If America’s problem is Donald Trump, why don’t all Americans in November vote for Joe Biden instead?
2020-08-22 08:54:38 UTC
Trump leaves after one term and a new President is installed. Problem solved instead of four more years.
85 answers:
2020-08-26 00:46:33 UTC
That's because a lot of people don't think that Trump is a problem, but instead, Biden is. That's really just how politics is.
2020-08-25 04:16:32 UTC
Trump is not President of America, he's President of the United States. There are several Presidents and Chiefs of State in America. If the US people want to blame somebody, blame Trump, he's President of this country, not of the entire continent.
2020-08-24 21:03:00 UTC
That would be wonderful if we got the Tweeter-in- Chief out of office.
2020-08-24 12:34:52 UTC
Trump is not the problem, the election system which allows people who pay less than $5,000 in income taxes per year to vote is the problem.
2020-08-24 10:30:04 UTC
It is because many see the Democratic Party as the problem, including other democrats, where Trump is actually the solution.
2020-08-23 00:39:54 UTC
True. Getting rid of Trump would solve a lot of our problems. Even if Biden really IS some kind of puppet, or mentally disabled, things would be much better. (He is neither, but just saying).  But you will never convince a Trump supporter of that. It's as if they are brainwashed cult members. Their prize idiot jackass can say and do anything, and it's OK with them. It's amazing.
2020-08-23 00:25:18 UTC
I’d be amazed if Trump doesn’t get a second term. The world is doomed so it’s inevitable.
Tick Tock
2020-08-22 11:00:32 UTC
he may be the best among the worst

America in recent years have no good leaders

Donald trump is a joke of course
2020-08-22 09:19:36 UTC
Biden is going to slaughter Dump.
2020-08-22 08:57:57 UTC
Lots of us are hoping that is what will happen.
2020-08-26 22:20:37 UTC
hopefully they will
2020-08-25 00:02:16 UTC
The problem is, will Donald Trump leave office when he is voted out?  (huge question mark) 

He says he is not sure and will have to wait and see. 
Ron Akia
2020-08-24 21:13:56 UTC
All American's won't vote for Biden as they are too intelligent to do that.
2020-08-24 18:01:17 UTC
Sin is America's problem. And if you can't see that and want to blame your opposition party's leader for wickedness in the land then you are part of the problem.  Sin needs to be rooted out. Hollywood, immorality, Satanism, Communism, debauchery, permissive behavior, drugs, trafficking, crime, resisting arrest, sexual deviance...oh the list goes on and on. 

Jesus Christ is the answer since he died to save us from the penalty for sin. When a person truly lives for Christ, he will hate sin
2020-08-24 17:14:45 UTC
Trump isn't the problem. He's a symptom of the problem. The problem is that half the voters in this country hate everything not white, straight and Christian, so they voted for a guy who told them everything they wanted to hear. That Mexicans are murderers and rapists. That black people ruin suburbs. That Muslims must be banned from entering the country. That we should have a big wall to keep all the refugees and asylum seekers out (and by refugees and asylum seekers he means, of course, non-whites).

Trump wouldn't be president right now if half the voters in this country didn't want all those things. And unfortunately, there's no changing their minds and making them see how pointless all their hate is, or how catastrophic their blind endorsement of a shameless liar and con man is going to leave a permanent scar on the history of this country. But we can for damn sure kick their idol out of the White House with our votes in November.

Also, I saw something very funny in an answer above -- that Trump has been fighting corruption. That is absolutely hilarious. You really must be either dumb as a bag of hammers or hopelessly, mindlessly deluded to think Donald Trump himself is anything less than corruption on two legs. The f*cker proves it on a damn near daily basis. 
2020-08-24 16:39:43 UTC
Biden and Obama were there 8 years with a Congress both house in democrat control part of that time .....  why did they not make a perfect world then?  

in real world the question is based on President Trump is the problem Who says? 

the answer is the voters are to blame no matter who you are many are weak idealistic fools 
Homer Bufflekill
2020-08-24 09:00:18 UTC
If the Marxist / socialist democrats hate America so much, why don't they leave now?
2020-08-24 03:30:47 UTC
We are all voting for biden. Those of us who aren't fascist traitors like trumptards are that is
2020-08-24 01:10:46 UTC
I'm no fan of the incumbent per se - but the idea that simply going in the complete opposite direction to get a completely opposite result is too wishful and simplistic.

In other words... there is no one that will fix this... but there is easily someone who could make it worse.
2020-08-23 21:14:02 UTC
American democracy calls for voting the mistake out. The trump presidency includes cheat variables. We know Russia interfered on his behalf in 2016. Trump disbanded his voter fraud committee in 2017 when Kobach began reporting isolated cases of people who voted for trump twice. Trump is claiming widespread voter fraud w/ zero evidence. He uses his baseless claim as reason to enact voter suppression measures that may or may not be identified as cheating ... we'll see. 
2020-08-23 17:59:41 UTC
The Democrats are the problem and not President Trump.  President Trump is the cure for Washington.  He has been cleaning out corruption ever since he has been in office.  And the evil ones have fought him every step of the way.  Democrats like controlling the nation.
2020-08-23 15:31:12 UTC
That's what most Americans (including me) are doing. Joe Biden may have some problems, but he's still way better than the cancer that's Trump.
2020-08-23 13:35:24 UTC
I am sure most people who can vote in "America" will vote for Biden.  That is what Trump fears.  Look at his pathetic attempts to discredit him.   I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but at this point, voting for a slug or a Pet Rock would be better than voting for Trump.
2020-08-23 13:29:09 UTC
blaming trump for all of our problems after 3 1/2 years is a poor excuse, try blaming biden, pelosi, schumer etc. they have spent over 40 years in the swamp.what did they ever get done except keep us in the dark while they screwed over we great american's
2020-08-23 09:51:57 UTC
Biden has chosen a poor running mate and someone who would cause more problems than you can imagine and sure someone is going to make sure that this does not happen.  A woman should not be running the United States because lots of rulers are male and the running mate Biden has chosen is not up to it because a man is needed to stand up to future problems in the world. Too many have been concerned about the health of Biden and he looks frail and worried he might not fit the bill of president. 
2020-08-22 20:09:17 UTC
Some Americans would not vote for a Democrat no matter what.

Some Americans cringe if they hear the word 'Socialist'

Some Americans hated Obama, and therefore hate Biden for his association with him.

Some believe the rumors and conspiracy theories

Some will not vote for various reasons

Gerrymandering and the Electoral Congress twist the results away from true 'majority rules'

Some Americans have lost faith in the system.
2020-08-22 18:55:58 UTC
Part of the problem is that more and more Republicans are embracing the QANON conspiracy theories regarding the Democrats. Trump's latest tweet indicates that he subscribes to QANON as well so the chances of any Republicans voting for Biden are almost nil.  What the Republicans are deliberately choosing to ignore is that the economy and public health go hand in hand and  to get the economy up and rolling again is to have Covid-19 under control. Lincoln said that a house divided against itself cannot stand and what we are witnessing is a house tearing itself apart. Trump has revealed who Americans really are and Biden represents who they could aspire to be. It's the Americans choice whom they vote for but if  they want another 4 years of chaos, hatred, an incompetent president who really doesn't give a flying flug about anyone other than himself  they will have to live with the consequences of their decision. 
2020-08-22 18:53:12 UTC
God help the U.S. and Americans if Biden gets elected.  On his own he is not too bad but it is the communists backing him that scare me.
Const. King
2020-08-22 18:09:42 UTC
Biden doesn't know which end is up.  He is not by any means qualified to run the country.  His acceptance speech the other night was pre-taped & all errors were corrected & deleted out, because of that he sounded perfect on TV.  There is nothing like pulling the wool over the voters eves.
M Johnson
2020-08-22 08:59:54 UTC
The Donald s the epitome of tech companies' attitudes, pointless droning advertising, and America is sick of it.
2020-08-29 21:01:58 UTC
"America's problem" is that we've devolved to where the only choice we have this November is Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Neither one of these highly compromised individuals would stand a chance if we had a greater variety of political parties the way most other countries do. 
2020-08-25 03:59:28 UTC
Boy.  The Brain dead Trump sheep are really reciting Putin’s/Trump’s propaganda here.  It’s actually scary.    First it was Biden was corrupt and Trump tried to blackmail the Ukraine into lying about him.  The doors got blown off of that little plot.  Then the conspirators got together and realized Trump’s poll numbers with women are terrible thanks to his abusive history with them. (23 rape accusations)  Let’s try to drive Biden’s numbers down by attacking him with Tara Reade they said.   Only she couldn’t keep her story straight.  So that one failed.  Then they realized after listening to Trump that he sounds  crazy,  senile ,  and erratic  (which he clearly is)  they started attacking Biden calling him sleepy Joe and all that.  Only Biden’s appearance at the DNC put that to rest.

It’s the same Trump BS every time.  Project Trump’s failings onto his opponent to hide or distract from  his own.  Only this time it’s not working.  We had enough for your Orange sick old man and are taking our country back!
2020-08-24 20:52:32 UTC
Trump isn’t the problem and Biden isn’t the solution. That’s what the brainwashing media wants you to think 
2020-08-24 18:26:49 UTC
That will happen if the election is free and fair. Trump is trying to suppress votes and may try to change the vote count with the help of Russian hackers. If he does, he will face more angry protesters than the president of Belarus. 
2020-08-24 17:14:47 UTC
I did not realize there were so many comedians on here, you know the ones, the ones like @Jeancommunicates, @SBR32277 etc who claim that Trump is the solution to the nation's problems.  They are either joking or completely divorced from reality based on actual facts such as:

More Trump appointees have been found guilty of various criminal offenses than any previous administration, both Republican and Democrat.

Trump, with the exception of his tax break for the ultra rich (yes they got 80% of the benefits, the average worker 20%) he has presented no major pieces of legislation.

Trump did not achieve any of his 100 day goals and, despite being on record as stating they would be accomplished, later tried to claim he never said that despite videos of him making those promises and stating the time frame.

Trump promised a Health Care Plan that would be better than the ACA in that it would be cheaper, cover more people, and include more conditions.  The plan he eventually backed covered less people, increased the number of pre-existing conditions an insurance company could refuse to cover, and would have seen major increases for the elderly.  While workers would have seen premiums initially drop use of the plan (the reason you have it in the first place) would see major increases in premiums as a result.

Trump promised to role back regulations which he has done.  He rolled back regulations protecting the environment at a record rate and rolled back regulations designed to prevent the same situation that led up to the last recession.  So congratulations, Trump is leaving a dirtier country with fewer protections for it's citizens but great deals for the companies who can now raise funds without providing accurate financial reports.

Trump is giving a payroll tax holiday and claiming he will make it permanent.  He also claims that it will not effect Social Security or other programs funded by it.  So he is cutting taxes, raising spending in select areas (his wall, the Military, etc), and funding programs all with a reduced amount of available cash, can you all say hello deficit?

When Trump talks about cutting taxes without increasing the deficit of course you only have to look at his tax cut for big business, after all it worked.  No wait a minute, after that cut the deficit rose an average of $300 billion per year and, according to the businesses themselves, no jobs were created.

Trump supporters brag about the job figures and the economy but carefully ignore or deny certain facts such as job growth was, to 2019, 19% than under Obama, the economy which he constantly bragged about was apparently so fragile that, according to his administration, it could not afford a .5% extra increase in wages.  One more thing, many of the pieces of legislation that Trump claims such as the Veterans Act were passed under previous administrations, Trump merely extended them.  Further, many of the jobs created, new factories opened, that Trump has bragged about were either started or announced under the Obama administration and before Trump even said he was running.

Oh yes, lest we forget, according to Trump administration figures, purchasing power for the average worker, after accounting for both wage increases and tax cuts, has fallen for 2018 and 2019 with the consumer paying an extra $25 billion per year in costs solely related to the trade wars Trump started in addition.  You see while they made foreign goods more expensive goods produced domestically also rose to match the prices of those foreign goods and, of course, increase the profits that the owners of the companies made.

A review of Trump's performance using economic, political, and historical references, in a listing of Presidents of the 45 Presidents to date with 1 being the best and 45 being the worst Trump places a solid 44th but angling for 45th and worst President in US History.
2020-08-24 10:47:02 UTC
Because there are too many dumb Americans who think Donald Trump is the solution and not the problem.
2020-08-24 05:47:13 UTC
At this point in time, it's hard to tell but most of the serious polls indicate Biden. There are people who feel Trump is hunting out corruption when several of his advisers are either 'in college' or trying desperately to avoid 'going to college'. He ascribes to several conspiracy plots that most people would consider to be nonsense, largely because 'they like him'. He fits the spectrum of narcissist personality disorder to a 'T'. He fits the description of sociopath perfectly. No, Trump needs to go, and Congress needs to remain Republican. 
2020-08-24 00:48:03 UTC
Yeah, the guy who's been there making laws for the last 50 years (Biden) somehow isn't the problem. The problem is the guy who's just been there 3 years (Trump) and had record low unemployment saved several million lives. 
2020-08-23 21:20:07 UTC
Biden as President wil solve a lot of problems.
2020-08-23 20:43:29 UTC
Trump is not the problem 
2020-08-23 19:30:41 UTC
Because, li'le one, Joe is Joe & not half as good.
2020-08-23 17:20:52 UTC
Because America likes pedophiles and berating women and concentration camps and for covid to ravage the economy. 
2020-08-23 16:50:40 UTC
Easy to say but there are an unsettling amount of bigots and racists in america, not to mention old rich white people who like things just the way they are. 
2020-08-23 15:57:50 UTC
If those views are only how you see the presidency, you have much more to learn, Andre. The fact is that there is never a perfect president who will fit every ones view points. We vote for who best fits our own ideals. Many consider Trump as The USAs problem, but many do not. Itd have to be 100% either way to absolutely say Trump is a problem and its not close to that number. 
2020-08-23 15:44:47 UTC
Millions are planning to do exactly that.
2020-08-23 13:39:57 UTC
On average about 15% of registered voters disapprove of Donald Trump's job performance. Hopefully the votes in November reflect that sentiment.
paul c
2020-08-23 13:37:46 UTC
Because no matter how obvious it is, some people insist that Trump isn't the problem, when we know he is nothing but a problem. 

I ask them to explain just his 20,000 lies in the last 4 years. If Trump worked 5 days a week that's 260 days a year. In 4 years that's 1040 days, Then divide 20,000 lies into 1040 days, it comes out to 19.23 lies a day. If Trump is lying or misrepresenting the truth 29 times a day, when is he telling the truth ? My guess is never.  Isn't lying the first and most common thing dishonest people do ? It's that simple, and unfortunate that people that support Trump don't see that he's a career liar and a constant liar. Making him unfit to hold office or to deal with people in general. No one likes being lied to in any situation. 
2020-08-22 21:36:12 UTC
Trump is NOT the problem MORONS like you are.... Biden has been in politics for 40+ years and solved NOTHING now he is blaming all his failures on Trump's 3 years
Gian Carlo
2020-08-22 10:01:06 UTC
Trump is not the problem. He is a mere symptom.

The problem is the far-left infiltrating and eroding the institutions, schools, media, entertainment, sports, workplaces with their socialism and feelings-based ideologies. And the political establishment joins the bandwagon to keep themselves to power.

Believe it or not, a lot of American’s outside of the social media spheres would rather just go along with their lives and the last thing they want is being talked down on what to do, to think and who to support. And the toxic environment the far-left groups create stifling free exchange of ideas, a lot of people would rather keep their opinions for themselves simmering undetected even with opinion polls boiling over through voting when everything is too late.

People didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 because of him, rather, because people got sick and tired of the Democrats letting progressives run things that they flipped the switch.Dangerous part is Democrats appear to have not learned their lesson, they still rely too heavily on “Trump bad so vote for us” as if that is enough.

They are not making an effort to reach out to voters from the other side by laying out definitive gameplan how to run the country post-Trump. All they do is talk down to people with emotional blackmail telling them "if they vote Trump then they are racists/sexists/deplorables/etc."
2020-08-22 09:00:46 UTC
That's exactly right. We'll see in 73 days whether "America's problem is Donald Trump" or not. Voters decide. 
2020-08-26 01:03:41 UTC
Not everyone thinks America's problem is Donald Trump. And even for those who do not think he is the problem, many do not even think he is the answer. They just think the alternatives are the problem. 
2020-08-25 17:49:58 UTC
That's the plan.  Get out and VOTE!

86 45 BIGLY!  PINO
2020-08-25 04:14:10 UTC
I've an Iranian friend who says many people in Iran hates it's government, but many are now supporting it because of Trump breaking the word of the US to Iran!
2020-08-24 21:11:33 UTC
Because Trump isn't the problem. That is a lie pushed by left-wing outlets like CNN Youtube Reddit etc.
2020-08-24 12:55:55 UTC
Trump was elected to 'drain the swamp' by exposing corruption in Washington and the ultra-biased Press. They both obviously took him seriously from day one, probably because he has a pattern and history of actually exposing corruption dating back to 1980's when he even traveled to Washington to testify against it. 

Do you REALLY believe that all of the bloated agencies, communist-style bureaus of both government and media and all other politicians are 'clean as the wind driven snow' and that the ONE guy actually elected to expose corruption is suddenly 'THE PROBLEM' we need to solve to make everything 'better' again?

How dumb are you exactly? How dumb do you think I am?

Trump did exactly what he promised. He has been under constant government persecution for forty years now, (twenty years in a row 'audited' by the IRS alone), producing NOTHING, (no indictments or convictions). Even as President, these soulless communists have no respect or fear of his authority, the rule of law or anything else sacred. If you elect them back into power, what chance do you think YOU have of maintaining your own liberty? You are no Donald Trump.

That is the whole point. You need to wake up. We elected Trump to help you do that before you trade away what is left of America's hard-won liberty to godless communists whose model of 'success' is communist China. They even have no fear of saying so publicly, siding with China openly while slandering their own President, disrespecting our flag, our law enforcement and even our founders. 
2020-08-24 04:18:14 UTC

Wherever you live, you may choose to understand that the mainstream media (MSM) is not your friend once you start comparing news stories to conservative outlets you may learn that you have been manipulated into believing things that aren't true. Joe Biden is an establishment puppet and his policies push a socialist agenda. Trump is a billionaire that didn't need to be president but he chose to fill that position in order to improve the country. Every day he's been in office the media has undermined his every move and treated him horribly. Don't trust the MSM!
Jess S
2020-08-24 01:43:13 UTC
biden has a good chance but trump is intentionally slowing the mail down by having dejoy kill postal workers overtime and remove sorting machines.  its cheating. trump cant win fair and square 
2020-08-23 23:26:25 UTC
There are enough foolish Americans who think he is doing a good job for him to have a chance of winning again...
2020-08-23 20:43:38 UTC
Trump IS Americas worst problem by far,he is actually incapable of telling the truth. The disturbing thing being is the amount of Red cap Flying monkeys over there that actually believe the $hite that comes out of his mouth.
2020-08-23 18:33:35 UTC
Biden claims to like blacks but he plans to increase police funding!
2020-08-23 13:54:11 UTC
Trump is Obama's legacy from the failed 8 years of the Obama administration. Biden was a big part of the miserably failed former administration. Why would you want to go back to the miserably failed Obama era? You better go look at the results comparing both presidencies and the time involved. Clearly this administration ROYALLY BLEW OUT the miserably failed Obama administration on EVERY venue and more. Supporting Biden is helping these nut job liberals ruin the USA for good. How can you be so ignorant and not know this?
Jake No Chat
2020-08-23 12:20:04 UTC
That starts out with a big IF.  I think the problem lies more with Congress than the Presidency.  Look at Biden who has 36 years in the Senate, plus 8 years as VP.  Nasty Pelosi has over 30 years, Mitch McConnell has over 40, Maxine Waters, Adam Pencilneck Schiff, Jerry No-Nuts Nadler, etc etc have been in office doing nothing for so many years.  Politics as usual has resulted in just political games, obstruction and passing the buck.  Congressional term limits is what is needed, plus a Balanced Budget amendment, Campaign Finance reform, etc.  Trump is not a prize and perhaps he should be dumped, but without Congressional term limits, the problems will remain.
2020-08-23 09:07:00 UTC
if you think someone with that amount of demensia is going to solve anything, you have FAR more serious issues than can be discussed in this group.
2020-08-23 06:08:23 UTC
Whatever, Trump is still the best choice for America.
2020-08-23 05:11:01 UTC
There are people out there that actually believe what D.T. says and will vote for him.

Must be LOW IQ.
2020-08-23 04:07:02 UTC
Trump's base is moronic and seriously thinks Biden is a socialist, and then a smaller group thinks he might be cannibal.
2020-08-23 03:27:30 UTC
There is No Guarantee Card printed on any Leader's forehead , that the leader will be successful in Solving the common man's  all problems ! ... One can only hope that Something is Better than Nothing ! :)
Kazoo M
2020-08-22 17:44:54 UTC
Our current president respects the sanctity of the unborn, which is very honorable.

The Democrats are all executioners and murderers of the unborn, they could care less about human life.

Remember, the sanctity of the unborn is the number one priority all humans must strive for.

Otherwise, we are no different than the uncivilized barbarians that threw their children into the fire as offerings to appease their pagan deities.

Furthermore, when we vote for anyone that is a Democrat, we become an accessory to their sin - in short, we show our uncivilized, barbarian form that is very inhuman!
2020-08-22 14:07:40 UTC
'Ingenious!' 'We the people' must have a sense of patriotic duty & honor to take back & win our White House! 'DEFEAT' the 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump! May we join 'Allied Forces' to make sure 'THE END IS NEAR!' =<)
2020-08-22 09:26:49 UTC
Trump is not the problem. The problem is our entire fake democratic system that produces two parties that most Americans hate and that have absolute power over the country.
2020-08-26 06:31:04 UTC
I like voting trump it makes me a really happy guy. 
2020-08-25 03:42:06 UTC
Sounds a great idea........
2020-08-24 14:14:48 UTC
Trump is there BECAUSE of Biden and Obama.....
2020-08-24 08:09:09 UTC
Why should anyone give in to communism . ? If a political party lost then they have find ways to improve it's  that simple . Being nasty or  criticizing the president continuasly is not  going to help. The Democrats are acting like spoiled brats.  This why we need 3 or 4 political parties in America.  All I know is that press needs a beat down there out of control .
2020-08-24 05:14:10 UTC
They might vote for Biden. 
2020-08-24 04:25:09 UTC
Trump is doing his best to prevent that, he does not want every American to vote
2020-08-24 03:30:54 UTC
Who ever got 100% of the vote?
2020-08-23 19:34:17 UTC
The problem with our country is Democrats. I'm voting straight Republican this November. 
2020-08-23 18:54:44 UTC
Currently, Trump and his GOP puppets are engaging in mass voter suppression. Especially through the postal system. It will be a challenge to make sure that our votes against him arrive in time.  Personally, I won't let them stop me from voting Trump out!
2020-08-23 17:45:32 UTC
U.K person here,but it's funny that people voted for Trump as he wasn't Hillary,now it's vote Biden because he's not Trump,this is a pattern.
2020-08-23 16:00:00 UTC
Your " If " is wrong observation!

Donald will win by Big Margin!

Just Wait, Watch and Be assured for no problem!😊
2020-08-23 08:47:31 UTC
That's because America's problem isn't Donald Trump. Trump is America's medicine. 
2020-08-23 03:27:25 UTC
Why? Because stupidity is also pandemic here. Proof? Every uneducated fool thinks he’s entitled to an opinion on any subject no matter how ignorant of the subject. This is epitomized by a certain person who is occupying the White House right now. You can recognize him by his mood hair, it turns orange every time he lies. The man has literally never read a book and people would vote for him anyway.
2020-08-22 19:29:40 UTC
Trump does not walk on water, but his accomplishments and his demeanor to stand up to a vicious media is appreciated by half of the country. So for all Americans to vote for Biden (really a vote for Kamala Harris the socialist because Biden has dementia) would not make any sense.
2020-08-22 19:10:36 UTC
The real issue for voters should be whether you would be better off personally with Biden or Trump in office. Biden is campaigning on killing resource industry jobs,open borders,lawlessness  and equity .

This means he will take your money and hand it to someone else who doesn't deserve it and take away your livelihood if he determines it isn't 'green' enough .

There is no up side to voting for Biden except all the flowery feel good lies he will feed America.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.