Why do Democrats say that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do Democrats say that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes?
114 answers:
2015-05-21 15:14:20 UTC
Because the rich DON'T pay their fair share of taxes.
Alexis Schmidt
2015-05-20 23:04:46 UTC
They aren’t saying the rich don’t pay their fair share. It’s a bit more complicated than that.

Honestly, I am for taxes being adjusted to a person's wages. Despite common conceptions: poor people aren't lazy. They aren't sitting on their butts all day (some are, but so are some rich people). They don't feel entitled to owning everything the rich have. They just want a chance to not have to struggle for basic survival.

*Math problem time! You spend most of your paycheck on food for your family and on rent and gas. Suddenly, you get a flat tire. Or your fridge breaks down. How easily can you get to work/fix your fridge?*

Poor people genuinely have troubles saving money, and "going up a class". In their mind, they could buy a suit for an amazing job interview, or eat for a week. The money for taxes is not just free handouts. It's not a mentality of let's all just **** the rich.

I hope this helped. I'm sorry if it came off as offensive. I just get pretty upset when issues like this are not looked at fairly. This topic hits pretty close to home, I grew up in a household of living off of mac and cheese, crappy hot dogs, and powdered milk. It genuinely sucks, and affects how you look at the world.
2015-05-23 11:57:32 UTC
It's not your average republican that is not paying enough taxes. It is the Fat Cat Republicans that frequently get away with paying little or no taxes. These are the same republicans that control the PAC money keeping their Senators, Representatives, Presidents, Judges, State and Local government and Judges that control who gets the tax breaks that benefit them. These politicians do not have your best interest at heart. Remember for every tax break a Fat Cat gets means more taxes the average citizen has to make up.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2015-05-22 18:03:54 UTC
Personally it has more to do with the fact that they take advantages of unfair loopholes to skimp on taxes that others don't have access to, along with paying themselves and their friends big bonuses and junk even when it's not deserved - even if a company had layoffs - and so on.

The richer people are, the less they feel bad about stepping on other people in order to gain for themselves. If someone thinks all rich people are great and wonderful and play entirely fair, they are fooling themselves. There may be some rear ones out there who are great and we hear about them now and then, but MANY will take advantage for their own gain in a heartbeat.
2015-05-21 18:28:17 UTC
The fact is that your "Best answer" choice is completely uneducated, and looks as if it was crafted by a 13 year old. Until Ronald Regan was president the 1% were taxed in the 90% bracket. That may sound high but the end result was a STRONG middle class where everyone owned a house and 2 cars, and could afford to put their entire family through college and get them health insurance. Our roads were in excellent shape and we were building more. Unemployment was low and MOST people made excellent wages even if they had only factory jobs. Even though the tax rate was this high it CERTAINLY did not turn the Rockefeller, Hearst, or any number of filthy rich Americans into paupers. Since Republicans have basically given the Rich a free ride and cut their taxes down to zero, instead requiring the middle class to foot the bill for EVERYTHING, this country has tanked. The rich are now 100 times richer than they ever were and sit on their wealth like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold. None of that money gets spent on roads, jobs, or anything else. It is just hoarded. And the end result is what we have now.
2015-05-19 06:41:07 UTC
As long as the rich pays the same percentage as everyone else ,it's fair enough.
2015-05-21 12:00:37 UTC
In NYC the rich pay 35% of their salary goes to income taxes. That's theft in my opinion. I know a friend of mine who's a successful app developer. His apps have been top 10 most downloaded apps in the app store and google play store for the past 6 months. So you'd expect him to be very wealthy. Google takes 30% of their share from the ad revenue from Admob Ads and Apple takes 30% of their share from the ad revenue from iAd ads. In the end he does 100% of all the work but Apple for example takes their 30% and then the IRS takes another 35%. He currently lives in NYC and so of all his hard work he receives only 35% of everything he's worked for. That's "fair" to you? He's actually currently moving to Florida to escape NY income taxes. He's smart to do that.
parochial school graduate
2015-05-19 05:47:07 UTC
Maybe because a fast food worker without enough money to make ends meet pays a larger percentage on income than a person who does not work paying capital gains tax on their pile of invested cash.
alana w
2015-05-21 17:37:20 UTC
I belive that is you use resources like roads, the enviorment, labor, and the police. You should pay your fair percentange of it. Ask your self is it fair for Sally Jones a low-paid teacher to pay as much as Al Gore that makes much more in taxes. All her money goes toward surviving and she may have a little extra money to do some lesiure activities, while Al Gore could "share" more to help the country run. Doing your fair share is a concept most people use in kindergarten, The person asking this seems to already have a bias, but have a "think" about it if you are not sure.
The Devil
2015-05-21 07:30:18 UTC
It comes down to percentages. One guy pays 30% and the other guy pays 15%. The 30% guy works his butt off for you to make ends meet and the 15% guy has other people give him money because he has lots of it anyway. The 15% guy loans money and finances things and charges an arm and a leg from his borrowers who pay to keep in operation. The 30% can't get a break on what he WORKS for and the 15% guy gets all the breaks, and cries about the piittance he does pay and keeps building his empire to get more and more he pays less tax on.
2015-05-19 05:58:17 UTC
Because as a rule, democrats aren't too bright. They think that someone paying a million dollars a year isn't paying their fair compared to someone who pays nothing and gets money back.

How can you argue with that kind of logic? Obviously, using logic, you can't. They think taxes shouldn't be based on fairness, but based on "need" and then they call it "fair"!
2015-05-22 10:40:48 UTC
@mollsI understand your point but the numbers are a little skewed.. Google and Apple provide the service (they worked hard to create also) that enables him to make money off the product he created. He is paying for their distribution capabilities.. ie: I make some money tutoring through wyzant (they take 30% off the top but those are students I would have no access to without them) so take that part out of the math. im guessing between NY and NYC he is probably paying between 2-7% in local taxes

moving almost anywhere away from NYC( one of the most expensive places to live) when in a web based industry is smart in itself even if not counting in the sub 10% difference in taxes.

so if he made $100 dollars 35 comes off the top to pay for distribution (vs $0 dollars without Apple or Google) so thats $65 (what he really earned) after say to be over the top 39% in taxes that leaves him 39 dollars which is about 60% of what he actually earned. You cannot count gross sales as income as every firm has costs that reduce the income before taxes..

what apps are they? he sounds like he is talented as hell to be in the top ten.

as far as the original question goes.. they say that because wealthier individuals have access to accountants and lawyers to create shelters and trusts and other (legal) tax avoidance strategies that middle and lower class people do not. This is partially because more of the middle and lower class income is dedicated to basic needs vs discretionary. If I am effectively paying 25-30% why should someone who makes infinitely more than I do pay a lower %? That's why there is a groundswell (although futile) movement toward a flat tax everyone pays the same % no loopholes
2015-05-22 04:22:29 UTC
Because the Democrat playbook to get voters is based on the strongest SALES technique- play on emotions, not facts. Oh, you're black - your poor because whitey hates you. Oh, you're poor, that's because the "man' has it out for you. No worries, you don't need to accept personal responsibility for your position in life, we will take care of you, just vote us back in and we'll tax that evil rich guy and give you free things.

Its good to see the YAHOO base of uneducated, sold on the emotional - "I'm being screwed by the rich guy" is posting here in force.

The 2 biggest impediments to wealth creation is the Federal Reserve destroying the value of a dollar and government regulations.

If more people understood Austrian Economics - read some Von Mises or articles by Murray Rothbard they might actually understand how these things work.
2015-05-23 21:25:19 UTC
Democrats believe that the more you make, the more you should be taxed. Nothing crazy about that, its a common belief. Its just that democrats either dont have a limit to how much the rich should be taxed, or its a much higher limit than what Republicans would allow (this is how in decades past, the wealthiest, what we'd call the 1% today, were taxed 70, 80, even 90%). Democrats like to spend money - lots of money. They dont want to go into debt, so in an attempt to pay for all this, they like to go after those who have money. So since they have this belief the rich should pay much more (as a percentage) than those in the middle or even upper middle class, they say those people dont pay enough in taxes.
2015-05-22 02:38:46 UTC
Because the rich don't, they have several different options to shelter their money, they have the ability to hide their assets from taxes, so therefore they don't pay their fair share. On the numbers it looks like they pay a percentage, but that's not after they can shelter their tax, and they have different ways to do it. Most are legal, some are not.
2015-05-23 17:19:00 UTC
They said the RICH not the top 1%. The top 1% is taxed like that because of the Rich.

The rich are people who stay rich and dance around loop holes so they can keep their wealth a secret.

Donald Trump = not rich.

The Rockerfeller Family = Rich.

They don't pay their fair share because they split up their earnings into shell companies to reflect a lower tax bracket.

People like Donald Trump do pay their fair share and the 37%.

They say the rich don't pay their fair share because they don't, and won't because they were the ones who designed the tax rates in the first place.

That's why george bush beat ross perrot. Because Ross Perrot was someone who invented the classifications and at the time bush was a business owner who was just hyper regulated. Now he created a new 1% which takes on all those bull S taxes HE invented and his SON instituted.

That's why America is backwards, because some retard from texas made everything work in his favor and they jump around and dance through the loop holes they made.

Still doesn't change the fact these shady, has everything fed via a silver spoon, types, the rich, still don't pay their fair share.
2015-05-22 09:51:08 UTC
Taxes are relative to a percentage of what someone pays.The more someone makes, the more they are able to contribute. Therefore, that percentage shifts a bit depending on the state, due to the income bracket. Everybody rich or poor don't like those taking our tax dollars for free while not working for it or giving their share, via unemployment, disability, social security. The idea that Democrats approve of this is mostly false...Democrats are for helping those who could help themselves, yet don't want to. I'm NOT for that!
2015-05-21 09:54:38 UTC
I think the whole country has forgotten that this is not a game, that those with the most cash are superior somehow a harder worker or smarter. The bottom line is they were born into the right gene pool and have countless advantages over those who aren't. Some are very unscrupulous about their business practices. Money is all consuming and some actually revel in the power they have over others. There are many good wealthy people but I'm afraid this generation will destroy it all because enough is never enough. You want a handful of wealthy dictating policy? We are there. If you make 95% you should gladly pay 35% of the taxes, but we are a sick society.
Linda R
2015-05-21 13:27:31 UTC
Because the 'rich' don't give them any 'free' money. All the Democrats have to do is get a job, work hard and they'd have money.
2015-05-22 07:21:47 UTC
Not all Democrats or Republicans think one way o any topic. Some US citizens, myself included, believe that all tax payers should pay an equal percentage of income and property (depending on how it is zoned) because it's not free to live here.
2015-05-21 11:22:00 UTC
The percentages of taxes paid by the poor is a greater impact on their living standard. The percentage of taxes paid by the rich has no impact on their living standard, even if it's a higher percentage of their income being paid in taxes. You would have to tax the rich at 60% to get them to feel the impact of what poor Americans feel.
2015-05-21 20:13:54 UTC
The top 1% owns 48% of the WORLD's ECONOMY, and is predicted to exceed 50% in a few years. So just on that alone, paying 37% is not enough.
2015-05-19 06:15:29 UTC
Same tired statistic conservatives keep quoting. It's not how much all wealthy pay as a combined group, it's how much they pay individually, which is a smaller percentage of their income then middle class and poor people
al l
2015-05-23 20:54:06 UTC
Its more based off a percentage of income rather than amount by dollar. Basically, there are deductions when filing taxes and many of those deductions are targeted in favor of the wealthy. So while a person earning $32k a year might pay 27% in taxes a person making 500k might only pay 12%. It should also be noted this isn't a republican vs democrats issue. There's a lot of republicans who are against the unfair tax brackets. The party politicians however tend to share similar views and rarely question each other.
2015-05-19 07:03:48 UTC
Why? Because they have an entrenched idea of what the rich are about, burned into their minds from some Progressive Liberal collective memory of the days of the robber barons. It's their clear image to rally against. They NEED modern class envy and perceived exploitation of the masses to get any mileage out of their ideas.
2015-05-22 02:46:28 UTC
I assume your are far from rich or even wealthy. The reason Democrats say this is that compared to how much they make, they are paying less in taxes. Lower class citizens pay a greater percentage of their wealth. This is what democrats are asking for, for the rich to lift some of the burden off of the lower classes. Before you go trying to prove that democrats are uneducated, please educate yourself. Take a break from brewing that moonshine and plowing your sister and open your eyes to what is really going on.
2015-05-21 08:29:09 UTC
This is a democracy, where the people's will ostensibly prevails. But since it usually takes scads of filthy lucre to mount a winning political campaign, it would see the will that prevails is that of the one-percent. Too-big-to-fail, unutterably corrupt companies, like A, T & T, (who unilaterally forked over all our e-mail records to the NSA), run this country - and their bottom line is their main concern, certainly not the good of the "consumers". Ask your republican friends whether they think the downtrodden worker is guilty of colluding in their own exploitation. Have a heart!
2015-05-21 09:04:36 UTC
With a government of the lawyers, by the lawyers, for the lawyers, class warfare is endless and boundless. Low income people have to fight that war any way they can, because, if they don't, they will eventually lose big and end up as slaves. The evil done by low income people, Communists, Socialists, etc., is bad, but not nearly as bad as the evil done by Republicans and other fascists. Republicans band together to wage class warfare, because it's the only way they can hope to win in spite of their low IQ's. They use their money to buy the government, and use the government to steal more money. Their ultimate goal is that the 1% will be the only percent, and the rest will perish from the Earth.
2015-05-21 14:39:16 UTC
I think we should just cut taxes for everyone.

But liberals like to get votes from the poor, so they spread the "rich need to pay their fair share" lie.
2015-05-21 18:02:40 UTC
This thread is obviously filled with conservative nonsense.

It's only fair that everyone should pay a solid percentage across the board, regardless of income. This is common sense.

The poor get taxed to the breaking point where they've got $10 in their bank account by the end of the week, and the rich get taxed a little and still can afford to put meals on the table as well as take a trip with their kids to Disneyworld.

Anyone that says that's fair is simply an idiot.
2015-05-22 07:56:10 UTC
Any comment that voices their opinions about Democrats aren't smart or Republics are stupid are just taking sides. You idiots need to remain neutral in a comment like this.
2015-05-22 09:12:05 UTC
The top 1% has 90% of the wealth. They should be paying 90% of the taxes. You stated that they pay 37% of all taxes. They obviously are not paying their fair share of taxes.
rob m
2015-05-21 15:29:53 UTC
2015-05-22 09:53:53 UTC
It's not just democrats saying this.
2015-05-22 10:23:45 UTC
They want the rich to pay enough tax money to the point of their lifestyle status being leveled down to middle class.
2015-05-22 21:34:16 UTC
I honestly don't think it is fair for the rich to pay more money than lower income homes for those people that have worked hard for many years clawing their way up from the dirt in dirty cotton mills and farm lands and any other jobs that they have had to toil to get their money not everyone is just handed money there are indeed hard working people that were poor and have finally made it to the top after so many years of hard work and then having to have the government take an unfair shot at them. I'm not rich probably never will be but I think the range of taxes should be fair, but then again the government is corrupt and I can honestly say I do not agree. I oppose but oh well my thoughts don't matter.
2015-05-23 06:23:34 UTC
About 2 years ago here in Canada it was found that many of Our richest Citizens are hiding Their Money in other Countries and have never disclosed this on Their Tax Forms.Included on this list are quite a few of Our Politicians who obviously know a lot better .Knowing this it's only logical that the same happens in the USA.
2015-05-22 02:45:59 UTC
They fail to define 'rich'. Its the middle who pay.
2015-05-24 10:26:23 UTC
I'm a far right wing conservative and I will tell you right now that they don't.Remember billionaire Ross Perot who ran for office in the early 90's?He pays 6%. I made less than 20k a yr and paid 33%.Now te;ll me again how the rich pay their fair share.If nothing else My employers could have paid me a lot more from the money they saved not paying in as much as I did percentage wise.
2015-05-21 19:56:21 UTC
37% of the taxes on 90% of the wealth seems fair to you? You're letting them get away with it because you dream of becoming one of them. As if.
Steve N
2015-05-21 14:49:15 UTC
Democrats don't say that, SOCIALISTS posing as Democrats say that. They need to move to Canada where they belong.
2015-05-19 05:49:43 UTC
Because they pay an actual effective tax rate of @ 16.5% of their incomes in all taxes and fees on an annual basis. The poorest Americans pay @ 16.3% of their incomes and middle-income Americans pay an actual effective tax rate near 30%, or almost double the actual effective rate enjoyed by the rich...
2015-05-21 01:27:55 UTC
Rich is not partisan. It is a group of people devising as many ways of skirting their taxes and costs as much as possible.

I think the whole country has forgotten that this is not a game, that those with the most cash are superior somehow a harder worker or smarter. The bottom line is they were born into the right gene pool and have countless advantages over those who aren't. Some are very unscrupulous about their business practices. Money is all consuming and some actually revel in the power they have over others. There are many good wealthy people but I'm afraid this generation will destroy it all because enough is never enough. You want a handful of wealthy dictating policy? We are there. If you make 95% you should gladly pay 35% of the taxes, but we are a sick society.
2015-05-19 05:43:46 UTC
Because Democrats will never be satisfied until they confiscate 100% of everyone's wealth for them to redistribute as they see fit

don't believe me? Look at Cuba
2015-05-23 03:41:16 UTC
Well, obviously and honestly, they are just trying to win their fair win in votes. Also, Republicans work for the rich, which personally, I don't think need much "help" considering that they are RICH, so they basically have everything!

Anyway, everyone is different and that just has to be accepted, okay?
2015-05-23 12:41:36 UTC
I just can't understand why the supper rich worry about paying too much taxes when they have want-a-be's like yourself to worry for them. It stands to reason that the bigger piece of the America pie you get the more you should pay.
2015-05-19 06:00:49 UTC
Because it's the truth. Savvy?
2015-05-22 11:37:45 UTC
Because rich people are supposed to share their wealth with poor people according to the current Pope.
2015-05-22 13:41:49 UTC
They say that because since Rich people, have lots of money, lets say for example, everyone needs to pay 10% of taxes, it would be less significant for someone rich, than someone who is poor. Democrats/Liberals want a progressive tax, as in rich people, pay more so that the significance is equal to the poor person.
♥Love and Life♥
2015-05-22 16:41:27 UTC
Seems like a key misunderstanding is a difference between wealth and income. Wealth consists of material goods less debts while income is what is earned from working, etc. It appears that "the rich" do pay a decent share of income taxes; however, due to perpetuity laws in various states (counting bank accounts as perpetually existing) preventing inheritance taxes, tax havens (locating financial assets elsewhere to attain lower tax rates), and tax inversion (relocating corporation headquarters to other countries to attain lower tax rates), billions of dollars that ought to have generated tax revenues no longer do so.

I think this topic is less about fairness and more about understanding the tactics used to avoid taxes.

A prime area where "the rich" (ie corporations in this instance) should probably pay more of their "fair share" would be toward green taxes to account for environmental damages (ie negative externalities, as an example picture an oil spill. If a company creates a huge amount of damage -by their own fault- that strongly affects residents, they should probably be financially responsible for the clean up of the mess made. To their benefit, at least the Enivronmental Protection Agency is overstretched!). I think that as a business, you have a responsibility for your actions, especially if there are direct harms caused by your practice.
2015-05-22 09:25:23 UTC
because the left are brain dead and hate every one who are successful in life. They Have to have total control and need their voters to stay poor and stupid. the Poor Pay ZERO Taxes and steal from the hard working Americans
2015-05-22 03:08:33 UTC
It will require one to know 1: Marxist-Democrats tend to be grubby prosperous, plus they do not shell out HIS OR HER reasonable reveal; therefore, for making in the distinction, the costa rica government must bleed the center School (which Marxist-Democrats would like to destroy, anyway). This wish with the hypocrite would expire.
2015-05-20 20:45:03 UTC
This is probably a **** answer , but I'll give it anyway.

Picture two brothers in some Stone Age village or something . One brother hunts and gets food. The other brother lazes around. In an ideal world, it might be the decision of an evolved enlightened mind to let the lazy brother have an equal share of the meat, instead of letting him starve or merely giving him the leftovers while the hardworking brother hoards up the fruits of his own effort.

I think that might be the idea behind their accusations. The rich have plenty, if they are all really united for the sake of general well-being, they could give more so that everyone enjoys equal privileges regardless of the work invested.

Of course, this is a highly impractical idea that is extremely demanding of the hard working upper classes.

However, in a utopian existence, one might not want to have to work any other reason than for the sake of passion towards work. Rewards might have no say here.
2015-05-22 06:08:56 UTC
Short and simple, its not a matter of republicans and democrats. Its the tax % each level of class pays. The poorest pays the highest % and rich pays the lowest % and eventhough the total amount in $ outweighs rich to poor, people still find ways to grumble because its taxes and taxation has always been been the purple teletubby on sesame street. No one likes him and hes standing in the wrong place.

Any comment that voices their opinions about Democrats aren't smart or Republics are stupid are just taking sides. You idiots need to remain neutral in a comment like this.
2015-05-21 11:29:16 UTC
Because the Koch Brothers have enough left to buy a large number of house seats to try to further their profits?
Adopted by Madonna
2015-05-22 00:15:11 UTC
...because they don't, including rich Democrats like Bill and moron Hillary Clinton and the filthy Obamas.
2015-05-21 15:00:49 UTC
Democrats like common core math. Nuff said.
2015-05-22 08:37:56 UTC
The rich paid a way higher % 50 years ago then they do now.
2015-05-19 05:43:54 UTC
Rest easy. I think your party is promoting a flat tax of 45%.
2015-05-22 00:25:04 UTC
They are just against the capitalism this is the only reason due to that they are saying this and yeah they also want some political sympathy from poor.
2015-05-21 21:26:58 UTC
I think its because even if not necessarily true its likely to spark the interest of the majority who are not rich. They respond better knowing that they are the victims even if that is not true
2015-05-21 07:32:01 UTC
they don't... and this ignorance is what is ruining this country.

seems no one cares about the reality they only care about knock down drag outs, libel and backstabbing.

people who talk like this should not vote.
Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding
2015-05-19 08:23:29 UTC
Just a sound bite, like "taxes punish the successful". I say that no one is entitled to tax cuts, and that the rich are not doing anything to deserve a tax cut. Not to mention simple logic, the more of the tax burden those with 90% of our nation's wealth, pay on the debt and deficit, the less the rest of us who have so little, do.
2015-05-22 13:17:55 UTC
To get rich the Rich use more federally provided subsidies. Roads need paving to ship goods. Workers need training in subsidized schools. They get tax breaks to foster growth. Infrastructure is not cheep. Or they just inherit wealth and do nothing productive. Since the Rich get more from the country to get rich (and keep it) they should give more of the wealth back that the rest of America made possible for them to get and obtain that wealth in the first place. Since the Bush tax cuts that metric has become skewed and the rich mostly pay nothing when weighted against what they take from this country. Remember that even the mortgage deduction for middle class home owners is a subsidy. Welfare is not the only hand out the Fed provides. The richer you are the more subsidies you snarf from the fed.
2015-05-21 21:00:30 UTC
the rich pay more than their fair share. Everyone should have the same percentage. They are just trying to please the majority which is the poor
2015-05-22 07:56:38 UTC
Because many people have a sense of entitlement and believe they should get money for doing nothing at all.
2015-05-22 00:04:01 UTC
Would it hurt that much if that 37% went up to 50%?
2015-05-20 20:35:47 UTC
Yeah and the top 1 percent own 80 percent of the wealth...
2015-05-22 06:49:03 UTC
Cause they don't
2015-05-22 12:43:50 UTC
because in general they don't
2015-05-21 08:03:07 UTC
Because they placate to the clueless, the sheepal, the American's who don't give an excrement, so they hear this message and vote Democrat.

Hillary Clinton will likely win the nomination this time around, yet, she follows probably one of the worst presidents of all time, certainly the most divisive. Does that tell you something of 50% of Americans. Sure, some are die hard liberals who will vote Democrat no matter what.

The only chance for a Conservative is the Independent vote and the message of this ladies mistrust finally resonates even with the clueless folk.
2015-05-21 16:14:19 UTC
I am sure they don't
2015-05-21 06:16:07 UTC
But when the actual rich democrat has to pay their fair share they never do. They just want other people to pay for stuff. The way it works in Washington.
2015-05-21 18:07:32 UTC
They hate people who are successful, America will have to fall before it gets back on the right path.
Alli-beth Mason
2015-05-22 07:01:41 UTC
idiots. you make it sound as if democrats are morons because we don't always agree with you. who is stupid now? you.
Tom S
2015-05-22 11:35:22 UTC
It is not just democrats, Warren Buffet has made the same complaint.
2015-05-21 17:35:13 UTC
Because they can play class warfare with their voting base.
2015-05-22 07:08:10 UTC
Because they pay a lesser portion of their income
Gus Fusco
2015-05-22 13:34:37 UTC
Because Democrats are always wanting... it's in their genes
2015-05-23 13:27:31 UTC
Because half of what they pay they earned cheating the system so it washes out. If they paid what they pay AND stopped cheating the system they would finally pay the fair amount
2015-05-21 18:49:40 UTC
потому что не платят
Mirror mirror
2015-05-23 16:38:07 UTC
to keep the rich at middle-class status, while making the poor lag on to depend on the government to support them in their every whims. sorry left-winged democrats!
2015-05-22 13:34:36 UTC
To be in the top 1% you have to make at least 541,000. Their effective tax rate is 23.27% hardly excessive.
2015-05-20 23:39:44 UTC
Democrats are no good socialistic liberals! They're trying to take our guns and give all our jobs to the dang mexicans!!!
2015-05-22 12:36:09 UTC
they get a lot of tax breaks.
2015-05-22 05:34:47 UTC
no democrats say that. Typical republican you are generalizing and always talking ****
2015-05-23 00:12:18 UTC
debido a que los ricos no pagan su parte justa de impuestos en la cual a los pobres se les combraba mucho
2015-05-22 22:33:15 UTC
Because themselves who gets a lot, don't!!

2015-05-21 16:55:10 UTC
2015-05-21 16:33:10 UTC
Lol agree
2015-05-21 05:24:31 UTC
demo's aren't too bright
2015-05-22 01:11:55 UTC
because itachi uchiha came by
2015-05-21 07:17:19 UTC
they are brainwashed into actually believing that..most of them are very rich as well...sooo
2015-05-22 16:10:33 UTC
Because they want you and me to pay for their costly programs, when they are un-willing to donate their money to or even their time to. Most democrats are all about "me" what can you do for me.
2015-05-22 17:16:12 UTC
I paid my fair share when I was working, so they are wrong.
2015-05-22 16:29:35 UTC
Because they're DUMBocrats.
2015-05-23 08:47:49 UTC
Because they don t know how math and capitalism works. They are in it for themselves.
David J
2015-05-21 20:50:47 UTC
They never paid.
Ray M
2015-05-21 15:12:20 UTC
Maybe because they are gay homos
2015-05-22 11:24:42 UTC
2015-05-22 14:25:11 UTC
because their trying to bankrupt America and make it communist bring in illegal immigrants and ruin our stalk market they only care about power open your eyes
2015-05-21 09:01:08 UTC
2015-05-19 07:47:38 UTC
they should pay more taxes
2015-05-22 04:31:22 UTC
Because republicans suck.
2015-05-21 08:45:54 UTC
cos they are libitards
2015-05-21 20:16:59 UTC
Because they be stupid
2015-05-21 19:49:36 UTC
cause it is true
2015-05-22 13:54:06 UTC
theyre idiots
2015-05-22 17:07:51 UTC
Because it is true !
2015-05-22 00:42:13 UTC
more money
2015-05-20 23:24:08 UTC
The Democrats (rich ot Poor) feel the Republicans (rich or poor)

NEVER pay enough.

Liberals explain to me why if we don't help the unemployd enough

why the heck do we need to bring in another million or so who can

not get employment?
2015-05-23 17:19:36 UTC
I know, right?
2015-05-22 14:52:21 UTC
they dont
2015-05-23 16:26:52 UTC
whcih is stupid

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.