Why should people who live on government assistance be allowed to procreate?
2020-12-24 15:54:52 UTC
I have nothing against people on welfare. I understand sometimes circumstances can get out of control and it's not always your fault for ending up in poverty. However, until you get to the point where you can take care of yourself without government help, why should you be allowed to have children? Why add more humans into the equation when you can barely put food on the table for yourself? Can you really blame the white man for keeping you poor when you do dumb things like that? If you can't foster a child without making a certain amount of income why should you be allowed to give birth to one? How is monitoring the reproduction of a government's citizens any different than border control? What incentive does someone have to get off of welfare if they get to keep all their freedoms while they are on it? Why shouldn't Uncle Sam tell you how to live if he's essentially giving you free money? You do the bare minimum by paying your taxes, but collect all the perks that can possibly be offered to you, through assistance programs and unemployment checks. Parents often feel morally superior to those who don't have kids, knowing they got pregnant for the most selfish reasons. Why should these people be rewarded with welfare checks and not forced abortions? 
96 answers:
2020-12-28 04:17:35 UTC
If you believe in smaller government, making more laws about personal choices is not the way to get their.
2020-12-27 14:34:44 UTC
That is ridiculous.  Abortion is literally murdering a human but it’s allowed because of bodily autonomy.  So how the hell could you on the same hand remove bodily autonomy from people who chose NOT to murder their child?
2020-12-27 12:53:34 UTC
The real question is not why allow humans to do what comes naturally but rather why the U.S. government in particular incentivizes such actions to trap people into poverty. Children are not encouraged to be put up for adoption where people who can afford children can adopt them, but rather used as financial pawns. The government also incentivizes fatherless homes. So the real question is why is our U.S. governments not supporting the will of we the people? I think many of us know the answer.
2020-12-26 18:36:16 UTC
I agree with you. My friends and family have to take responsibility that they can only afford x number of children and then do what is necessary to ensure this. This isn’t a complicated I understand one unplanned pregnancy might need assistance but another one should be considered fraudulent just to receive more assistance. Why can’t states make it known that one pregnancy will be covered but not any more. States should make it a law  ( I don’t know why there is not a law yet ) that there MUST be a paternity test done when a word applies for assistance.  I can’t tell you how many fathers I know who can afford to support their children, that addresses are verified. I’ll bet that if these women were told that more than one pregnancy will result in adoption that there would be fewer pregnancies.  These are not against their human rights. It is against the human rights of taxpayers being forced to pay for child after child being conceived by women and men who refuse to take responsibility. Yes I do think I have the right to say that I shouldn’t have to pay for a woman to have a child that she can’t afford when I have to make the choice to stop having children because I can’t afford more. This isn’t cruel this is reality 
2020-12-26 16:18:39 UTC
I'd say right off, it's NOYFB who, how, why people procreate and who gets government assistance! You don't get to decide who is eligible for government aid as you have no say where taxes go! You will pay the same unabated amount regardless where it goes in the end!
2020-12-26 02:26:46 UTC
Quite right ONLY non welfare queens INCLUDING corporations' incumbents should be GIVEN permission to breed!

Imagine the wealthy thinking they are a cut above all their poorer country' citizens!
2020-12-26 00:08:13 UTC
Being born into poverty is a steeper climb out by people like you. No student should be denied higher education because they cant afford it. It's people like you unwilling to pull the less fortunate up. In fact, you want to inhibit their pursuit of happiness w/ restrictions on them that please you. This is how your evil mind works. There are plenty of success stories that went f/ rags to riches you'd like to prevent. I think YOU should qualify to be a parent. You have evil in your genetics.
2020-12-25 14:33:52 UTC
Why not; a fact of life children can be born in all kinds of situations. Recommending abortion(kill) is crazy out of the question. The other fact many reasons why people use public assistance (welfare); disabled, single mothers, elderly and so on. Welfare is a good must program and should never be concerned for removal. 
2020-12-25 07:12:10 UTC
More democrat votes, maybe? 
2020-12-25 00:14:15 UTC
My best friend from school had a Mother who didn't work and an absent Dad. In 2018 he somehow recognised me and pulled up in his Mercedes to tell me he is working as an electrician.
2020-12-28 23:27:06 UTC
I'm all for fewer RepubliCONS 
2020-12-27 06:15:25 UTC
This world has put many things into the "Honor System," a system that is more figurative and conceptual than a literal system implement.

I know of more than a few well-to-do couples that either waited - or just chose not to have kids.

Not everyone on this planet has a conscience.
2020-12-26 18:29:57 UTC
I've always thought politicians should never be allowed to have children.  
2020-12-26 16:11:28 UTC
Let’s say you and your spouse were employed and were expecting a child.  Then 4 or 5 months into your pregnancy you both get sick—say COVID or something serious.  You then need to ask for government assistance to stay alive.  According to your own rules that do not allow procreation in this circumstance, what would you expect to be done?  Would you abort the unborn child?
2020-12-26 09:06:13 UTC
Unfortunately sex is often the only form of entertainment they have available
2020-12-26 02:17:50 UTC
Exactly! We've to stop all of those useless farmers depending on government handouts to keep their farms from procreating.
2020-12-25 18:13:22 UTC
What is wrong with people on gov assistance for the right/ ethical/ legal reasons?  Is being on gov assistance determined by one's genetics?  

If it is, I learn something new every day.  
2020-12-25 17:25:39 UTC
They are per the law and the Constitution and have all rights of other citizens.

What you describe could only happen in a country that is run by tyrants......a fascist Hitler like regime.   That is what you want?

You are not very intelligent but I will try to explain to you why your idea is inviting tyranny.  Under your system, all a government has to do is first target citizens making sure they cannot work, and are dirt poor and then come around like Himmler did when he visited the jewish Ghettos, and say see?  see you how animal like they are? see how they live? off to the gas chambers with them !
2020-12-25 16:36:47 UTC
No joke why are all those on corporate welfate allowed to procreate- good point
2020-12-25 13:50:34 UTC
Why should people who live on government assistance be allowed to procreate?

Well, it wouldn't be fair to eliminate Democrats' ability to have children.

The question really ought to be, "if you engage with the government, should the government be powerful enough to prevent you from having children?"  Government should not have that type of control over people's lives; this isn't Communist China in the 1980s.
2020-12-25 12:48:21 UTC
You mean like all those big business crooks on corporate welfare? Like Trump?
2020-12-25 04:21:08 UTC
So essentially, you're saying kill all who violate the law.....   I got a tresspasser in my scope now, just tell me you're king and I'll squeeze the trigger
2020-12-25 01:39:15 UTC
How do you stop them. Mandatory sterilization ?! But I do agree.

You shouldn't be allowed to bring more mouths into an already crowded and polluted world.

But I agree with the other posters, who say cut down corporate subsidies/welfare as well.
2020-12-25 00:17:56 UTC
Donald Trump has been doing it for years. That's why a "billionaire" has been paying less income tax than the average low-end wage-earner. He's been procreating for three decades - and what do you have - Ivanka, Don, Jr. and Eric. Then there's Barron and Tiffany. You don't think that Trump has been using THEM as tax write-offs for years?
2020-12-25 00:01:31 UTC
Not really not unless they plan to stop using it too
2020-12-24 23:18:56 UTC
Perhaps IT's Only Temporary .... 
2020-12-24 16:54:02 UTC
The Nazis tried to do something similar. Have a physical disability making you reliant on the government? Homosexuality? Chronic homelessness? say hello to concentration camps just like they did to Jewish populations. And then they also had Jewish sterilization programs. 

The US also had a project to sterilize some Africa American populations without their consent. That was counter to the constitution. 

You are suggesting we go back to that? You are suggesting we take a page from the Nazis?
2020-12-24 16:02:20 UTC
Wow !!    You must be trolling for religious right vitriol?  Well done !!

HUMANS - 8 BILLION , and counting.  How many are finally enough?

( just gave # Ryde On a TU! Now I need a shower )

( update )  Someone asked how could state mandated abstinence be enforced. 

The way tech. is evolving right now , normal sex as we know it will someday soon become obsolete and far too dangerous to partake in. Virtual Sex is the future. When VS is perfected , no  one will want to "do it" the traditional way anyway. Women who are determined to become mothers will choose their sperm donors from a catalog. 

2020-12-24 16:01:59 UTC
No joke why are all those on corporate welfate allowed to procreate- good point
2020-12-24 16:00:39 UTC
I have suggested " licensing " requirements for breeding if the parents want their kids to have a birth certificate , SS number , to be able to attend public school or qualify for any govt. benefits . Not a cost prohibitive license , maybe 50 bucks but a license more to the point that requires parents show reasonable proof of financial responsibility .   
2020-12-28 22:13:55 UTC
Because they are Trump Supporters..
2020-12-28 21:54:36 UTC
Why is my penis so long? Some things will never be known
2020-12-28 01:06:20 UTC
Procreation is the right of every human being. The future may be such, that more restrictions be applied, but for now, giving birth is an individual right.  Some people should not raise children i know, but often people who want and should have children cannot give birth.  Raising a child is both a privilege and a burden. Some people don’t need either, but enforced birth control/abortion should not be, it violates so many rights.     
2020-12-27 10:15:52 UTC
Because the mass of poor pay more taxes then a few rich people and the benefits come from general taxation.  It is their money to claim.
2020-12-27 09:07:07 UTC
I've always thought politicians should never be allowed to have children.
2020-12-26 21:52:31 UTC
Because that would be racial discrimination
2020-12-26 14:46:14 UTC
It’s not like they are giving out a lot of money anyways. $20 is only enough to buy you breakfast.
2020-12-26 13:42:01 UTC
They should not be allowed to procreate.  Nor should Michelle Obama or his husband
2020-12-26 06:01:44 UTC
I've been on welfare Most of my life due to mental disabilities and I'm Still So glad I've got No kids 
2020-12-26 01:41:07 UTC
Well the retardplicans say the same thing out of one side of their face but on the other side they don't want anybody to have an abortion. They also don't want them to have healthcare. So according to your logic there will have to be a salary requirement for a human being to enjoy the simple pleasure of sex.
2020-12-26 00:28:44 UTC
you want to be very careful in what you  write because you think only poor people live on welfare. The fact is that many rich people don't pay tax use every loop hole to live off government hand outs that are not termed as welfare support but is in fact that by a different name

 For instance stock market investors are simple parasites on the companies, as, like poor people ,they  do not make any contribution to the welfare of the people but suck the money out of the economy just like welfare people
2020-12-25 21:58:05 UTC
So they can work and pay my old-age pension if I live to collect it.
2020-12-25 18:31:47 UTC
Indeed I understand this but I don’t agree with you basic human rights nazi
2020-12-25 16:14:52 UTC
Update: I am not saying people shouldn’t be given government assistance if they need help. I am saying that it shouldn’t be given without any thing in exchange. I work to get paid. I find my own work to get to choose how I work and what I do with that money. If I am unable to find my own work and don’t work, why would I expect to be able to  get money unconditionally? Please explain to me why some of you think people on welfare should be able to have all the children they want and get more assistance for every child they have? 

This is one of the topics on which I am very conservative. I agree. If you can’t support having children without government assistance, then you shouldn’t be permitted to have children. It is crazy to allow it. It just leads to more people being on government assistance. I do feel for these people. But our system of welfare has created an entire culture of people who contribute nothing and drain resources. Instead of welfare, there should be work programs. Or if you choose to take welfare, you give up having anymore children. The specifics would take some working out. It is complicated. Way too complicated for the likes of trump.
2020-12-25 12:37:28 UTC
I cannot possibly agree that the government should interfere in people's private lives to that extent, but I do agree that there should be better ways of discouraging people from having babies whom they're not able to support. 
2020-12-24 22:57:10 UTC
why not?..............................
Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!
2020-12-24 17:57:57 UTC
This didn't really work in Germany in the 1935-1945 era.  While I'm not an expert on your country's constitution, it would seem that this policy would violate several portions.  But you do you.
2020-12-24 17:13:06 UTC
Is this Eric Trump?
2020-12-24 16:09:28 UTC
We're not China, Sauron.
2020-12-24 16:07:56 UTC
Laughable! You're suggesting poor people conform to a broken and corrupt system that the rich developed? 
2020-12-28 16:39:06 UTC
Years ago, all I COULD AFFORD was horny.
2020-12-27 15:12:20 UTC
Because this isn't Nazi Germany 1933.
2020-12-27 05:26:02 UTC
 Why should you. be allowed to Procreate?
2020-12-26 22:53:52 UTC
The people who REALLY should not be allowed to procreate are those who ask the really dumb questions.  We don't need that level of stupidity in the gene pool.
2020-12-26 17:31:20 UTC
Because we need to offset the millions of babies killed annually by abortion. Maybe some of them will be like Ben Carson and get out of poverty and become great. Public Assistance is slavery and supported by the left. Even slaves can escape their evil masters and become productive members of society.
2020-12-26 14:55:29 UTC
Because it creates more votes for the Socialist Left.
Felony Jayne
2020-12-26 08:16:08 UTC
Absolutely agree. Raising kids is expensive and if you can't afford (on your own) to bring a new human into this world and take care of that child, including all the expenses that go along with it - new clothes, toys, medical, dental (braces alone cost $1000 minimum), college, university, helping them with their first home downpayment... Then you should not be having kids. 

People on welfare who have babies are incredibly selfish. Where are those kids going to end up when their only role model is a deadbeat loser? It's not fair for the kids and it's not fair to drain resources from the community. Having a baby without first making sure you are financially stable enough; knowing that your kid is going to be a welfare baby for the rest of their adolescence is child abuse.
Not Really a Doctor
2020-12-26 07:31:01 UTC
I was unable to procreate long before I went on unemployment before the pandemic. 

Do you propose paying people not to procreate, like paying farmers not to grow crops?
2020-12-26 05:31:49 UTC
Unfortunately procreation can't be controlled in a free society.  The only ones who even have a prayer of a shot at controlling it are the "environmentalists". Who swear that global warming is caused by overpopulation. But, they seem more interested in just whining about it.  You will not hear a peep from them at organizing any kind. of birth control campaign. Which is ironic, because it is the very heart of the problem.

I remember one scientist saying many years ago, "Either WE control the problem or nature will...and natures way is never kind.  Is Covid 19, nature's way of beginning to take charge of the situation where the whiners refuse to get their act together??
2020-12-26 05:10:40 UTC
Imagine the wealthy thinking they are a cut above all their poorer country' citizens!
2020-12-26 04:05:37 UTC
Aren't you the same wavy hand saluting dregs, who believe that Drumpf and Adolf Hitler have little in common?  Oops well that is exactly one of Adolf's preaching points.  Haven't thought of anything new yet?  Murdering fascists shouldn't be allowed to breed?  That makes more sense.  Especially since they love generating the social conditions through the cash power of private corporations to make ghetto's.   To help them appear legitimate and help get away with their ominous fascist terrorism and wrongdoing?  PS has the New World Order started trying to complete their demolition of democracy here in the US yet?
2020-12-26 04:01:27 UTC
Why should any woman allow well-off snobs to decide if they can have a child, or not?  MYOB!
2020-12-25 15:46:27 UTC
Yes, I agree entirely. Unfortunately it would be difficult to pass the necessary laws; we would need a President similar to Trump....
2020-12-25 14:11:52 UTC
So do you mean government would give you a million dollars for your testicles?
2020-12-25 06:30:34 UTC
Over-population is a real issue. When I was born in 1947 we had 4-billion people in this world, today we are closing in on 8-billion. If the human population continues to double like that we will not have the resources to sustain all of humanity.

They cut down forests to build homes and have more farm land because of a growing population. The food that feeds 7-billion will not feed 14-billion. Then there are jobs and economic equality.

Where are the new jobs going to come from? The fact is there will always be poor people in this world, in fact most of the people in this world today live below the poverty line, and most of them have kids.

Many of them come to the U.S. legally or illegally, and have babies, go on welfare, etc. There are people who spend their entire life on public assistance. Some religions, like Catholics, do not believe in birth control, and today most people, and religions, are against abortion.

It is going to take some very insightful people to find a suitable remedy for the coming worldwide population explosion. It is almost guaranteed that there will be a massive baby-boom by this time next year, all over the world. In many nations this will mean increasing welfare programs.

With most people out of work and staying home because of the pandemic, lots  of babies are on the way. Like I said, most of these people are out of work, quarantined at home on government imposed lock-down, and I would bet that right now they are making babies, with little to no money in the bank.
2020-12-25 02:57:50 UTC
A few things:

Not everybody has the same level of intelligence or physical/mental capability.

Not everybody has an internal locus of control.

It is simply not possible to eliminate a class of people. If we made everybody rich and equal today, some would rise and some would fall.

I'm down on people who live off the backs of others, too. What is the solution, though? As much as I hate their sense of entitlement, I also don't want to see crippled starving children on the roadway with no funding or assistance. That still happens in some places in the world.
2020-12-25 00:26:04 UTC
Why should people who live in their mom's basement and have tiny d*cks be allowed to procreate?
2020-12-25 00:10:00 UTC
I suppose that you realize that if people subsidized by the government weren't allow to have children probably all farmers in the U.S. would be on the list due to farm subsidies- that includes dairy farmers. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) the vast majority of those people are white and vote Republican.

The simple truth is that there is no one in the U.S. who isn't subsidized by the government, some more than others- there's no reason why farmers should receive anything at all (they received $22 billion in 2019), frankly. Same goes for most businesses. But, personally, I think you may be right; if everyone in the U.S. would be forced not to have children, all of our problems would be solved within a century.
2020-12-24 23:01:53 UTC
I don't disagree with all of your points, but having children when you want to is basically considered a standard human right. And let's face it, people who are on Welfare tend not to be the brightest bulbs in the box, which means they are not good with handling birth control.

As for getting off Welfare, the law does not allow people to stay on it forever. They are required to go to work, by a law passed during the Clinton Administration. You are rather behind the times.

Finally, I once volunteered for an urban agency where I dealt with a lot of Welfare recipients.  I learned that they get VERY little money -- just enough to cover rent, utilities, and estimated modest grocery bills for whatever size of family they had.  They had NOTHING left over for anything else, and the money regularly ran out before the end of the month, which is why I was dealing with them.  They weren't swanning around living in the lap of luxury in return for doing nothing.  They were just barely surviving.
2020-12-24 16:08:22 UTC
God/ Evolution/ the Force/ Creator/whatever decides those matters. Your whole branch of life can die off, that's what happens when the earth has had enough of your mischief and you cannot conceive..or, you could be a baby making machine cause the Earth likes your energy. As a matter of fact Mother Earth has enough space and food for everyone. Maybe you can free up space for others..hmm, if you are concerned. 
2020-12-28 23:56:42 UTC
You must be a socialist?
2020-12-27 17:49:30 UTC
Should anyone be “allowed” to procreate?  If we look at it that way, my answer would be “no”.  Yes, being financially able to provide is extremely high in making that decision; but, being financially successful does not mean you should be having kids, AT ALL.  And is the criteria going to be simply not needing to be on government assistance?  There are many, many people who have kids and are barely making it working two jobs or maybe they only have one job, but do not receive assistance - so, is that ok that they have kids?  That’s ok, but we have to draw the line at receiving government assistance?  Your idea doesn’t really hold up.  It does take more than just money to raise a responsible, healthy and intelligent child.  
2020-12-27 05:27:20 UTC
Welfare should be 2 years max.
Little Ollie
2020-12-26 15:48:19 UTC
Who appointed you God?
2020-12-26 14:20:36 UTC
Forced sterilization might be a good idea if welfare mothers have kids born addicted to drugs. If this was enforced in the United States it would alleviate many financial problems. I was unaware of the problems of drugs in society regarding this for decades.   Now that have been enlightened regarding this going to vote for politicians who enforce this in the future. Women who use abortion for birth control are soulless monsters.  When was sixteen was forced into a marriage did not want and because my mother said get an abortion or get divorced. She was offered five thousand dollars if she could talk me into it. 
2020-12-26 12:08:04 UTC
Why should people like Jeff bozo   have 8 mansions be allowed to procreate while his workers have to collect food stamps ? 
2020-12-26 08:29:09 UTC
Hahahahahaha hahahaha
2020-12-26 04:15:23 UTC
Nazi Germany performed forced sterilization of the "undesirables".
2020-12-25 23:00:34 UTC
Like you I have no hostility to folks on benefits. But it's not just them. All low skill workers need to be persuaded to stop breeding. In the past large families among working class was necessary to breed replacement factory workers and recruits for the military. Large numbers of replacement staff are not needed any more. Automation, robotics AI have replaced unskilled and skilled workers. It does seem pretty cruel of people to create kids who have no future at all. All they can look forward to is poverty and endless unemployment. Better never to create such unfortunate people. 
2020-12-25 20:14:45 UTC
Good question! 

You owes me.
2020-12-25 19:55:45 UTC

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;lkzdsetjb;lsKbeoj;lISBntl kdjbhetk t

lkj ndrkjt hdrkjgehzkjbet
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-12-25 14:33:57 UTC
Is the Constitution of the United States something with which you are familiar, GTB?  Is money your [erroneous] idea of "power"?  Do you consider statements such as "I am my brothers' keeper"; "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"; "Love thy neighbor"; and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" have any meaning for you?  

According to my own metaphysical (Unity Village) church, the physical plane of what we humans call "existence" is actually an ILLUSION, to wit, the lowest possible frequency and slowest moving vibratory field within an UNSEEN OMNIPOTENT ALL.  Human beings in this metaphysics example are holograms of this Infinite Good.  As your own mind goes, your energy flows---so if you give energy to the wrongheaded idea of lack, limitation, or loss [also illusions], you keep your hologram self locked out of being connected to the OMNIPOTENT ALL.  Be more generous. Open your heart and mind and senses to the divinity of everyone just as they are.  It will enrich you.
2020-12-25 13:35:43 UTC
"I have nothing against...."  Followed by screwed up talking points...  yeah, you sound like a typical liberal.
2020-12-25 12:36:43 UTC

2020-12-24 23:39:34 UTC
simple, its cause people who have jobs eventually get fired from that job, sometimes they quit that job cause the boss is a jerk and makes working at that place miserable for them, so thats why we have welfare to help out. youre clearly a conservative, clueless to so many things that come from being rich, religious, redneck, etc
2020-12-24 23:06:11 UTC
YOU do realize of course that many if not most poor people whom

also have children are indeed uneducated WHITE PEOPLE don't you.

But then again you seem tp be just another uneducated, arrogant,


Whom perhaps is a fake pro life bum whom would also deny more

worthy teenage girls and women the right to a safe and legal abortion.

Rather than being forced to raise a child in poverty. So being the

pathetic self righteous twit you are; YOU have had the moment

to make a complete A** of yourself with your self righteous comments

about more dent people whom you don't even know. Perhaps you

should contact GOP clowns in Congress and point out the importance

of providing people with a quality education? And the importance 

of helping people rather than just having them live in poverty.

OK. you had your FOX FAKE NEWS CHUMP venting. So go

do your middle school homework. And get an EDUCATION.
2020-12-24 18:02:27 UTC
you are correct,, but intelligence is not prevailing look at all the people putting your idea down

you do not need abortions ,, they can put the child up for adoption for which there is a huge demand and shortage of new born healthy babies up for adoption 

of you are already on welfare ,,, you will be removed from assistance if you have an additional child post 9 months 

a good prevention would be pay each of those signing up for welfare a $15,000.00 bonus to choose to be sterilized - a free choice but if refused, limited the time you are allowed to qualify 
2020-12-24 16:09:38 UTC
Everybody lives on government assistance. Roads are built by the government. Don't you use roads? The military protects us. Do you benefit from that? Air traffic control, cops, firemen, sewage, corporate subsidies... the list is endless. If you want fewer people to get food stamps and such, the answer is simple: raise the minimum wage.
Flora Post
2020-12-24 16:04:31 UTC
Because we live in a free society with human rights, and do you really want to take reproductive rights away from others?

I do agree that our welfare system is messed up, but democrats resist welfare reform. I guess they think keeping people locked in the welfare cycle is a good thing.
2020-12-24 16:00:12 UTC
Exactly how do you propose stopping them from having sex?  Put them in chastity belts?  But when proposing making contraception easy for everyone, the religious right seems to have a meltdown over that. 
2020-12-26 05:29:14 UTC
So you're advocating sterilization procedures, but if you say abortion is a women's choice you're a baby murderer???
2020-12-26 04:33:55 UTC
, while they twist the rules to I agree it shouldn't be a lifestyle choice... neither should using different name's in different town's and collecting more than one benefit.... which seems to be less humiliating...

Usually case worker's who dabble are more likely to permit stranger's in town avoid validation... 

I don't know how statistic's can be accurate when that happens and government servants are the most obvious participant's...

They made an air bubble for sex slavery and rape letting it become an optional lifestyle choice, and doubling up on their families payment's with multiple benefits in fraudulent name's created by associates working in other department's that don't function on all barrel's either...

"At time's" they secure information, and "with hold" what "they deem" "relevant" "personal information" to "ensure the dignity" of some but not other's... for reason's that are deemed "more appropriate" "for their consideration"  but not relevant to other's....

They twist the rules to enable them selves to share what is classified as Premeditated defamation with organization's that have authority to make suggestion's about people who are perfect candidates for indentity theft.  babies were taken into care...

Caregiver's... who are stranger's got 3 time's more than the biological mother...

There was a motive for them to get as many children as they could...

case worker's worked that out years ago.... They function on too many level's... they have different section's to choose from if they decide some bodies p*ssing them off... or they don't like them... It usually isn't relevant to the situation..  ALL government servants are trustworthy and never do anything wrong... Its their computers making all the mistakes... It's not an even playing field when government servant's allocate fund's to citizen's that validate assistance... They'll pay their families drug habbit before they help anyone that needs it...

A syndicate of government servant's working in various departments can profit of tax payer's money "pretending" to do the job they're "trusted" to do...

Making submission's to the government every week to fund a new issues they identify.... They pay kid's from low income homes to rob shop's and create problem's so they have their game plan ready for their next submission... then they buy crack with their money and get their teenage girlfriend pregnant.... which obviously becomes the next problem... because tax payers still have to fund their life style choice... sitting around "all day every day" getting high predating to sell gossip to the police... which validates their co-dependency... and all the funding...

The problem has cash thrown at it regularly to maintain all their issues...

And exploit children in poverty like they show monkeys.... still....
2020-12-26 04:06:42 UTC
I think only people who have attained a parenting license should be permitted to procreate, part of which should include a financial statement showing adequate funding.
2020-12-26 03:24:31 UTC
I'd rather see morons like you not allowed to o procreate 

In a few generations the country's average IA would skyrocket 
2020-12-24 23:36:12 UTC
I have reported your question for its racist implications. 
2020-12-24 19:12:25 UTC
Friend I totally agree with this if you accidentally have a child outside of marriage. You need government aid until the father can be sued for child support and your child support checks can get rolling in but there are people that make it a way of life to have child after child after child after child so they can go right on collecting TANF and snap.

People that are in such a position must take birth control shots one time a month administered by the welfare department in the arm.

In order to qualify to continue to receive benefits.

You need to be carefully instructed that if you have another child while you're collecting benefits then it means that you will be inducted into a voluntary work situation where you will work hard work 8 hours a day.

Well somebody cares for your child in the county nursery.

That's what they did back in the '60s!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.