2016-08-23 21:27:06 UTC
I am somewhat of a nationalist. I feel that international socialism is unworkable, at least for the foreseeable future. I am an anti-zionist to the point I've been accused of anti-semitism but I have absolutely nothing against the Jews as individual human beings and won't tolerate anyone who does. I just feel that ethno-supremacism exists within zionist circles, including in western countries (which leads to discrepancies in power, money, and influence), and I am pro-Palestinian.
I am sympathetic to the plight of African-Americans and feel that racism is on the rise and we need to come together as a country and one people.
I am against identity politics. While I feel that racism is still very much a reality, by and large I feel that petty bourgeois white libtards are race baiters who incite blacks against society, and additionally, are premier reactionary makers by going around telling all the white proles (who are much poorer than these white libtard *****) how good they have it. That is literally insane.
I believe in being proud of one's ethnicity and culture, and that people of all ethnic groups deserve to be proud, but at the same time respectful of other ethnic groups, seeing as how we are all part of the same human people. I do not believe in race, let alone racial superiority.