What do you think of Obama?
2009-04-04 07:16:26 UTC
and what do you think of his cabinet that he choose?
I am curious to what everyone thinks about him.
25 answers:
2009-04-04 07:27:11 UTC
Every one of his cabinet members is a tax dodger. I'm embarrassed to have a president that ignores protocol when visiting European Royalty. My husband sent the queen an apology for our President's behavior.

2009-04-04 15:22:05 UTC
Not a lot at the moment I think his plan is not going to work and will just leave the taxpayer holding the bag. Apologies are what he does but sorry will not be good enough. I think he is part of the problem not the solution. I hope I`am wrong.
JOYfilled - Romans 8:28
2009-04-05 00:30:26 UTC
I agree with Devoted1 on the embarrassment. I'll have to check with her to find out how to send an apology to the Queen.

I've never in my life listened to political talk shows but just this week I started listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Julie H
2009-04-04 14:21:06 UTC
Obama is a left wing liberal bias Socialist Democrat. The cabinet he chose is just like him. Notice how those important Democrats don't pay their taxes? No wonder they don't mind raising them if they don't pay them anyway.
Timothy E
2009-04-04 14:36:59 UTC
I think he is brilliant and the most selfless individual to hold public office in years. He is surrounding himself with the best and brightest rather than cronies and since he hasn't even been in office for 100 days yet I still support him 100%. Fearless and aggressive economic experimentation is needed and unlike most, I believe he will recognize when something doesn't work, correct the situation and move on. I have no problem with those who oppose his policy as long as they offer a viable alternative. What I hear is mostly fear of change. In this world we are either part of the solution or we are part of the problem. I support him because he is selflessly seeking the solution.
CON-gress THe Freedom Czar
2009-04-04 14:21:51 UTC
i try not to, because I get angry.. i love how he goes to Europe and slams America and embarrasses us by giving stupid gifts to the prime minister and the queen..his cabinet is a bunch of Crookes, but then who isn't in Washington
2009-04-04 14:33:36 UTC
i think Obama is a pretty smart man.he's really trying to get this country back on's going to take a while because when Clinton was in office he really screwed things up.i know Bush didn't help either,but you have to have every body behide you when making decisions and Bush didn't have that.Obama has a lot of backing,so this should help him get things back in for his cabinet,you really can't blame him for some of his choices.there is a lot of crooks in politics,because they feel they can get away with a lot of things.i felt he should have researched them a lot better,but somethings fall through the lease he is admitting that say he made a mistake.i feel he will be more careful from now on.we the people need to give the man a chance.i pray every day that Obama will make the right decisions to get this country in a good order.
2009-04-04 14:28:23 UTC
he worst then i imagine, so early.

his missteps,protocol with ,britain , saudis and blaming america

for every problem. trying to suck up to the Euros.

the world is fool easily . he is treated like a movie star. rather then

one with worldly knowledge.
2009-04-04 14:27:22 UTC
I would really like to say to give him more time; he and his cabinet have not been in office for three months yet. But, he does seem to be knocking apart Americanism and independence of the country. He is tying us all together, with Europe, and at the same time he is alienating our strongest allies.

When I see the american dollar turn into a chinese bill, i will really faint.
2009-04-04 14:24:57 UTC
Love his positive nature-it's a breath of fresh air, a sense that there is some hope out there.

The cabinet? Time will tell-a few that weren't quite "on the level" have already been replaced, so we'll see. I hope the best for them all. There's so much to do.
2009-04-04 14:24:30 UTC
He just sold us out, ignoring our Constitution, in the G20.

I think he may end up being the worst president we ever had.
2009-04-04 14:39:01 UTC

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. a/k/a Barry Soetoro is a not a natural-born U.S. citizen. He has hired hundreds of law firms to prevent any access to original documents certifying this information, including Occidental College registry paperwork and also calling for the sealing of documents in the State of Hawaii as well as in Kenya. His paternal grandmother, Sarah testified in a sworn affidavit obtained by Democratic Attorney, Philip J. Berg Esq. that she was present at his birth in Mombosa Hospital, which is in Kenya. There was also a recent broadcast from the WRIF radio station where the hosts inquired about Obama's birthplace in Kenya to the Kenyan Ambassador, Peter Oyego. Mr. Oyego haphazardly replied that it had already become a public spectacle in Kenya. Obama also flew to Pakistan in the 1980's on non-U.S. citizenship as Pakistan during that time did not allow such visitors to travel under those auspices. Barack Obama's adoptive father, Lolo Soetoro also registered him at the Fransiskus Catholic School which recorded his citizenship on their official documents as Indonesian and his religion as Islamic. Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham was also too young at the time of his birth, while she was in and around Kenya to have conferred citizenship to her son according to the provisional guidelines in our U.S. citizenship laws. Records also show that pregnant women that late into term were not allowed to fly on airplanes due to health and medical restrictions. The "Certification of Live Birth" posted on Barack Obama's "Fight the Smears" campaign website, DailyKos, and (which Obama himself actually helped to create via the Annenberg Foundation) were all shown by digital imaging analysts to have been doctored (forged) at one point. Now, critics have said that the COLB does not qualify Obama as a native-born U.S. citizen anyhow, because even if was authentic, it is merely a short-form document released by the State of Hawaii for persons having been born abroad but seeking U.S. citizenship. Anyone can obtain the short-form version, yet it does not contain an official signature, notary, or seal from Hawaii. Only the long-form version can fully authenticate Obama's citizenship as U.S. native or not.

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. has also had many curious and dubious relationships through his upbringing. First and foremost would be his two paternal figures. His biological father was a Kenyan under U.K. allegiance who was radically pro-Islamic. His stepfather (Lolo Soetoro) was also a Muslim. Obama has also had radical anti-American ties to people such as Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and William "Bill" Ayers. Mr. Ayers was actually one of the leading figures in the terrorist network known as the Weather Underground in the U.S. This heavily Communist group plotted and detonated a bomb at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Ayers mused and gloated in his book of memoires. Mr. Obama also told of his fond relationship with his Communist anti-American mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

Mr. Obama is bad news for America, plain and simple. People who are still caught up in the hype of his deceptive and illusory image as a "rags-to-riches" fairytale will soon realize the insiduously sinister scheme at work to overthrow America as a sovereign nation. Our economy is in shambles, but Obama and his administration are working night and day to ensure its continued instability by having the Federal Reserve print out trillions and trillions of empty "paper assets" for "capital" injected into the broken system of debt-based "credit". This is a house of cards that will come crashing down in the next few months to a year as some have speculated. Obama does not serve you, he does not care about your well-being or that of your families, he has shown himself to be utterly disengaged from average American citizen interests by way of his policies. All Obama has for Americans are words, but it his actions and the policies he enacts which will show you who he really is and what he is about. He says one thing to keep you entranced and stupefied, yet does something entirely else at the behest of his masters who are the private bankers who have taken this country hostage and continue to destroy the Constitutional Republic.
2009-04-04 14:21:49 UTC
If I have to type out the list of things wrong with him one more time....
2009-04-04 14:21:05 UTC
He sucks
2009-04-04 14:19:56 UTC
I don't think you want to know what I think about him!
Pelosi & Lefts Ruined California
2009-04-04 14:19:37 UTC
NIT-WIT comes to mind!
Janet S
2009-04-04 14:22:24 UTC
I think he is doing all he can to be the best and he shows he has good family values and I believe that he will shine especially with the great lady he has standing beside him.
2009-04-04 14:20:37 UTC
I think he is a bright, breath of fresh air. I think he has the brains to lead us out of the economic trouble we face. I think his cabinet is made of people that are as bright as he. We should all be hoping that together they find the solutions we need.
2009-04-04 14:28:36 UTC
He's terrible!!!!!!!!
2009-04-04 14:22:20 UTC
I didn't vote for him, but I believe we need to give him a chance....not much else we can really do....I hope he does the right thing..
2009-04-04 14:19:42 UTC
2009-04-04 14:21:18 UTC
I think he is great. He has greater responsibilities entrusted on him. Maybe that is a blessing in disguise.
2009-04-04 14:19:43 UTC
im from australia...and i reckon its about time an african american became a president..

australia is **** and boring when it comes to prime ministers..

and its pretty good that he is young and has a young family who love him
2009-04-04 14:21:34 UTC
love him! do you ?
2009-04-04 14:19:16 UTC
He's the greatest.....................

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