It should be far higher considering the catastrophic damage that deliberately suppressing wages is causing America:
'It's Official: Most Americans Are No Longer Middle Class'
'Nine Out of Ten Americans Consider Themselves Middle Class'
'The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class'
'Income inequality has squeezed the middle class out of the majority'
'Middle-class families, pillar of the American dream, are no longer in the majority, study finds'
'Americans Can't Afford the American Dream'
'1/4 of Americans can't pay their monthly bills'
'1 in 3 Americans Has Saved $0 for Retirement'
'The U.S. is the Most Overworked Nation in the World'
'STUDY: 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck'
'Most Americans Are Working Harder, and Earning Less'
'Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings'
'1 In 2 Working Americans Make Less Than $30,000 A Year'
'Growing Number Of Americans Can't Afford Food, Study Finds'
'Overworked America: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil'
'Many Americans are working more hours to make the same wages'
'Most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, 1 in 5 have none'
'Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada, Europe'
'63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500 Emergency'
'Young, Poor, and Desperate - The poverty crisis is devastating young Americans'
'Most Millennials Have Less Than $1,000 In Savings, Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck'
'1 out of 3 American households can no longer afford rent, food, and transportation'
'Credit Suisse Wealth Report: There Are More Poor People In America Than China'
'The Retirement Crisis: Why 68% Of Americans Aren't Saving In An Employer-Sponsored Plan'
'Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year'
'Label the U.S. the Failed State That It Is'
'America: The Proudest Collapsing Country'
'USA: The World's Newest Third World Nation'
'America: Land of the Whipped and Whimpering''
'The U.S. Doesn't Look Like a Coherent Nation State'
'Hunger a growing problem in America, USDA reports'
'Behind the Facade: America, The Bankrupt Hegemon'
'A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State”
'White and Trashed: The collapse of American capitalism'
'America Changing for the Worse: Is It Time to Move Out?'
'The US is a failed state thanks to its system of government'
'Britain and the US once ran the world. Now they're all at sea'
'Stanford Economist: Move to Canada to Find American Dream'
'Credit Card Delinquencies Swell, in Ominous Sign for U.S. Lenders'
'US has regressed to developing nation status, MIT economist warns'
All that is - literally - barely anything. But take a moment for the shock of all that to pass all the same.
Because most Americans don't realize the US is just another Banana Republic now & finding that out tends to freak them out.
Now, where I live in Canada, the minimum wage is currently $14/hour and due to rise to $15 next year in 2019.
And Canada's like a whole other world compared to the USA:
'Canada's middle class richest in world: report'
'Canadians get rich at a faster pace than Americans'
'Life in Canada, Home of the World's Most Affluent Middle Class'
'Canada is officially home to the richest middle class on the planet'
'Report: Canadians getting wealthier younger'
'Even as Canada's economy booms, prices are barely rising'
'The numbers are in: Canadians are better off than Americans'
'Canada top G20, G7 country on international prosperity index'
'Millennials are better off in Canada than in the U.S. - MoneySense'
'Current generation of young Canadians wealthiest ever: federal study'
'Canadian families are getting wealthier, Statistics Canada study says'
'Canadian millennials buying houses at younger age than their parents'
'Richest. Seniors. Ever. How the luckiest generation keeps making money'
'Millionaire Cities' Abound In Canada As Household Wealth Hits Record High'
'The Luxe Life: Canada Outpaces U.S. and Europe in Luxury Spending Growth'
'Are 30-somethings earning more than their parents? StatsCan study says yes'
'Canadians quadrupled the amount of money they transferred into tax havens last year'
'World's Hottest Luxury Real Estate: Canada Tops World On High-End House Price Growth'
'Canada First Country to Permanently Recognize November 15th as National Philanthropy Day'
'Environics Analytics’ WealthScapes 2017 Reveals Canadians’ Financial Fortunes Continue to Rise'
'Canadians the wealthiest they’ve ever been, with average net worth rising by 12 per cent over previous year to $770,635.00'
So people can whine whatever idiot excuses they want to justify wanting Americans to remain banana republic wage-slaves.
But money talks and bullsh*t walks. And Canada's living proof they're wrong that any American can visit and see for themselves.