I agree with you. I read that well-done study too and I trust the data. Trump and his organizers should be charged for the crime of violating PA's, NJ's, MN, and a couple of other states' laws which limit the size of crowds to 150 or less depending on the state and which require mask-wearing within closed spaces. I wish the Attorney General of NJ had charged Trump with violating NJ law when he had his staff and others within a closed space in NJ.
Trump's actions endangered, and continue to endanger state citizens by violating state laws for his own political rally gain. Who does Trump think he is, that he has the right to violate STATES' laws just because he is the US President?! "No man should be above the law."
TO ANN, whose answer says "What about the protests and riots?" ANN, they KNOW now that the reason there was NOT Covid spread during the protests because most protesters were WEARING MASKS and were SOCIALLY DISTANCING, something that Trump supporters at his rallies have NOT been doing...what's more, not only did the Trump rallies put people shoulder-to-shoulder together without masks but the crowds were shouting, yelling, and singing--activities which are known to facilitate the spread of Covid...AND the Trump rallies transported people BY BUS--small, enclosed containers conducive to the spread of a virus.
And Ann, Trump lies. Plus he gets others to lie for him. Such as:
'We've rounded the corner' about the virus...when just today the US saw its highest Covid numbers ever?
'The reason the US's Covid rate is so high is that we're doing more testing than other countries' (when, in truth, the no. of deaths has nothing to do with the amount of testing that's being done). Is Trump really this stupid? I don't think so. He's lying. At your and your family's expense.
'The economy is in great shape' when Covid is driving businesses under worse than ever in history?
Ann, look at the truth for what it is. Don't listen to the Con Man that conned trusting middle class people out of $millions with his "Trump University". You have to be a pretty rotten person to rob innocent people like Trump did. Remember that the courts found Trump guilty of fraud.
So read the truth. Read facts. Listen to other news sources other than Fox.