New Stanford study estimates that Trump rallies have caused 30,000 cases and 700 deaths. Should Trump be arrested for negligent homicide?
2020-10-31 21:58:47 UTC
President Donald Trump's campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, according to a new paper posted by researchers at Stanford.

Researchers looked at 18 Trump rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22 and analyzed Covid-19 data the weeks following each event. They compared the counties where the events were held to other counties that had a similar trajectory of confirmed Covid-19 cases prior to the rally date. Out of the 18 rallies analyzed, only three were indoors, according to the research.

The researchers found that the rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19. They also concluded that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths, though not necessarily among attendees.
154 answers:
2020-11-04 01:57:04 UTC
this is the info that the democrats and republicans need to know

dear god why did you post this now ..........this would have helped remove him from the white house long ago ........damm republicans don't know how to think

2020-11-03 14:32:32 UTC
British legal system... those who accuse must prove... so YOU prove it !!
Im Brian Williams
2020-11-03 03:31:10 UTC
How many were caused by BLM rallies?
2020-11-03 00:21:16 UTC
Definitely.  He should be prosecuted for 'crimes against humanity'.
2020-11-02 12:29:11 UTC
Yes he should be.
2020-11-02 06:34:36 UTC
Well well, the principle should apply whereby, during the 2016 campaign, he applauded his followers beating up people saying, "I'll cover their medical expenses". A Marquis, at the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities, paid with a gold coin tossed for killing a poor child with his carriage so presumably he could pay for you to your bereaved loved ones. He applauded his followers trying to run Joe Biden's bus off the road with a hearty, "I LOVE TEXAS!" So presumably, had Joe Biden been aboard and the Trumpis succeeded in assassinating a presidential candidate, he could have paid Biden's widow something. 
2020-11-02 00:32:04 UTC
nope .................................................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-11-01 20:23:31 UTC
Yes, he probably should be arrested for negligent homicide. And doctors and psychiatrists have killed and disabled many more people than that with unnecessary surgeries and deadly ‘Pig’ Pharma prescription drugs. But they rarely get arrested for negligent homicide either. Some people just have that kind of status in society where they can get away with a lot and they never have to pay for their crimes. Like Trump said, he could probably shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. That’s just how sick he is and just how sick his followers are. The wealthy and powerful in this country have more protections than the average person. That’s just part of our corporate/political culture and our history. Is it right? Of course not. It’s an abomination. But what goes around comes around, which I guess is why our country is on a fast track into oblivion these days.... 
2020-11-01 20:04:33 UTC
What makes you think that a study from a liberal college that mandates men take toxic masculinity classes is worth anything? 
2020-11-01 16:16:04 UTC
I'm sure a Stanford study would say that. What study has looked into the shoulder to shoulder, non-masked protests and riots? How many cases have come from them? Right. None. Protests and riots don't spread Covid. Only Trump rallies do. Do you hear yourself when you say stupid things like that?

@Jim2: It's a highly liberal institution. Of course they're going to come out with this nonsense. It's sad really that they hate Trump so much they'd put their reputation on the line like this, but that's what it's come too.

@Robin: You have a "long list of reasons." We have a long list of EVIDENCE why Biden and Joe and Jim should be arrested and after Trump wins next week in such a decisive vote that you can't steal it, you'll see that happen.
2020-11-04 10:55:41 UTC
The credibility of who ever wrote that paper I'd be making a note to never believe a word any of those people ever write again.

Who are the researchers that wrote the paper name them?
2020-11-03 04:54:53 UTC
Uhh no because people knew before hand and went to the rallies at their own risk. Can't blame Trump for that one. 
2020-11-03 01:38:52 UTC
Yes. Even without that, he'll be going to jail.
2020-11-03 00:28:47 UTC
You can't prove if Trump's campaign rallies cause more or fewer deaths either way.
2020-11-03 00:23:44 UTC
Cut his lil mushroom off and sew it in his mouth
2020-11-03 00:14:07 UTC
Did they mention that Biden got Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's endorsement...Put that in your pipe and smoke it...
2020-11-03 00:08:02 UTC
There was nothing "negligent" about it. Multiple homicides, germ warfare, WMDs, child endangerment, etc., etc. LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!
2020-11-02 23:52:53 UTC
Lol!!! Dumbest statement ever!!!
2020-11-02 23:34:13 UTC
OMG, you are mental, I bet you're a type  person that likes to sue everybody that you feel wronged  you.  Everyone's fault but your own you don't take accountability in anything, you have that "Im a victim" mentality 
2020-11-02 19:36:20 UTC
They ADMIT they didn't even PRETEND to tack cases to any source. They started with a conclusion and went looking for OUT OF CONTEXT numbers to support the conclusion.

In fact, in every case where cases increased after a Trump rally, there were other mass gatherings in the area that are equally valid as suspected spreader events.
2020-11-02 16:49:12 UTC
Nobody is forcing these people to attend the rallies.  But please, feel free to blame Trump for their stupidity.
2020-11-02 13:14:30 UTC
No, because that line of thinking ignores the element of personal responsibility in those deaths. Instead of blaming Trump, they should blame themselves for smoking 3 packs a day and being morbidly obese, which is the real reason they died.
2020-11-02 13:07:55 UTC
Sounds like a crock.
2020-11-02 08:42:41 UTC
That would be too logical for present day America.
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-11-02 08:31:53 UTC
Covids did that doofus
2020-11-02 01:16:55 UTC
Whether he should morally be held accountable or not for downplaying the virus ('Take that mask off!' 'Don't let Covid dominate your life...') it will never, ever happen.

The massess here in America just love him - because he reminds them of themselves... so obnoxious, haughty, and not wanting to be told what to do.

You see a truck with a sticker that endorses him... a disabled placard dangling from the rearview mirror... and a wad of fast food packaging tossed out the window and that about sums up how much trouble we're in as a society. 

Democracy was a great concept when we lucked out all of these decades.

Luck runs out.
2020-11-01 22:44:59 UTC
No link, no source, no life.
2020-11-01 18:15:25 UTC
Do you really believe a liberal college study???  As their study states.....'likely' NOT for sure.
2020-11-01 15:13:58 UTC
Yes and after Biden wins all Trump voters will be rounded up, placed in FEMA camps and forced to gay marry illegal aliens
2020-11-01 14:46:41 UTC
You can't stop the American people.  Remember the USA belongs to the people.  Politicians too often forget that FACT.  Dumb Democrat said only 250 at Trump Rally, well 5,000 showed up along the road and behind the 250.  This is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  May I remind you, " . . . a thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me . . ."  Trump supporters are for God and freedom and we don't care what the Democrats or even some Republicans think.  We don't give up Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion or Freedom to bear arms for anyone.  And Big Tech, we raised you up and we can take you down.
Daniel C
2020-11-03 14:04:54 UTC
So let me ask this, if people can be asymptomatic and not show symptoms for 2 weeks before becoming sick, WHERE is the proof that their sickness was caused SPECIFICALLY by attending the rally? This is something no one talks about. 
2020-11-03 10:55:19 UTC
I think many of those people attending Trump rallies had to sign a waiver stating that they can't sue or hold Trump legally liable for catching COVID-19 at his rallies.
2020-11-03 00:10:11 UTC
Did the stanford study "estimate " how many cases the 8 months of rioting has caused? 
2020-11-02 23:07:45 UTC
so your claim is when people get sick,  trump is at fault ?

have you ever heard of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ?
2020-11-02 19:29:29 UTC
Only if you want to start the precedent that anyone with an infectious disease who infects anyone else that dies should be similarly prosecuted. I foresee a chain reaction hear that has no end for anyone.
2020-11-02 18:47:29 UTC
Do I blame Trump. no. I blame the Morons that were there.. would I fell sorry for them if they get the Cobid and die.NO NO NO.. they are adults. they should know better.

but they trust tat termite.
2020-11-02 14:41:32 UTC
yes he should be
2020-11-02 12:06:06 UTC
And how many for Biden...

It is especially the fault of the youth with there illegaal reunions. 

Party.... Party and party. 
2020-11-02 11:34:54 UTC
And how many 'peaceful' protesters did they produce? What did Stanford say about it?

Some Americans are breaking records in naivety, they believe the Marxists !!!
2020-11-02 11:23:46 UTC
It was not negligence: it was quite deliberate lack of care 
2020-11-02 00:35:36 UTC
estimate , isnt that another word for we guess , dont actually know but we guess .. state the facts not a estimate .another troll question , the love being anonymuos dont they ..
2020-11-01 23:14:02 UTC
Stanford study paid for by lefties who murder 650000 babies/year.

10 COUNTRIES WITHOUT CORONAVIRUS 1. North Korea 🇰🇵 2. Turkmenistan 🇹🇲3. Vanuatu 🇻🇺4. Samoa 🇼🇸5. Kiribati 🇰🇮6. Federated States of Micronesia 🇫7. Tonga 🇹🇴8. Palau 🇵🇼9. Tuvalu 🇹🇻10. Nauru 🇳🇷 covid does not exist in any country unless all of that country's mass media is run by lefties
2020-11-01 22:08:57 UTC
And they know. Lmao
2020-11-01 18:14:16 UTC
Do you have their names?

If 700 people died as a result, you should be able to give names.

Do you have them or not?
2020-11-01 17:57:51 UTC
@Ann.... Between Russia & Trump, the B.S. you say about Biden is Fake News. The Fact Checkers have debunked everything Cons have thrown out to discredit Joe. Con news only is pure bluster, hoping people will fall for misinformation. Joe has been in the public eye for many years, and people feel they know him. Joe is a "people person" unlike Trump that makes fun of Evangelicals behind closed doors, and said the virus keeps him from shaking hands with "those disgusting people." Trump is a self-serving narcissist, and only cares about votes, PERIOD!
2020-11-01 06:09:55 UTC
Trump supporters are like that cult in the 70s that all committed suicide when that comet was passing earth so that they could ride the comet
2020-11-01 02:16:50 UTC
I am not a statistician and leading health expert, as many here that answered obviously are. But IMHO, Stanford knows what it is doing. They do have a great reputation. So I will just go along and accept the study as probably TRUE. 

Here is a link to it, within this link is a link to the study itself.

So. Should Trump be arrested? Yes, that should be added to the other charges in his jail sentence.  Not only did he hold unsafe rallies, He LIED. He disrespected the experts. He was irresponsible. He betrayed us. He gave America far and away the highest number of Covid cases in the world. He should PAY! I am tired of seeing him get away with everything.
2020-11-01 01:22:25 UTC
New UK study estimates that Stanford is a waste of space!
2020-11-01 00:50:11 UTC
Yes, but it's 200,000+ deaths that he couldn't care less about, many of which were avoidable.
2020-10-31 22:43:20 UTC
Let me see how many rioters and looters destroyed family businesses and other businesses during the BLM marches. Should they all be arrested as well? This virus is in the air so when these attendees left the building they may have stopped by a Starbucks for some coffee and passed by a person who may have been infected. This whole virus calculations is getting out of hand. Trump did not put a gun to a person's head to attend his rallies or events. People knew the risk. It's no different than going to Walmart or grocery stores. Do you want to arrest the CEO of Walmart and all those grocery stores for allowing this virus to be in their stores? This is getting ridiculous. So, you hate Trump let it go. He doesn't deserve to be in prison. You should be in prison. You are abusing America. It's called emotional abuse. Someone might sue you if you continue running your mouth with scare tactics. Be cautious how you post. I do not care if your anonymous. I am anonymous because that's my freedom of speech.
2020-11-03 10:32:59 UTC
Yes, of course. 
2020-11-03 03:39:46 UTC
If you're not just a lying dog faced pony soldier then Stanford should close up shop for a few years to play it safe .
2020-11-02 22:37:51 UTC
Nobody should be confined to remain indoors. Being out and about, with masks on, is a good thing. The anti-Trumpers would prefer a lockdown, insuring a Trump loss. New cases are up, testing is up.
2020-11-02 21:45:07 UTC
Just try to imagine the media comments had Obama have caused 700 deaths through negligence.
Jeff D
2020-11-02 19:13:24 UTC
LOL.  If only you could arrest someone of the basis of a made-up study.
2020-11-02 18:49:13 UTC
Is that what CNN told you
2020-11-02 16:40:24 UTC
I'll go for that once leftist governors are arrested for allowing protests during a pandemic.
2020-11-02 06:38:45 UTC
I think anyone with a shred of common sense would agree that the chances of contracting a highly contagious disease in a crowd is high. The study was based on modeling, which is a theory, nothing else. Contact tracing is the best weapon against spread but it is nearly nonexistent in the US. It's odd, because if all the contacts of positive cases were traced, they would not be transmitting the disease. Not everything is a political issue. It's just been made that way by a wannabe dictator. 
2020-11-02 02:43:38 UTC
he should be, but it will never happen.
2020-11-02 02:24:24 UTC
Without a doubt.
2020-11-02 00:27:03 UTC
You are so full of fake news.
2020-11-01 21:26:20 UTC
The "study" is totally without actual facts. Stanford is estimating the numbers. What point does a "study" so poorly constructed, prove?
2020-11-01 19:58:52 UTC
No, but you should have to do 30 years of Community Service for suggesting that.
2020-11-01 05:05:34 UTC
You mean the research that was just put out there without any sort of peer review?  You mean the report that even the reporters stated that trying to get this data was complex because of the differences in reporting.  Which could lead to false conclusions.

Then of course there were absolutely NO COVID cases or deaths caused by 10's of thousands of people rioting and looting.   
2020-11-01 04:14:55 UTC
This is propaganda. 
2020-11-01 02:37:06 UTC
He makes them sign death waivers 
2020-11-01 00:56:57 UTC
He's probably having them sign the waivers, like he did before the Tulsa rally. 

And what's it to him, he's been involved in more than 7000 lawsuits already - he loves that stuff. 

His plan is what it's been all along, let people die.

Herd immunity, he calls it, will require that several million Americans will die before their time.  

Primitive, barbaric herd immunity is his excuse for being lazy and inept and "not a shipping clerk."
L. E. Gant
2020-10-31 22:04:27 UTC
While the paper makes statistical sense, it is mathematically unsound. The events happened, and the disease happened. You can't logically extract one from the other.

While I think Trump is an idiot, and should be "fired with prejudice" from the position, I loathe supposedly educated idiots using mathematics in the mark twain sense: "there are lies (Trump), damned lies(Republicans) and statistics!)
2020-10-31 22:03:25 UTC
No. Those idiots signed an agreement that trump will not be responsible for their deaths or sickness after attending a trump rally. 

Besides, it’ll be tough to prove that the rally caused their sickness or deaths unless they quarantined for 14 days immediately after the rally and they get sick on the 14th day. 
2020-10-31 22:00:01 UTC
This is propaganda. 
2020-11-04 18:30:33 UTC
He will be. It is only a matter of time.

Not sure if those death can be prosecuted, since the orange shitstain was requesting people to sign a waver.
2020-11-04 17:47:20 UTC
Anything that comes out of California that is negative about Trump is suspect.
2020-11-03 13:01:05 UTC
Yes he should be arrested for treason and crimes against humanity. 
2020-11-03 12:56:56 UTC
Purposeful disregard is beyond negligence. This is not a case of "ought to have none but did not take precautions" and falls into "did know and still acted recklessly".  It is reckless disregard for human life, not simply negligence.

But it would be almost impossible to prove the case and get a conviction (statistical analysis is not a valid proof of a particular specific action), and there are a lot more severe criminal acts that can and will be proven and probably lead to conviction, so why waste the time on a side show to the main act?  So, I say no to your principal question.
2020-11-03 12:32:24 UTC
"Studies" predicted 2,000,000 deaths. So much for studies. 
2020-11-03 08:13:54 UTC
ya you get that result ou of stanford 
2020-11-03 03:54:44 UTC
Fake news.........
2020-11-03 00:53:25 UTC
Cuomo caused over 40,000 deaths in NY should he be executed? What about Nancy's nephew? what about the left wing mayors and governors that let looters and rioters run a muck. Did Stanford do a survey for all the 100's of thousands of rioter and what they may have spread?

probably not, plus this was a quess and not a fact. that is something Left tards don't understand. Adam shift's lies are not facts no matter how much you want them to be (just an example) I could have used the left wing Russia hoax, but that would be beating a dead horse. 
2020-11-03 00:32:17 UTC
An argument of personal responsibility holds little to no water after working in a medical environment.  Anyone voting for Duh, Drumpf has a impediment to begin with.

Dump the DRUMPF 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><

Duh. .
Not Really a Doctor
2020-11-02 21:12:01 UTC
It's more like assisting suicide or dealing drugs. These people, deep down, know it's dangerous but don't believe it will kill them, only the weaker people who can't handle it.
2020-11-02 18:41:06 UTC
It's called manslaughter.
Weasel McWeasel
2020-11-02 18:05:17 UTC
absolutely......I hope the families of those that died  sue his pants off. 
2020-11-02 16:52:56 UTC
Lieberal universities obtain lieberal figures.
W.T. Door
2020-11-02 04:08:49 UTC
Please don't feed the toll.                 
2020-11-01 21:04:28 UTC
I am pretty sure the BLM riots caused 20-30 times more virus cases.  
Robin W
2020-11-01 15:19:17 UTC
There's a long list of reasons he should be arrested.  He's "individual 1" in the crime that sent his lawyer to prison.  He cheats on his taxes.  He tried to get Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens to help him win the election (Guliani admitted this, BTW).  That's illegal.  He violated the Hatch Act.  He violated the Emoluments Clause in the constitution.  He committed a war crime by dropping a bomb on Iran (and we are not at war with iran).  He offered a job to Ben Carson in exchange for his endorsement.  That's illegal. 
2020-11-01 11:03:27 UTC
Is that all.

Well here's a real Factoid for you!

The Leftists have caused almost a trillion dollars in damage to the USA since Trump was elected. The majority of that amount be done since the last of May 2020. With all of the Leftist Terrorist activities of looting, arson, and destruction of public property Nationwide.
2020-11-01 03:14:29 UTC
What I want is for Trump to continue his rallies as during election I want a good amount of his supporters to die or be in ICU with coronavirus during the election, so they can't vote!, as most of the old support him and are the most vulnerable and he visits swing states, and in his rallies most people don't wear masks.
2020-11-01 00:33:04 UTC
how many rioters and looters have died of Covid-19 from the antics of the Left.

Don't lecture me about Patriots when your traitorous scum are destroying our streets.
2020-10-31 22:03:00 UTC
PLEASE with the biased garbage "studies". Americans remember the Harvard "study" that "proved" that President Trump was responsible for every death on Puerto Rico that occurred, even months after the hurricane hit. Stay gullible and willing to spread any Democrat lies, you weak Useful Idiot. Keep telling people that Democrat gatherings have no risks from Covid-19 like the fools who say that the virus can choose who it infects.
2020-11-04 23:28:18 UTC
Of course President Donald Trump should be arrested for negligent homicide, and he is not afraid to be arrested when he is taken into police custody.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-11-04 15:16:36 UTC
First off, I would not trust anything political in nature coming out of academia.

Second, I'm guessing that BLM sponsored "peaceful protests," as well as BLM instigated rioting and looting are responsible for just as many cases as Trump rallies. 

The only difference is that making such a claim would go directly against the Liberal agenda, and would be immediately shouted down as being "racist."
2020-11-04 12:23:20 UTC
No. You should be. 
2020-11-03 23:56:46 UTC
And old poor people in bad health spread it amongst themselves.
2020-11-03 06:49:58 UTC
If you check the ticket events for his rallies, those who purchase a ticket are doing so in full knowledge of the risk and cannot claim against Trump, his staff or the event staff for any COVID related illness that may occur. Even if it was due to negligence.

So no, he shouldn't be arrested for negligent homicide. Everyone that attends these rallies knew what they signed up for and are responsible for their own safety.
2020-11-03 01:41:18 UTC
By that logic, Biden should pay for all the covid related deaths and property  damage from the BLM protests too.
2020-11-02 22:14:43 UTC
Yes, our president should be arrested on election eve !  - Rick Ferencik
2020-11-02 21:08:09 UTC
Anything that comes out of Stanford is a joke or wet dream! Don't believe ANYTHING from Stanford!
2020-11-02 17:19:38 UTC
well that study is wrong not one person has gotten the virus from a trump rally 
2020-11-02 05:24:23 UTC
That's 700 less votes for Trump. Let it ride.
Kazoo M
2020-11-02 05:06:40 UTC
Liberal Dem support studies funded by our tax dollars to purposely oppose everything related to the Republican party.

Important values that note uncertainty or vagueness are quickly removed so they don't devalue the bent Dem equation; propaganda.

President Trump has limited the virus spreading immensely compared to the UK.

Why don't you post the latter values that are actually truthful from a variety of sources?

11 million infants were executed via abortion during the Clinton & Obama era, and you have the nerve to speak of death; you coward!

Go destroy another American hero statue, then loot, and burn down a building, afterward, go hide in the basement.

TRUMP 2020

Go, Amy! Pro-Life.
2020-11-02 01:53:30 UTC
Should the House Democrats be arrested claiming Trump was trying to "deflect" from the obvious sham impeachment when he was warning everyone of the possibility that his virus could be a real problem while these same House Democrats were busily violating the US Constitution and US Constitution impeachment procedure? 
Uncle Pennybags
2020-11-01 22:44:35 UTC
While you are at it, you should be arresting all the leaders of those BLM super-spreader protests over the summer.
Jake No Chat
2020-11-01 22:26:21 UTC
If your suggested arrest is made, then you also have to go after Dem governors (especially Andrew Cuomo who forces infected people to be lodged in senior citizen homes).  Such acts led to thousands of deaths last spring.  Hold all accountable who committed such horrific acts.
2020-11-01 16:37:45 UTC
Those in attendance made their choice. Trump is not responsible. Besides, those numbers are obviously far off the mark. The percentage of dead compared to the number of cases for which Trump is supposedly responsible do not match  nationwide infection/death rates. Sounds like there was some political bias in the “scientific” research. Unless, of course, everyone who attended the Trump rallies were over the age of 65 and had other medical problems. Then the statistics may be accurate.
2020-11-01 03:11:31 UTC
10 Secret Service Agents are ready with handcuffs on 'high tactical alert' to haul the sinister 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump the HELL OUT of our White House for good! =<)
2020-11-01 02:57:24 UTC
Too true, as is the story (link below.) Just ask Herman Cain. Oh wait-- they can't cuz he's DEAD. But considering all the hassle of a lengthy trial, can we just banish Trump to Antarctica instead?
2020-11-01 01:29:00 UTC
White on white crimes, 
2020-11-01 01:10:00 UTC
Put your money where your mouth is. Prove it.
2020-11-01 00:44:19 UTC
Yes, it shows the world how corrupt some of our people with money are. He should have been in prison long before running for president.
2020-11-04 21:50:14 UTC
The methodology of the Stanford "study" is suspect.  More to the point, Trump isn't the one spreading the virus, except maybe among his own family and close associates.  To the extent people at his rallies later tested positive (which doesn't mean they got appreciably ill), that's on them for showing up voluntarily.
2020-11-03 20:33:22 UTC
LIAR, liar pants on fire nose as long as a telephone wire. Yes, I'm immature. I'd call you a name but that's not allowed on here.
2020-11-03 10:34:51 UTC
No, unproven they contracted it there. And they went of their own free will, not like they were forced into a nursing home in NY
One Horse Pony
2020-11-03 02:31:32 UTC
Fake. News.           
2020-11-02 17:37:07 UTC
Why won't you say that about the protestors???
2020-11-02 17:31:44 UTC
wow are you stupid?  he's not hitler
2020-11-02 16:06:22 UTC
Somehow, I don't see Stanford being able to follow 30,000 people and study 700 deaths to know for sure that they got it at a Trump rally.  A few thousands probably snuck out for a dinner with friends or a piece of nooky.
2020-11-02 14:16:29 UTC
You could make the same estimate by writing on a paper napkin with a pen while drinking coffee at the coffee shop.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-11-02 12:43:00 UTC
I'm relieved that someone is actually tracking  the aftereffects of these ego-driven public events, anonymous.  There should also be follow-up from the people-informing mainstream media rather than tolerating such deadly behavior from someone who is supposed to be "leader of the free world," but who instead behaves like a spoiled-rotten tantrum-throwing malignantly narcissistic sociopathic 3-year-old showing off what he can convince his fans to do for him---like putting their own lives at risk if he demands it.  I wish Trump's duped pawns would come to their senses before they die from this deadly disease or spread it to everyone else.

A prominent D.C. attorney was quoted on Sirius satellite radio last month that "Donald Trump is guilty of criminally negligent genocide," and this criminal behavior is likely to get worse as his deeply repressed self-loathing takes the form of demanding even more from his "cult-45" followers to "prove" his is not loathed.  
2020-11-01 20:35:23 UTC
Biden is a socialist that will destroy America.
2020-11-01 20:29:28 UTC
All major bodies of water should be closed to the public because thousands of people drown every year. If you disagree with this notion then you must hate all those poor children that drowned. Why do you hate children?
2020-11-01 19:34:17 UTC
Would you ask the same question if Obama were still president?
2020-11-01 15:25:23 UTC
All I have to say is estimates shestimates.  
2020-11-01 03:16:51 UTC
Anonymous:   I don’t understand why traitor trump wants to kill his own supporters.  

2020-11-01 02:38:31 UTC
First, track down all those people who, starting in EARLY June, rioted and protested in the streets in many cities.  Once you have that figured out, then on to your question...
2020-11-01 01:05:32 UTC
As mush as I dislike Trump, I don't believe that.  Covid isn't deadly for most people. And those researchers will likely never be able to know for sure who infected those people, if this is true.
2020-11-01 01:01:25 UTC
Libtards, make up stats while running around burning down cities.
2020-10-31 23:05:21 UTC
Biden is speaking to a few people in a few dozen cars. Just a bit eccentric, yes? Trump 2020!
2020-10-31 22:05:25 UTC
How many cases and deaths did the BLM and Antfia riots cause? How many deaths and cases did the RGP supporters who gathered without socially distancing cause? Why didnt Stanford investigate that?
2020-10-31 21:59:36 UTC
No, but you should be taken to a military tribunal and summary executed for being a race traitor.
2020-11-04 19:44:27 UTC
A sitting president can't be charged with a state level crime. But if he could/should, then it would be incitement, not negligent homicide. 
2020-11-03 04:25:20 UTC
 study estimates?researchers found? ---------

These are rumors from Biden sides.  Who can believe you all?
2020-11-03 01:09:26 UTC
Yes. Of course Trump doesn't take any responsibility for anything.  Now his son, Junior, is encouraging vehicular homicide.  The Trump family should be held responsible for harm that comes to Americans. 
2020-11-02 23:46:55 UTC
700 deaths I highly doubt lmao
2020-11-02 20:04:48 UTC
Studies and polls spewing propaganda should be arrested!!
2020-11-02 18:01:15 UTC
It would have to be criminally negligent homicide because everyone who goes to a rally has to sign a liability waiver, and the homicide victim would have to be someone who did not go to a trumpnberg rally and was not related to someone who signed a waiver.  Otherwise, Down with the dingbat, all the way down.  May his suit soon match the color of his painted skin.
2020-11-02 13:56:48 UTC
You're a commie cretin.  Ever tried to find out how many COVID cases and deaths are the result of leftist mobs doing riots, looting and burning?  Perhaps if Democrats hadn't sanctioned them in the midst of a pandemic, the country would be far more healthy now.  Every democratic politician should be arrested for that.
2020-11-02 13:52:34 UTC
I don't think the charge of homicide against Trump should be based on negligence.  His reckless actions regarding the coronavirus have been deliberate. 
2020-11-02 13:26:33 UTC
Another criminal charge to add to the pile. He is guilty as charged.
2020-11-02 12:19:39 UTC
That information is a load of rubbish. If you do simple math and take the 700 and divided by 30,000 you see that it comes up to be about 2.3%. The Chinese virus has resulted in the death rate of less than a fraction of 1%. The vast majority of people who get it are asymptomatic. 

This pandemic is nothing more than a tool for the leftist idiots to try to take down Donald Trump. You watch. The day after the election the Chinese virus is just going to go away.
2020-11-02 04:43:14 UTC
The legitimate way to hold this fake reality tv show drama queen cast accountable for their pathetic indifference towards others is to FIRE TRUMP and PENCE and replace this pathetic cast with a more decent

BIDEN/HARRIS administration. Since WE are a DEMOCRACY; people in our country regardless of how indifferent they are there would have to be the case in which a grand jury to find that there is sufficient  evidence of INTENT by the people being accused of a given crime. And if so and if a grand jury found that the pathetic people in the White House had indeed had "intent" to cause the over 228,000 people whom needlessly died from the virus then a given case would then perhaps go to a given jury (trial). However the troublesome "fact" remains that if anything perhaps MAYBE this TRUMP/PENCE administration are perhaps those whom had shown denial and or INDIFFERENCE towards others in this unfortunate situation. Not INTENT to cause harm towards OTHERS. YES people continue to be reckless in this situation by ignoring the guidelines that would indeed prevent more needless DEATHS caused by the virus. Many CHUMP supporters are now wearing face masks while many are not. The fact that CHUMP doesn't seem to care at all about people risking their health and safety should be enough to have convinced people not to attend his pathetic rallies in the first place. But then again folks; if those people were educated; they wouldn't risk the health and safety of others as well as themselves in the first way by ignoring the simple social distancing guidelines as well as not wearing face masks in public. WE the smarter Democrats can do all that WE can do to move past this thing. Perhaps after WE fire this TRUMP/PENCE fake reality tv show drama queen gossip girl cast next Tuesday and replace them with a more decent Biden/Harris administration perhaps the TRUMP THE CHUMP supporters will finally show RESPECT for OTHERS and simply follow the given social distancing guidelines including wearing face masks in public? WE can only HOPE before WE reach over 500,000 people needlessly DEAD from the virus before next February 2021.
2020-11-02 04:19:34 UTC
Typical liberal put it out and see if it fly’s .
2020-11-01 16:46:47 UTC
I agree with you.  I read that well-done study too and I trust the data.  Trump and his organizers should be charged for the crime of violating PA's, NJ's, MN, and a couple of other states' laws which limit the size of crowds to 150 or less depending on the state and which require mask-wearing within closed spaces.  I wish the Attorney General of NJ had charged Trump with violating NJ law when he had his staff and others within a closed space in NJ.

Trump's actions endangered, and continue to endanger state citizens by violating state laws for his own political rally gain.  Who does Trump think he is, that he has the right to violate STATES' laws just because he is the US President?!  "No man should be above the law."

TO ANN, whose answer says "What about the protests and riots?"  ANN, they KNOW now that the reason there was NOT  Covid spread during the protests because most protesters were WEARING MASKS and were SOCIALLY DISTANCING, something that Trump supporters at his rallies have NOT been doing...what's more, not only did the Trump rallies put people shoulder-to-shoulder together without masks but the crowds were shouting, yelling, and singing--activities which are known to facilitate the spread of Covid...AND the Trump rallies transported people BY BUS--small, enclosed containers conducive to the spread of a virus.

And Ann, Trump lies.  Plus he gets others to lie for him.  Such as:

'We've rounded the corner' about the virus...when just today the US saw its highest Covid numbers ever?

'The reason the US's Covid rate is so high is that we're doing more testing than other countries' (when, in truth, the no. of deaths has nothing to do with the amount of testing that's being done).   Is Trump really this stupid?  I don't think so.  He's lying.  At your and your family's expense.

'The economy is in great shape' when Covid is driving businesses under worse than ever in history?

Ann, look at the truth for what it is.  Don't listen to the Con Man that conned trusting middle class people out of $millions with his "Trump University".  You have to be a pretty rotten person to rob innocent people like Trump did.  Remember that the courts found Trump guilty of fraud.

So read the truth.  Read facts.  Listen to other news sources other than Fox.
2020-11-01 03:20:46 UTC
LOL If I could sue the people who gave me colds, measles and the chicken pox over my lifetime, that would be great!  I'd like to get something back for all my suffering and financial cost.

So LOL, do a DNA test and make sure you can really pin all that on him.

Why don't you stop barking up the wrong tree and sue the Chinese who made the damned thing?  huh?
2020-11-01 01:58:03 UTC
I recently read a study saying BLM riots were responsible for more than twice that.    
tony b
2020-11-01 00:54:00 UTC
yes among other things trump should be charged with
Ogami Itto
2020-11-01 00:00:58 UTC
Republican voters believe in free will ,not victimhood ,so they actually chose to be there .
2020-10-31 23:58:12 UTC
In Canada, he'd be found guilty of multiple counts of Criminal Negligence Causing Death & Criminal Negligence Causing Injury.  For deaths, the maximum penalty is life in prison, for injury, 10 years.  He'd never have a chance of parole.     

I see we have a hopeless Trumpoid here who thinks differently.  Try reading the Criminal Code, fool.  
Randy Bodandy
2020-10-31 22:03:28 UTC
I hope you are sitting down anonymous user because you have wn my good socialist that longs for the downfall of the American way of life award for making $hit up as you go along above and eyond the call of duty for a good socialist that longs for the downfall of the American way of life! Congratulations and keep up the amazing lies!
2020-10-31 22:00:39 UTC
That's not surprising and trust me, trump will not lose any sleep over it. Nor will his followers. All they want is 4 more years. Screw covid and all the people who are sick and dying from it. They want 4 more years of lawlessness.
2020-11-03 04:11:02 UTC
I would whole heartedly agree on just one condition. Andrew Cuomo also faces murder charges for murdering seniors by forcing nursing homes to take in covid patients they were not equipped to handle and putting them in with the at risk old people. What is good for Republicans is also good for democrats.
2020-11-02 13:22:37 UTC
This act of bio-terrorism should be charged as First Degree Murder.

"Any intentional murder that is willful and premeditated with malice aforethought. Felony murder, a charge that may be filed against a defendant who is involved in a dangerous crime where a death results from the crime,[13] is typically first-degree.[14]",that%20do%20not%20constitute%20murder.
Jimmy C
2020-11-01 21:28:08 UTC
I would not be surprised at all by those numbers. Trump is guilty of reckless behaviour causing death, because he discourages distancing and masks, the two things that make a difference. I do not understand why anyone would try to get people to abandon safety procedures. 

What Trump does is like telling a lot of people to crowd into a small boat and not wear lifejackets. The boat capsizes and people die. 

The Stanford study is reliable. And Trump is responsible. 
2020-11-01 18:23:17 UTC
It's because Donald Trump did not follow any safety measures. His own supporters are getting the coronavirus. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.