He's a poor good example for the people...
He'd better put the alcohol in his car. A leader should not use alcohol AT ALL! It's a (declared legal) HARD DRUG!
And he STILL doesn't want to sign the Kyoto deal, even though that deal is only a rather poor attempt to take care of the really huge emissions (esp. in the US). His acts are not where his words are.
He wants to reduce car fuel usage with 20% in about 2015.
20% in 8 years is nothing! That's WAY too little, and WAY too late.
You only need to buy a smaller car then the regular SUV or pickup truck, and the US could save at least 50% within a year or two! Even so, that wouldn't put the US on the top clean countries list.
You people can thumb down my answer, but it's a fact that the 4.5% of the worldpopulation which live in the US, are responsible for 33% of all (air) pollution. And Bush, with his leadership, should pay more attention to this problem and less attention to the alcohol.
I feel sorry for the US people, having a leader with his early alcohol abuse related wet brain syndrome. A bit like Boris Jeltsin, but he was worse (or at least did it in the open).