideration such measures judged necessary and expedient.

The President can convene the Congress on extraordinary occasions.

The President shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.

It seems to me that the most important of those responsibilities include direction of the Cabinet, and therefore the Departments and programs that those cabinet members run, being Commander in Chief, and taking care that the laws be faithfully executed.

Sometimes in recent history, it seems that appointing judges and recommending legislation has become more important in the eyes of many people. I think this is a mistake. If you elect an activist who will recommend legislation that you like based on positions on "issues", then you elect a candidate of charisma or eloquence who can pound the podium, but may not be able to run the country. There are many examples of this in local governments, activists who cannot run their own city...or state.
17 years ago
Their platform drives me the most, specifically what I perceive as their truthfulness regarding the end of the Iraq War. I will never support a candidate that wants to continue the war. It was a mistake, is a mistake, and needs to be ended. That's why I support either Barack Obama or John Edwards. Those two candidates seem the most likely to end the Bush foriegn policy. While Hillary Clinton may be more likely to win, I believe that her policies will not be all that different than Bush. I see a very hawkish streak in her ready to come out. She SAYS she'll end the war, but can she be believed? I don't think so. She seems more power-hungry than anything else.

As for the rest, I generally support left-leaning moderate candidates over right wing ones, so I lean toward Democrats, but Republicans like Chuck Hagel and Ron Paul have said things that I like. Their appearance means little to me, neither does their religion, although I would never support someone that has NO religion.
17 years ago
I have been around since Nixon got us into Viet Nam in the 50's. My President was shot when I was 13 and his brother died the same way on my graduation evening. I made it through the 60's and Oh my God the Sky is falling! Turn of the century survivor and constant voter. I read and listen and make notes and decide before I go to the polls. Then I vote for the person most suited to the job they want. All of the things you list are not as important as having a President who understands HE WORKS FOR US! only justification for my behaviour is that our President is so evil and I am so sorry for our troops both dead and alive. I was a WAC During the Viet Nam Conflict. Had I been ordered to, I would have gone. I have no blood on my hands, but we as a Nation do. I would require anyone running for office to be checked prior to service for DEMENTIA...Average people in Iraq did not live in caves and refugee camps until the great divider bought the Presidency. They lived in houses and cities and towns. We haven't just killed thousands of them, but their progress as well. Saddam is dead. for the same thing. My VOTE is the most important priviledge I have. To Vote, man, love going to the polls with my little booklet all marked up and excercise my hard won rights. Shame on anyone who thinks less. Obviously that's a lot of ya....Freedom is what drives my vote, Now I challenge you to justify your question and feel free to elaborate...Ya sound a tiny bit Snotty there Tex. Oh yeah and I also think that ALL of our states Should be allowed to vote and Florida should have to sit the next election out and think about what it's done.
17 years ago
A party affiliation should not be as important as who the candidate is and what they stand for...their 'individual' platform and not their party platform.

Appearance is not important. Modest attire and good grooming are all that is necessary, the rest is 'fluff'.

If religion were the most important thing to drive the vote, then we'd have a Cardinal or a Minister or a Rabbi for president. Please, let's separate Church and State!

In reference to the aforementioned 'platform', it is truly difficult in these days of mass media, YouTube, and the dreaded sound bytes to be able to distinguish 'who' the candidate REALLY is. Here are two suggestions to be able to answer this question for yourself:

1. Look at the voting record

2. Follow the money - who is contributing to the campaign? Those contributors may affect key decisions.

For example: Bush took lots of $$ from Ken Lay and Enron. Who was allowed to set up shop at the White House immediately after the 2000 election when Bush moved in? Ken Lay and his cronies worked hand in hand w/Cheney to 'interview' candidates to help write White House Energy Policy. Enough said.
17 years ago
I would say platform, then party affiliation, and then intangibles like likability, intelligence, appearance, how well he expresses ideas, etc.

I don't have all republican or democratic positions, but I could never vote for any of the democrats that are running today. They seem to be embracing the fringe of their party much more than the republicans, which really turns me off from them.

The main thing I'm looking at with the republican candidates is their voting record, and I've been surprised by some of them. When you look at what they've actually done on the issues that are important to me, Romney looks like the best candidate.
Mark C
17 years ago
Someone that when you write to them about a problem not to e-mail you back and say it is'nt thier state so it is'nt there problem(Hillary C)and some one that has the wisdom and good judgement and the right answers,not just what you think people want to hear just to get thier votes(Hillary and Mr Obama)or someone that just does'nt fly off the wall and give answers and have no ideal what thier talking about(Same two people)I say get Mr Gore or Mr Powel or Mr Carrey he does'nt need the money.He does make sence also.Stop this throwing in someone that totally does the opposite of what they promice(Nothing)or totally screw up our world like Bush and Channey has done.For once in at least sence the Reagan years put someone that has good judgement and sence in there people(Please) or like Bill did also write you back and give you a speach and blow you off while messing up the US and the job market and economy,while playing with his intern(Literally)and on his wife by the way which is running for the presidency.We don't need this again people.Please Nothing was done about it because he was leaving anyway,like Bush and Channey.It does'nt take much thinking to elect someone other then this bunch.Give Mr Gore his job back.Heck beg him to come back,at least he was honest.
17 years ago
The president, as all elected officials, must first realize they work for the American people. The people are not subjects of their domain. Today's president & all the members of congress think they know whats best for the people. That is dead wrong. They are called "representatives" for a good reason. But they vote for whats best for the party & Corporate America. The people are last. That is the 1st thing. Platform would be the next most important listing. Their platform must be for the collected good of all the American people.
17 years ago
B. D. and E. Anyone running for president needs to have a platform or a plan or an agenda. However you want to look at it. They must stand for something. I prefer a person who stands by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as put forth by our Founding Fathers. I believe that the person running for president should believe in less government, less taxes, and more power to the people. Religion is important because if you don't believe in God, and God is not in your core. What moral beliefs would there be to stop them from doing whatever they choose. However, we must be careful with that. Anything too extreme is also bad including religion. Then there is the other. We need a person who has strong beliefs in our country being independent! We need someone who has an isolationist attitude and does not concern themselves with what the rest of the world is doing. We need to clean up our own backyard before we can become the world's savior. We should focus on our needs as a country. We have always lead the way in being different and better from other countries and that is what has made this country what it is. Great! We need to stand strong again and united again. We need to stop the UN control of our troops, pump our own oil, reform our health care industry, lower taxes, bust unions (we simply don't need them anymore. We are no longer a country with slave labor except for illegal immigrants and the union doesn't help them anyways) to become more competitive in the world market. We need less government, more business, less government intrusion and control in our lives. We need reform in our education system. We need to give the power back to parents to raise their children. What ever happened to the mentality of us being the best and the strongest? The libs in this country want us to be ashamed of winning! Look at Hollywood instead of the "The winner is.... it is now "And the Oscar goes to" We have turned into a bunch of whiny, spineless whimps who bends over backwards to not offend anyone. Yet the rest of the world has no problem offending us!! or attacking us!! NO! That is not what this country was made of! We simply need to stop bending to the will of the world! We are the United States of America! Not the United States of the World! We need good old fashioned Kennedy/Reagan style politics combined. Period.
daniel c
17 years ago
Older generations seem to vote more for a party, while younger generations seem to vote for a particular person. This says to me that the younger generation isn't really looking at the big picture and will vote for a candidate based on the candidates stance a single issue. however the older generation would be forced to vote for a candidate that isn't necessarily their first choice but was the party's best chance for president. Me, I'm going to say I will be with the younger generation however, I am trying to focus on as many political issues as possible. We need a president that will let us enforce the laws we have and not pass laws that can not be and will not be enforced.
17 years ago
b. Platform is the most important. If they aren't standing on something solid, they don't deserve votes.

c. Sound superficial, but if you have a leader with a poor image, the rest of the world will not take them seriously. Take George W for example; he's a joke. Kucinich could not be President because he looks a bit like a weasle, despite his good ideas. Obama is too young, Hillary is too superficial, and the Republican candidates (save Ron Paul) will be judged against our current administration too heavily. Mike Gravel is a badass; that's why I'm voting for him.
Samuel G
17 years ago
My answer is e. Tough question, but a good one. I first voted for McGovern over Nixon, so I considered myself a Democrat in my younger days. But, now it seems like our choice for a president at least is Republican or Democrat, because no one else has a chance. The way I see that is choose the lesser of two evils.

When I lived in Minnesota, I voted for Jesse Ventura an independent (Libertarian really). I now live in California and voted for Arnold a Republican. So what does that say? I now go with my gut feeling as to who will actually try to change our lives for the better.

At this point in time, I like Ron Paul for President and to be honest, that is based on answer b, his platform. Regardless of who comes out as the Republican or Democratic nominee, I feel Ron Paul would shake things up and make our lives better. But, he won't be on the ballot. Back to my left of center leaning and that means I will vote for Hillary because she seems to be the lesser of two evils.
17 years ago
Ultimately what drives my vote is the ability of the candidate to be a good judge of character. Much of the angst that is felt towards George Bush is his uncanny ability to select controversial individuals for key positions. His reasoning is focused on loyalty and not on any particular ideology. In fact most of the angst directed towards the administration is towards his counselors and then indirectly to Bush himself. In most cases people generally dislike Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Gonzalez and in some cases Rice and Powell. Certainly there was a general displeasure with Bush's choice for FEMA director, Michael Brown. The point is these people have created huge negative press and while it can be said that Bush didn't tell these people how to act, he is the one who directly, or indirectly, selected them. Therefore had George Bush been a better judge of character maybe his presidency would not have been so riddled with discontent.

This is why it is essential for the American people to evaluate their presidential candidates on whether or not they are good judges of character. Two examples of people who have not demonstrated clear judgement would be Rudy Guiliani and John McCain.

John McCain is a clear example as anyone can see from his severly decomposed presidential commitee. The one time favorite is lagging in money, support and options. He has had to let go a significant portion of his staff and in some poilitcal forums is considered as no longer a contender for presidency. Ultimately this is an example of poor judgement in selecting commitee leadership.

Rudy Guiliani is running a good campaign but his past governance is also suggestive of poor judgement. A great example is Bernard Kerik. He was the first nominee for the department of Homeland Security, who not only did not get the position but eventually pleaded guilty to corruption charges. Another example is Russell Harding who did not have the qualifications for the position of head of New York City Housing Development Corporation and a short time in office eventually plead guilty to defrauding the government.

Additionally, politians will say whatever needs to be said so they can get elected. The american people can not trust what politician's say but they can look to how the politician has or is performing to learn how they will perform.

What this nation needs is a president who is a good judge of character and will select people who will be capable of performing the task and taking the president's vision to the deifferent areas of government. We do not need government where there are different visions because the president has abdicated his leadership responsibilities.
17 years ago
B. The American people are being fooled that the Democrats and Republicans are different. They are not different both Neo-Cons and all top tier Democrats are for big government, world government, and less liberty. Benjamin Franklin once said the people who give up liberty for security deserve neither. That is why i am voting for liberty, what our fathers died for so that we could live free. The only candidate running who has true America patriot values is Ron Paul.

A true American Ron Paul
17 years ago
It's all in the platform. I do keep party affiliation in the back of my head, but really it's like genres of I lean more Democrat than Republican? Sure. Do I like more rock than rap? Definitely..but that doesn't mean that I won't listen to rap if it's well made and thought provoking. I could care less about religion, the only time it matters to me is if they are using it as, you guessed it, their platform. And I'm sure that apperance does have some effect, subliminally, but I don't take it into account in my thinking mind. I'm looking for the candidate that speaks to ME. Who cares about the same issues, and while I don't have to (and likely won't) agree with them on everything, they need not to have any glaring ANTI stances that clash with my beliefs. That is what drives my vote.
Tena E
17 years ago
e. Other. I will only consider voting for one who will answer a "yes or no" question with a "yes" or a "no". This is rare in politics, I know. It is time we have a President who is willing to be honest and straightforward rather than politically correct, He or She also needs to know our constitution and be willing to run our Federal government accordingly, as a Federalist. Ron Paul meets these criterion, but he is not electable. Fred Thompson also seems to hold these views and, so far, appears to be the best potential candidate in the 2008 election field.
Guessses, A.R.T.
17 years ago
f. All of the above. I try to take into consideration past voting records and stances. Once I get a view of both of the "top 2" Candidates, then I choose.

I've chosen the Candidate for the Oval Office without err since 1980 (for better or worse). This upcoming Presidential Election looks like it's going to be a "tougher choice" than most.

p.s. for some political quizes links go to my profile, or discussion groups email me. (hopefully, y'all will have some for me as well)
17 years ago
Party affiliation and Platform, believes and the identification with social causes and the needs of the under served populations, says a lot about the candidates, the willingness to understand what needs to be done and the empathy for others.
17 years ago
Candidates that support civil liberty issues and try to move America forward rather than keeping us stuck where we are. America is supposed to be "free" and yet there is oppression everywhere: gay people not being able to marry, racism, millions without healthcare, etc. Also, I like a candidate that doesn't sway towards the Christian looneys that are against life saving stem cell research, abortion, and will stand up to them and do what is best for the people of our nation and the world. Science has progressed past archaic religious views and its time for people to accept that. I am also more likely to vote for someone that will legalize cannabis use, a substance that is responsible for ZERO deaths per year and is less harmful, socially and to the individual, than alcohol and tobacco. I don't use it myself, but I think its absolutely ridiculous that people are put in jail for it.
17 years ago
I would say B. That would be the closest. I vote for the person whose platform most closely resembles what I believe in. Now most of the time they are from the same party, but if a member of the opposing party has views close to mine, I would then vote for them.

Now no candidate would completely agree with everything I believe, so I choose candidates who most closely agree. And I sort of prioritize issues based on what is important to me. For example a I may disagree with a candidate on stem cell research or gay marriage, but those are not important issues for me. The economy, jobs, and taxes are most important to me, since those affect me directly. Stem cell research and gay marriage don't. If 2 candidates have the same stance on my main issues, then gay marriage may play into my choice.
17 years ago
Platform. I don't really care about the linguistics someone has, or even a track record. If they've been clean and can do this country good on where they stand, i woould vote for them. I would vote for someone who is very optimistic and ambitious. This country needs alot of changes, and hopefully the next president won't screw this country up.
17 years ago
Its interesting to me the many negative comments I see about religion. Its almost as if many of these Wonderful Bloggers have forgotten that we are one nation under God, not one nation underdog. Actually I don't make my decisions based on religion either, there are far too many varied and different forms of religious belief systems for me to do that. I do however base all my life and political decisions on The Spiritual Rock of my Life Jesus The Christ. You see Jesus doesn't lie cheat or steal, and he is the only one who ever lived that will never leave or forsake you. You really cant say that about any of our current political candidates. Jesus has all the answers to every question you could possibly hope to ask, and he is never wrong. He teaches us to love our enemies bless those who curse us and do good to those that hate us, and pray for those who wrongfully use us. He also tells those of us who know him personally, that since every decision is a life or death decision, especially in the upcoming election, if we will just acknowledge that his way is always fair and just and the best way in every situation, he will always tell us which way to go, even whom to vote for. So that's what I do.You do what seems best unto you as you vote in the upcoming primaries and elections, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
17 years ago
The platform is what drives my vote. There's only one platform I agree with and that's Ron Paul. He is the only candidate that believes the Constitution should be followed. He's the only one that believes in sovreignty of the United States. He's the only that doesn't have empirical desires. He's this country's last chance for a true, free nation.
17 years ago
Party Affiliation

I'll ONLY vote Green Party I'll never rob a Dem. of a vote because I'd NEVER vote for a Democrat.
17 years ago
Whoever is strongest on immigration and removing the illegal aliens in this country, as well as putting American first in all respects, particularly in regard to preserving our Constitutional rights, will get my vote. I don't care about Religion, or what hairstyle they have, or whether they look good in a suit. I am against the NWO neocons, as well as our Progressive liberal candidate, Hitlary. Obama is also very scary.
17 years ago
E. A brain who would be happy to say they voted for republicans for 27 years that means you voted for a bush 3 times!
jeremy p
17 years ago
B, I will not vote for a party that is very open about taxes, taxes and more taxes. Study your econ 101, the more you tax, the more you shrink. Yes, government handouts are always popular amongsts the lazy and non-hard working, but eventually when their is no incentives left, you have, mmmm... let me think here, oh ya, you have France..

I dont want to be a France society. Don't tax me!!!! Don't tax me, don't tax me. I will never vote for a party that wants to be my surrogate nanny.
17 years ago
Ideas put forth that speak to the inclusive and common needs of all citizens for example health care for all. Equitable wages to enable those who work to have a life.Equal rights for all citizens. A flat tax or percent of income that is equal at all income levels.Strong social responsibility. Establishing a cabinet level department whose main objective is to find strategies to bring world leaders together to explore peace objectives versus war which we all know doesn't ever bring lasting peace!
17 years ago
D. I answer to a higher authority, Here and now is short, but my vote may have eternal effects, If I vote for a pro-abortion candidate, how many will be butchered because of my support?
17 years ago
apparently looking at some of the answers it isn't intelligence! if you want higher taxes just send the money to me instead of voting Dem. a dollar to a donut we don't leave Iraq even if a Dem wins. you guys should quit believing everything you hear on TV. i mean seriously i must have fallen asleep when they brought the bill to the floor to get out of Iraq! i cant in good conscience vote Dem due to the national stances on abortion, taxes and other major issues.
kenny J
17 years ago
e. Other

I vote for the candidate that is best for the country, regardless of political affiliation or their religion.

Too often as we have seen, party comes before country. Bush is a prime example.

I won't give my vote to any party, I will give my vote to a candidate that proves that they will represent the country and her best interests, not a corporation, a church or a bogus superficial appearance.
Granny Gruntz
17 years ago
A candidate has to match closely with my own values and expectations. Party affiliation does play into it somewhat as I know that all politicians work together within their party.

Another thing that is influential is how a candidate speaks or comes-across--Are their words passionate and believable?
17 years ago
My primary concern is to see a return to Constitutional government. That's why I am voting for Ron Paul. As long as we continue to elect lawless politicians, we can expect to see our freedoms go down the drain, massive debt leading to massive inflation, perpetual wars & c.

Ron Paul for president.
17 years ago
Party affiliation and pased performance. The former still being the most reliable indicator of the later.
17 years ago
e. Other

I believe I vote for candidates who truly understand what I stand for (or at least what they say they stand for during elections). Party affiliation doesn't really make a difference anymore b/c most candidates don't say what party they represent. It is basically every man (and in this election, woman) for themselves.
17 years ago
Other. I need to feel like what I'm being fed through television, interviews, and debates isn't BS. I don't want a president who spends so much time trying to please everyone that they lose the ability to actually make a decision and form a solid opinion (and then be willing to state it).
17 years ago
In the past, I would say platform...

however now, I would be willing to admit that it's more party affiliation...


I'm going to vote for whoever has the best chance at beating the republican candidate.
17 years ago
I would say e. Other. I am looking for one who Stands thier ground and tells the truth. Not somebody who blows smoke up everybodies A$$. I check back on thier voteing record and compare it to what they are saying.
17 years ago
Other, I want a candidate to care about clean air, conservation and alternative energy. If our economy and be self supplied by clean energy sources we will be one of the richest countries, and we would no longer have this fear of not recieving oil from other countries.
Truth is elusive
17 years ago
Platform. I listen to what each candidate has to say and try to visit the website of each candidate to gather the most information before deciding. The candidate that most closely meets my values is the one that I will vote for.
17 years ago
Platform than affliliation. Go Hillary!!! Im a Green.
♥ FairLady ♥
17 years ago
a) and b) combined. I don't care what religion he belongs to.

▲As for appearance, it would be nice if he has a real presidential personality, but it should not be a first priority, and he is not going to participate in the beauty contest either. LOL ▲
billy d
17 years ago
e. other. The President must understand the extend to which America's international legitimacy and credibility has been damaged and must also understand how to start the long and hard process of regaining it. I don't see that in any of them.
17 years ago
b. platform

I vote for a candidate that supports the Bill of Rights as individual freedoms.

Any candidate the views otherwise (i.e., supports gun control or thought crimes) does NOT get my vote.
17 years ago
17 years ago
platform, basically, although many considerations too, including background, public contributions, fair treatment of all workers and associates. one who works well with the poorer populatons(medicare, medicaid, low income). I dont trust big politicians who have mega bucks, and there are many of those in our congress.
17 years ago
Platform-the other choices make no difference to how the person can run the country.
Bad Santa
17 years ago

Very simple, he/she who promises to reduce the scope of government and says the words "fair tax" gets my vote.

The government is out of control. The only way to stop these bastards is by a smaller government--plain and simple.
17 years ago
e) Other

We need a Statesman. Someone who will not do what he feels will get him re-elected in the next election but who will do what is in the best interests of our childrens children.

Someone who has integrity, intellect and bravery.
17 years ago
B. platform , it is more important for me to agree with the persons platform then any other defining characteristics
Jon B
17 years ago
A combination of b and e the other three choices are for people who are too lazy to think for themselves.
17 years ago
Other..Where they stand on the war, Domestic policies, foreign policies. Things like that..
17 years ago
e. OTHER -- Fat "Whopper" Lies

U.S. Political campaigns have become an orgy of LIES . . . One rich white guy tells one set of lies, the other rich guy tells a slightly different set of lies, and you get to base your vote on which set of lies you like the best.

"I'll cut taxes!" . . . "OBAMA OSAMA!" . . . "I'll give you better schools!" . . . "I am a former MORMON!" . . ."I USED TO BE AN ABORTIONIST!" . . ."I'll cut crime!" . . . "I'll cut welfare!" . . . "I'll build more jails!" . . . "I'll create more jobs!" . . . "I'll cut the deficit!" . . . "I'll end the war!" . . . "I'll start the war!" . . . "I'll put a chicken in every pot!" . . . "I'll keep those Negroes and immigrants in their place!" LOL .

So, whatever drives you to vote, is so smothered in FAT LIES, that your question: "What drives your vote for President?," becomes rather superficial.

You want proof -- BUSH, elected TWICE based on the biggest "conglomeration" of LIES in the history of mother earth.
17 years ago
Apparent honesty and the probability of achievement
17 years ago
B. A.C. E.

Religion scares me away from voting that person- actually.
Dan S
17 years ago
E. other

I only care about whether or not they have the peoples best interests in mind
not fair
17 years ago

some one who cares for its own people,

some one who will listen and does what he/she says will do.

some one who will not just promise, in order to gather votes.
Brandy R
17 years ago
Im not old enough to vote yet
17 years ago
the few who still believe in the Constitution
17 years ago

My idea in their ability to honestly lead this country, and not disregard the public opinion.
17 years ago
My harley or my chevy truck drive me! Actually its platform
17 years ago
Platform, intelligence, honesty...that's why I haven't voted republican in 27 years.
Steve C
17 years ago
e) Good judgment. Its the most important quality to look for.
17 years ago
Not being an idiot.

And getting our troops out of the middle east.
steve s
17 years ago
b. Whoever seems to be the one most against illegal immigrants.
17 years ago



For me it is Integrity, which btw, we have been sorely lacking with the bush administration(s)
17 years ago
Lily Iris
17 years ago
17 years ago
nguyen diem
17 years ago
little timmie
17 years ago
17 years ago

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.