why do democrats block drilling and seem to want to keep oil expensive
2008-08-03 22:23:08 UTC
i think its obvious that democrats have been bought out by the big oil companies, so i dont see why the media keeps giving them a big pass and meanwhile block republicans who are trying to get more drilling going, and lower the price of oil for struggling families!!
Seventeen answers:
2008-08-03 22:30:41 UTC
The real answer is, the Dems want our econoy as bad as it can to ensure they win the presidency. Because if it is bad they will blame the GOP and Bush. If things improve they have nothing to stand on. Because the war in Iraq is going well. So the onnly other thing they can attempt to do is promis everyoe something for free. Like Healthcare etc. Which by the way isnt free the hardworkers on this country pay for it with there taxes. I feel sacrificing americans just to gain power is evil. Thats more corrupt than anything I have ever heard of I politics at this point.
2008-08-03 22:58:31 UTC
well despite the above rant there are actual answers to all this. There are leases on millions of acres but its shear economics why they havent been drilled on. Not all oil costs the same to extract and much of it is so expensive to extract that it was not worth doing until the price reached a certain level. As far as the conspiracy poster Ann Coulters nemisis there are intelligent answers she doesn't understand. Like companies are meant to profit. If they didn't none of us would have jobs at all. Its dumb to talk about oil companies buying people out because they donate healthily to both parties and this information is widely available online and in print due to disclosure laws.

The media is giving the dems a pass because it is a liberal insitution itself and has an agenda. The liberals in america hate capitalism and american values like economic freedom. The reason oil costs so much is because they have artificially held down the supply of energy. There is more energy potential in coal reserves in the US than oil in the middle east. We have large percentages of the worlds untapped oil in our own country they wont let us drill. If we increase the supply or replace it with a substitute (ie nuclear energy) the price would fall with the increase of energy. American liberals are obsessed with the green movement and the "greedy profits." the statistics from the center of american progress are like saying my two year old performed a scientifically accurate data survey..... they are a left wing "think tank"

the envirmental movement is why gas prices are so high its simple. energy drives the economy and if the economy is bad people elect democrats because they promis to "give us things" be it "free" health care or anything else in the way of government expansion. if we cant function without the government and the dems are the ones making government run badly but getting elected they all have jobs. high energy alone may be enough to get us "free healthcare" and we will pay for it with the "greedy profits" earned by those "evil corporations".
Josh S
2008-08-05 16:34:17 UTC
You have to be kidding, we have an Oil millionaire president another as Vice president and the Dems are bought by the oil companies? I suppose your going to blame the impending recession/depression on the next president and not the one breaking our economy right now hu? More drilling? how long do you think that can be sustained? Oil is going to be plentiful forever? How about some new tech? Do you know what new technology means? It means new and many more jobs!!!!

How about we take our government back and tell these oil companies we won't put up with your "record breaking profits" quarter after quarter after quarter any more, we want your profits to be less and our prices under control for regular people again! I'm not saying we put anybody out of work I'm saying that their PROFITS go down instead of growing exponentially and our prices come down so we can drive to work again!
2008-08-03 22:32:07 UTC
Republicans who are going for Offshore drilling, Love high oil prices, this is the only way that can act like they care, all the while going for a plan that will not show one drop of oil for years, maybe even as long as 10 years...

Why not talk about how our oil currently being pumped is being exported to other countries...

Why not talk about the oil fields which are in land and just under developed...

I tell you why... Republicans (those who are wanting Offshore Drilling) Love High Oil Prices and will do whatever it take to make sure they stay HiGH!


It's funny how you said "it's always convenient for dems to blame EVERYTHING on bush" Funny because the person that placed the ban so many years back was Bush senior...

How is it possible to not blame this on Bush...
2008-08-05 12:38:43 UTC
I don't know what all the fuss is about. their has been drilling in Louisiana for years and it is known as the sportsman's paradise. I lived their all my life and all sorts of animal and plant life thrive their. The argument about endanger species etc do not hold water. As for oil spills we have had our share and guess what it always comes back to where it was before. Nancy Pelosi and the dems are totally wrong, I agree that we need alternatives but until then lets use what we have. Bring down the futures market by allowing the drilling and then lets go with the oil man T-bone Pickens he wants to make money in the future he has the right ideas. If we don't drill offshore the Chinese are planning to drill in international waters off our coast. Then we will have to give more of our money to the Chinese for their oil.
2016-10-17 02:41:43 UTC
You unfavourable misinformed baby. shall we drill in each available place interior the U. S. and nonetheless by no ability be 'self sufficient of Arab oil'. The probblem isn't one in all furnish, it is of utilization. the U. S. is the biggest person of oil by ability of far. I stay in North Dakota decrease than that's between the biggest oil reserves interior the international. project is that it is oil shale that's particularly high priced to extract. With oil at $50 a barrel isn't low-budget for the oil agencies to bypass after. Plus I could suitable you that the agencies that the U. S. imports oil from is #a million Mexico and #2 Saudi Arabia. Canada is #3.
2008-08-03 22:35:25 UTC
The oil corporations already have 68 million acres of leases they haven't drilled on yet. First explain to us all how giving them more new drilling sites today, if we could, will lower your gas prices tomorrow. I'll be waiting for your answer. While you're thinking about that answer, maybe you can tell us all why Bush held up the moritorium to ban drilling off the coast of Florida while his brother Jeb was governor of that state. Again, I'll be waiting for your answer to both. The reason why I ask them is because they are very important factors that your question doesn't come close to considering. BTW, the oil corporations have all contributed very heavily to McCain's campaign in the last 3 weeks. And, your question forgets the fact that McCain’s Tax Plan Gives Top Five Oil Companies $3.8 Billion A Year In Tax Breaks. According to a study conducted by the Center for American Progress, “The McCain plan would deliver approximately $170 billion a year in tax cuts to corporations, including some corporations that are very large and profitable. Just one of the proposals—cutting the corporate rate from 35 percent to 25 percent—would cut taxes for five largest U.S. oil companies by $3.8 billion a year.” [Center for American Progress, 3/27/08]

Hmm I wonder why they haven't done the same for Obama's.

Have a really nice evening.
2008-08-03 22:32:11 UTC
It's all about the money, not what you save, but what they can take

from you...and the republicans get the bad rap... we didn't have this

economic meltdown until we got ourselves a democrat controlled

congress, a bunch that won't do anything but let the high price for petroleum roll on and on, higher and higher, they can reap the

wind fall of taxes while you and I do the paying!
2008-08-03 22:32:36 UTC
Drilling will not lower the cost of oil. It will go on the international market and China will buy it at the same price they are paying now.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Every fifth question is some con trying to sell offshore drilling and each time the answer is the same.

But true to either never sinks in or they are under Rush's orders to repeat the question every fifteen minutes.

2008-08-03 22:29:24 UTC
I have no idea if they've been bought out, but it seems likely to me that Democrats just don't want to drill because that's what Republicans want.

And Bush certainly could have overturned the off shore drilling ban while we had a Republican congress, but 80% of the price increase happened during the Democrat congress.
2008-08-03 22:29:31 UTC
There is a good deal of doubt that drilling in reserved areas will make much of an impact on price at the pump. Manipulation and profit taking are much more likely causes of the price run up.
2008-08-03 22:29:19 UTC
President Bush could have lifted the executive ban on off shore drilling years ago when he had a Republican majority in congress. Doing it now is little more than a political ploy.
2008-08-03 22:58:43 UTC
They want to 'save the planet'. I wish they had the same compassion where the American workers who gotta drive to work were concerned.
2008-08-03 22:28:54 UTC
That's hysterical. Both the president and the VP are oil men, and you think the *Democrats* have been "bought out by the big oil companies"?! What version of reality is this?
2008-08-03 22:28:03 UTC
Because keeping 213 endangered species alive seems more important.
2008-08-03 23:09:33 UTC
Cause they want people to suffer. The more suffering, the more dependents.
2008-08-03 22:41:08 UTC
Ding ding ding we have it folks the all time stupidest thing ever posted on YA

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