Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. a/k/a Barry Soetoro is a not a natural-born U.S. citizen. He has hired hundreds of law firms to prevent any access to original documents certifying this information, including Occidental College registry paperwork and also calling for the sealing of documents in the State of Hawaii as well as in Kenya. His paternal grandmother, Sarah testified in a sworn affidavit obtained by Democratic Attorney, Philip J. Berg Esq. that she was present at his birth in Mombosa Hospital, which is in Kenya. There was also a recent broadcast from the WRIF radio station where the hosts inquired about Obama's birthplace in Kenya to the Kenyan Ambassador, Peter Oyego. Mr. Oyego haphazardly replied that it had already become a public spectacle in Kenya. Obama also flew to Pakistan in the 1980's on non-U.S. citizenship as Pakistan during that time did not allow such visitors to travel under those auspices. Barack Obama's adoptive father, Lolo Soetoro also registered him at the Fransiskus Catholic School which recorded his citizenship on their official documents as Indonesian and his religion as Islamic. Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham was also too young at the time of his birth, while she was in and around Kenya to have conferred citizenship to her son according to the provisional guidelines in our U.S. citizenship laws. Records also show that pregnant women that late into term were not allowed to fly on airplanes due to health and medical restrictions. The "Certification of Live Birth" posted on Barack Obama's "Fight the Smears" campaign website, DailyKos, and (which Obama himself actually helped to create via the Annenberg Foundation) were all shown by digital imaging analysts to have been doctored (forged) at one point. Now, critics have said that the COLB does not qualify Obama as a native-born U.S. citizen anyhow, because even if was authentic, it is merely a short-form document released by the State of Hawaii for persons having been born abroad but seeking U.S. citizenship. Anyone can obtain the short-form version, yet it does not contain an official signature, notary, or seal from Hawaii. Only the long-form version can fully authenticate Obama's citizenship as U.S. native or not.
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. has also had many curious and dubious relationships through his upbringing. First and foremost would be his two paternal figures. His biological father was a Kenyan under U.K. allegiance who was radically pro-Islamic. His stepfather (Lolo Soetoro) was also a Muslim. Obama has also had radical anti-American ties to people such as Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and William "Bill" Ayers. Mr. Ayers was actually one of the leading figures in the terrorist network known as the Weather Underground in the U.S. This heavily Communist group plotted and detonated a bomb at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Ayers mused and gloated in his book of memoires. Mr. Obama also told of his fond relationship with his Communist anti-American mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
Mr. Obama is bad news for America, plain and simple. People who are still caught up in the hype of his deceptive and illusory image as a "rags-to-riches" fairytale will soon realize the insiduously sinister scheme at work to overthrow America as a sovereign nation. Our economy is in shambles, but Obama and his administration are working night and day to ensure its continued instability by having the Federal Reserve print out trillions and trillions of empty "paper assets" for "capital" injected into the broken system of debt-based "credit". This is a house of cards that will come crashing down in the next few months to a year as some have speculated. Obama does not serve you, he does not care about your well-being or that of your families, he has shown himself to be utterly disengaged from average American citizen interests by way of his policies. All Obama has for Americans are words, but it his actions and the policies he enacts which will show you who he really is and what he is about. He says one thing to keep you entranced and stupefied, yet does something entirely else at the behest of his masters who are the private bankers who have taken this country hostage and continue to destroy the Constitutional Republic.