Why do the same people accusing Fox of its *right leaning lineup* not look at MSNBCs far left lineup?
2010-05-12 10:26:39 UTC
In fact, more left than Fox's opinion people are right.

MSNBC Primetime Lineup:

Chris Matthews: Liberal

Ed Schultz: liberal

Keith Olbermann: liberal

Rachael Maddow: liberal

Fox's Primetime:

Glenn Beck: Conservative

Special Report: Mixed Bag panel

Bill Oreilly: Right leaning independant

Hannity: Conservative

Greta Van Susteran: Moderate

So why isnt anyone talking about MSNBC Even Fox's lineup is fair and balanced
Twelve answers:
Paul Grass™
2010-05-13 05:55:12 UTC
Because they are narrow minded and do not want to see the whole picture
2010-05-12 10:31:18 UTC
MSNBC is biased, but it doesn't have a monopoly on left wing media. Fox does on the right. Why don't Republicans want more TV news outlets?

BTW, I canceled cable because it was all crap, and invest the $100 a month I'm saving in blue chip stocks. I expect to make between $15,000 and $25,000 off of that over ten years (not a lot but money is money), and I couldn't be happier buying TV a-la-cart through the Xbox. I sure as hell don't miss Fox OR MSNBC. Just throwing that out there: I hightly reccomend ditching cable; news and all.
truth seeker
2010-05-12 10:29:06 UTC
You miss the point. Not really a surprise. FOX gets bashed because they "claim" to be fair and balance. MSNBC doesn't make that same claim. If they did, I would bash them as much as I did FOX.

Not only that, FOX NEWS is the only media network where their employees actively raise money for a political party.

Newt Gingrich: Gingrich's political action committee, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has raised over $14 million for 2010 GOP election candidates.

Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin and her "SarahPAC" political action committee has raised over $2.5 million for the 2010 election cycle.

Mike Huckabee: HuckPAC has raised $1,096,845 in the 2010 election cycle. HuckPAC has also contributed at least $19,000 to GOP congressional candidates.

Karl Rove: Rove's American Crossroads 527 group has reportedly already "received commitments of almost $30 million".

Dick Morris: also included a fundraising plea "to help us raise $300,000 for a last minute media buy to push Brown and the Republicans to victory

Sean Hannity: FOX´s Hannity has a long history of raising money for right-wing candidates and causes. Over the years, it is reported that Hannity has raised over $30 million for past GOP candidates and causes.

Rick Santorum: The former GOP Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum's PAC has raised over $1.2 million in the 2010 election cycle.

All of the above are paid political contributors to FOX News.

**so what you are saying is that 20 out of 24 hours is right wing.....
2016-11-29 05:03:18 UTC
Envy is horrific stressful to combat off. so, no. the democrats on msnbc are no longer able to no longer point out Fox. unusual, I pay attention little or no approximately them on Fox. i assume the sunshine does no longer want the darkness. .
2010-05-12 10:32:49 UTC
Why... it is because the Obama administration and other liberals are a bunch of panty waste whiners that cannot handle criticism and will take every chance they can get to bash the opposition. They need to grow up and quit acting like 5 year olds.
2010-05-12 10:32:38 UTC
because liberals know it's bias...

Republicans seem to be very confused on the issue and many seem to think Beck is some fair and balanced journalist... lol... even though he clearly says he isn't...
2010-05-12 10:29:03 UTC
I think everyone should stop defending, and supporting these stupid news networks and pick up a paper or a book every once in a while.
2010-05-12 10:29:06 UTC
We don`t deny MSNBC is Liberal, just don`t call Fox news balanced.
2010-05-12 10:31:12 UTC
MSNBC is left-wing media

Fox is right wing propaganda, they get away with making stuff up because their viewers are too stupid and normally too senile to fact check anything they say.

neither is real news
2010-05-12 10:29:26 UTC
Nobody's watching MSNBC?
2010-05-12 10:30:30 UTC
Because they are Olbemann and Maddow's sheep.
Philip McCrevice
2010-05-12 10:29:20 UTC
"MSNBC is centrist."

Yours truly,

Duplicitous Lib

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