Former President Saddam Hossain did a little well for his countrywhich can be described by the following thoughts
The news of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's early morning hanging in a northern Baghdad suburb has now reverberated around the globe. People the world over have weighed in on his execution, some calling it a just punishment. Others question whether his death will ease any violence in the war-torn country, In the Tri-Cities and all across America, residents awoke to media images of a lifeless Saddam in a body bag. Local reactions to his execution -- ordered by an Iraqi judge and upheld by an Iraqi appeals court -- are spread out.
To me Saddam Hussain in his long life as an emperror took so many autocratic dicisions.He & his family members has not ruled his kingdom well,which is the 1st thing to done as a father of the nation. in his long reign as an emperror he rudely behaved with his citizens & made them like a slave. He ruled his country by sitting on a billion dollar chair where his own men are struggling for a bread. He also murdered many of his citizens who donot want or protested his such type of activities. Not only he, but his family members were all of this type.He & his fanily members has not left girls & beautiful women of that country.
If we look past history of such type of brutality of any emperor history had not left them. Some were brutally killed by their own sons or men of other country.
but still we have to think about the common mass of the worldover.
The graphic public dissemination of Saddam's killing to every home via the Internet and satellite TV not only was incongruent with the general mood and spirit of masses all over the world. It was a very much disgraceful act to our humanity, and served only to radicalize many moderates angered by the act. Also The execution of Saddam Hussein has turned the former Iraqi dictator into a martyr & according to me the unofficial pictures that emerged of the event were revolting and barbaric & the problems plaguing Iraq have not been solved since Saddam was sentenced to death over the killings of 148 Shias in the 1980s. Aso Prime Minister Tony Blair refused to talk about Saddam's execution.
According to our Indian Philosophy Murder or killing of a an bad man can not change the brutality all over the world, but it would invite another aggression. SO KINDNESS & FORGIVENESS is yhe best way to correct this type of man. Forgiveness is the main theme of every religion.Murdering attracts another murder & there is no end.Only people's goodwill can change the mind of these people.