I did not realize there were so many comedians on here, you know the ones, the ones like @Jeancommunicates, @SBR32277 etc who claim that Trump is the solution to the nation's problems. They are either joking or completely divorced from reality based on actual facts such as:
More Trump appointees have been found guilty of various criminal offenses than any previous administration, both Republican and Democrat.
Trump, with the exception of his tax break for the ultra rich (yes they got 80% of the benefits, the average worker 20%) he has presented no major pieces of legislation.
Trump did not achieve any of his 100 day goals and, despite being on record as stating they would be accomplished, later tried to claim he never said that despite videos of him making those promises and stating the time frame.
Trump promised a Health Care Plan that would be better than the ACA in that it would be cheaper, cover more people, and include more conditions. The plan he eventually backed covered less people, increased the number of pre-existing conditions an insurance company could refuse to cover, and would have seen major increases for the elderly. While workers would have seen premiums initially drop use of the plan (the reason you have it in the first place) would see major increases in premiums as a result.
Trump promised to role back regulations which he has done. He rolled back regulations protecting the environment at a record rate and rolled back regulations designed to prevent the same situation that led up to the last recession. So congratulations, Trump is leaving a dirtier country with fewer protections for it's citizens but great deals for the companies who can now raise funds without providing accurate financial reports.
Trump is giving a payroll tax holiday and claiming he will make it permanent. He also claims that it will not effect Social Security or other programs funded by it. So he is cutting taxes, raising spending in select areas (his wall, the Military, etc), and funding programs all with a reduced amount of available cash, can you all say hello deficit?
When Trump talks about cutting taxes without increasing the deficit of course you only have to look at his tax cut for big business, after all it worked. No wait a minute, after that cut the deficit rose an average of $300 billion per year and, according to the businesses themselves, no jobs were created.
Trump supporters brag about the job figures and the economy but carefully ignore or deny certain facts such as job growth was, to 2019, 19% than under Obama, the economy which he constantly bragged about was apparently so fragile that, according to his administration, it could not afford a .5% extra increase in wages. One more thing, many of the pieces of legislation that Trump claims such as the Veterans Act were passed under previous administrations, Trump merely extended them. Further, many of the jobs created, new factories opened, that Trump has bragged about were either started or announced under the Obama administration and before Trump even said he was running.
Oh yes, lest we forget, according to Trump administration figures, purchasing power for the average worker, after accounting for both wage increases and tax cuts, has fallen for 2018 and 2019 with the consumer paying an extra $25 billion per year in costs solely related to the trade wars Trump started in addition. You see while they made foreign goods more expensive goods produced domestically also rose to match the prices of those foreign goods and, of course, increase the profits that the owners of the companies made.
A review of Trump's performance using economic, political, and historical references, in a listing of Presidents of the 45 Presidents to date with 1 being the best and 45 being the worst Trump places a solid 44th but angling for 45th and worst President in US History.