You miss the point. Not really a surprise. FOX gets bashed because they "claim" to be fair and balance. MSNBC doesn't make that same claim. If they did, I would bash them as much as I did FOX.
Not only that, FOX NEWS is the only media network where their employees actively raise money for a political party.
Newt Gingrich: Gingrich's political action committee, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has raised over $14 million for 2010 GOP election candidates.
Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin and her "SarahPAC" political action committee has raised over $2.5 million for the 2010 election cycle.
Mike Huckabee: HuckPAC has raised $1,096,845 in the 2010 election cycle. HuckPAC has also contributed at least $19,000 to GOP congressional candidates.
Karl Rove: Rove's American Crossroads 527 group has reportedly already "received commitments of almost $30 million".
Dick Morris: also included a fundraising plea "to help us raise $300,000 for a last minute media buy to push Brown and the Republicans to victory
Sean Hannity: FOX´s Hannity has a long history of raising money for right-wing candidates and causes. Over the years, it is reported that Hannity has raised over $30 million for past GOP candidates and causes.
Rick Santorum: The former GOP Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum's PAC has raised over $1.2 million in the 2010 election cycle.
All of the above are paid political contributors to FOX News.
**so what you are saying is that 20 out of 24 hours is right wing.....