Simple. Democratic politicians led by President Obama pump up their rhetoric about "fairness" and play the class warfare game to curry favor with disaffected groups and malcontents.
The utopian Marxist/socialist society that President Obama and OWS activists clamor for has never existed, and it never will. Everywhere Marxism/socialism has been tried, it has failed. The reason is simple. In a nutshell, people living under Marxist/socialist regimes gravitate toward doing as little as they possibly can to get the meager benefits to which they are entitled. It happened in the Soviet Union and in China. The Soviet Union collapsed under the pressure of Marxism/socialism and is now history. Realizing that their political system was in jeopardy, leaders in China made a radical shift toward capitalism to avoid the same fate. Right now, countries throughout Europe are imploding under the crushing weight of Marxism/socialism and will fail just like the Soviet Union did if they don't change their ways. Greece gets most of the attention, but Italy, Spain, and Ireland, to name just a few, are not far behind.
OWS activists tend to be young, naïve, and foolish, and they have no agenda.,_young_activists_have_few_options_but_to_"%3boccupy_wall_street"%3b/ The protesters are against things like corporate greed and income inequality, and they are for fairness and taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Few if any of them have a grip on the facts. For instance, in 2008,
the top 1% of earners in the United States paid 38% of federal income taxes;
the top 5% of earners paid 59% of federal income taxes;
the top 10% of earners paid 70% of federal income taxes;
the top 25% of earners paid more than 86% of federal income taxes;
the top 50% of earners paid more than 97% of federal income taxes;
and the bottom 50% of earners in the United States paid less than 3% of federal income taxes.
In 2009, the top 10 percent of earners in the United States paid about 73 percent of federal income taxes, and about 47 percent of our fellow citizens paid no federal income taxes. In 2009, the bottom 40 percent of earners actually made a profit on tax day because they got more money back from the federal government than they paid in.
President Obama is determined to make fairness the primary issue in the 2012 election. He's right about fairness, but he's wrong when he points his finger at the rich. As the statistics above suggest, our problem isn't that the rich pay too little tax or that income inequality is getting worse. Our problem is that we spend too much money at the federal level of government on giveaway programs that produce citizens who are dependent on government for their well-being -- people like those in the OWS crowd, and approximately half of our citizens who pay no federal income tax. There is nothing fair about that.
President Obama has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that he can't or won't set aside his predilections and focus his attention on economic reality. That's one important reason why the United States can't afford four more years of his presidency. o_O