If you allow the same percentage of illegals from Mexico coming from China, India, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Cambodia, and Oceanians, the Pro Illegal Mexican Immigrants would be up in arms, to have them deported as they would have competition and bias, just like what they expressed towards the boat people in the 90s.
Everybody wants to pursue life's liberty and happiness across the world. Legal immigration is a way of keeping it fair and to make sure who ever is given entry will not cause harm in untreatable decease out brakes, Capital Crimes, or negligent crimes like DUIs.
There are many bilinguals in the country, and requiring them to speak castilian (spanish) to obtain a job isn't fair on them either. When ever spanish is spoken by fluent english speaking bilinguals in the presence of other bilinguals or non bilinguals, co-workers, friends, classmates, or neighbors, you can bet they are conspiring about something or someone. If their arguing and yelling then it's about work, personal, or trivial things. Same goes to other bilinguals.